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Flood water levels going down but authorities remain on standby

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Flood water levels in Battambang, Preah Vihear, and Banteay Meanchey provinces’ vulnerable areas are receding to well below the 14-metre danger mark. The three provinces have been having to bear the brunt of constant flooding due to constant and heavy downpours this wet season and made worse by water spilling over from Thailand when the country is forced to open their sluice gates to mediate its flood situation.


Cambodian authorities, nevertheless, remain alert and on standby for emergency and rescue operations. In Battambang province, the water level has receded to 10 metres from the danger mark of 14 metres. Battambang deputy governor Uy Sotheary said yesterday some roads remain under water but no evacuations had been carried out. “Flash flood is not worrisome now, but I don’t think it is all over until this rainy season ends,” he said.

He said floodings may recur if the province is hit by consecutive rainfall. Banteay Meanchey province is down to 6.68 metres with danger marked at 7.5 metres. Banteay Meanchey Department of Water Resources deputy chief Lay Sothy said flood water is draining slowly because of the water-soaked land. “The land cannot absorb more water and it can be flooded again when there is too much rain.


READ MORE https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501148834/flood-water-levels-going-down-but-authorities-remain-on-standby/



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