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I Yelled At A Child Today.... But I Think I Was Justified...


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I was over at Foodland today, enjoying the air conditioning and pleasant shopping experience. I was leaning over, looking at all the nicely packaged fresh meats... I was totally engrossed in this... I was comparing prices of local versus imported beef, trying to do a cost-benefit analysis which I should buy. I wasn't thinking about anything else... completely focused on that area, bending slightly forward... when all-of-the-sudden, OUT OF THE BLUE, a shopping cart was coming right at me, from the direction of the serviced meat counter. There was no time to avoid it, and I was hit. I wasn't injured, but I was startled enough to be angry...

Now I give 1% of the blame to the il-mannered 5 year old, and 99% of the blame to the bad parent, who clearly should have had an abortion, and should be sterilized at once. So what I did was give a quick but strong and loud farang YELL at the child, then a LONG and SUPER-LOUD SUPER-STRONG YELL, with finger pointing, at the Thai mother. She got the message. Then the kid was crying, and crying and crying... oh, you would have thought it was the end of the world... The mother said she was "sorry", but I didn't believe it, nor did I care to hear about it.

Some people just shouldn't be parents. If you can't control your child and market at the same time, you need to think about hiring a baby-sitter, and/or sterilization. But people just want to put other people's lives at risk. Then about 7 minutes later, as I passed some of the cash registers, the kid was STILL crying, which made me feel real good cause I taught them a good lesson that the mother I guess didn't have time to teach.

I believe I've done a public service. Even though I don't get paid to parent for that woman, I taught her a valuable life lesson, for free. I didn't charge her anything. That's the kind of person I am.

Now all of you thinking, "oh, weho is just so terrible"... remember that I may have saved you from some awful injury in the future by that out-of-control child with the bad mother who doesn't know how to parent.

The alternative would be to just "laugh it off", and calmly say, "oh, it's o.k., it was all very innocent, no one got hurt"... which I sort of like too, because that would NOT teach the mother a lesson, and the child surely will do it to someone else, maybe someone not quite as loving and understanding as I am. And may have punched the mother in the face. But I think I have saved someone from future injury. You can thank me on this message board if you like.

It clearly was an assault on me, and the normal reaction might be to strike back. I thought the free lesson I gave them instead, was a better choice.

Can someone nominate me for some City proclamation for being a good citizen, in parenting for this woman who clearly should NOT be a parent? Maybe I can get an award presentation at one of the expat club meetings...

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Oh dear, I do agree with much of what you have to say about parenting but I thoroughly disapprove of your western reaction to such a situation. You have suffered a major loss of face and don't even know it or probably care. There are other ways to indicate censure than to yell in a public place. It may go down ok in Brooklyn or Battersea but not in Thailand!

But I forgive you. That's the kind of person I am.

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Watch out, or there might be a special plate of som tum with your name on it.

Oy vey. Chill dude. We're in a tropical beach resort in SE Asia, not Manhattan.

I don't think you are drinking ENOUGH. Be sure to arrive at Foodland after 5 PM to stock up on some sauce.

Edited by Jingthing
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Um i think you did good, but you made a big scene when you shouted, so in the end you looked like a fool, but at least you taught someone a lesson lol

Whats the lesson?

That many farangs are crazy and totally insensitive to Thai culture?

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Weho, you seem to have a bad karma thing with trolleys.

Anyway I'm sure you feel great reducing this threat to society to a blubbering wreck. Just watch your back next time you are in Foodland, or Carrefours, or Sizzlers, or Big C, or Royal Garden Plaza or anywhere in Pattaya. You'll find what goes around comes around.

btw didn't you post a thread, about some travel exhib in BKK I think, where you used a trolley as a plough to clear your path?

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Oh dear, I do agree with much of what you have to say about parenting but I thoroughly disapprove of your western reaction to such a situation. You have suffered a major loss of face and don't even know it or probably care. There are other ways to indicate censure than to yell in a public place. It may go down ok in Brooklyn or Battersea but not in Thailand!

But I forgive you. That's the kind of person I am.

I regret that you don't appreciate the public service that I did for you today.

Better to have a loss of face, than a loss of a limb, which is what i think I have prevented, by hopefully having someone else NOT be assaulted the way I was. But I'm a giver, I don't expect to be paid, it was simply a public service I was doing. Free of charge. I trust you feel safer, knowing that this mother/child combination probably won't repeat the awful incident.

I must admit, I wouldn't refuse a public certificate/commendation for my good deeds.

And honey, trust me, there was no "loss of face"... that's just an old wives tale... and doesn't apply to farangs.

By the way, good sale on ground beef at Foodland today... 95 baht per kilo, pretty good quality... my dogs LOVE it, not much fat at all... the super-low fat ground beef is a whopping 250 baht per kilo, and didn't look that much better than the 95 baht stuff... I got some great fresh shrimp today... they charge too much for celery... puh-leese... celery isn't as difficult to grow/find as truffles...

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Um i think you did good, but you made a big scene when you shouted, so in the end you looked like a fool, but at least you taught someone a lesson lol

Whats the lesson?

That many farangs are crazy and totally insensitive to Thai culture?

That's what my GF yelled at me as she waved a large knife in my direction.

Why? I had chastized her beloved 5yr old boy.....little sod!

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My Thai wife would not have done the Farang yell - she would have used some remarkable Thai invective, interlarded with Lao swearing, and HIT the little brat.

Very short fuse, my wife. Even more so than me - and I am known throughout this site of 35,000 workers for my temper.

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My Thai wife would not have done the Farang yell - she would have used some remarkable Thai invective, interlarded with Lao swearing, and HIT the little brat.

Very short fuse, my wife. Even more so than me - and I am known throughout this site of 35,000 workers for my temper.

In her defense, the bad mother didn't hit the child... she did try to console the child who was crying... this was all part of the good lesson I helped teach them, free of charge. I don't think hitting teaches anything other than hitting hurts... the proper way to raise a child is to MONITOR the kid, as much as possible at home, but IN PUBLIC: ALL THE TIME. 100% of the time. If a parent can't do that, they shouldn't take the kid out in public, and put other people AT RISK. Again, I give the child 1% of the blame, and the mother 99% of the blame.

It's like if you're on a flight, and there is a child kicking the back of your seat... you don't yell at the kid, you yell at the PARENT... and you DO have to yell... it's not open to discussion... it's a matter that should be solved with YELLING... i think it's OK to yell at the flight attendant too. Yelling usually stops these kind of assaults.

I trust you understand I helped keep Pattaya safer today, and that you and everyone else is slightly less likely to be assaulted the way I was. If everyone was more like me, and actually did something to help PREVENT these kinds of awful incidents, we would all live in a better place. Does anyone have any "pull" with a t.v. station, (cable t.v. shows OK too), that might want to do a "human interest" story on this? I'm not interested in print media... too low for me... maybe they could film me picking up a certificate from the Govenor of Chonburi Province... or maybe they could send over like a monk or some respected religious person that might want to annoint me with some holy oil or something...

I'm going to go take a "power nap" now...

Edited by Weho
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Oh dear, I do agree with much of what you have to say about parenting but I thoroughly disapprove of your western reaction to such a situation. You have suffered a major loss of face and don't even know it or probably care. There are other ways to indicate censure than to yell in a public place. It may go down ok in Brooklyn or Battersea but not in Thailand!

But I forgive you. That's the kind of person I am.

I regret that you don't appreciate the public service that I did for you today.

Better to have a loss of face, than a loss of a limb, which is what i think I have prevented, by hopefully having someone else NOT be assaulted the way I was. But I'm a giver, I don't expect to be paid, it was simply a public service I was doing. Free of charge. I trust you feel safer, knowing that this mother/child combination probably won't repeat the awful incident.

I must admit, I wouldn't refuse a public certificate/commendation for my good deeds.

And honey, trust me, there was no "loss of face"... that's just an old wives tale... and doesn't apply to farangs.

By the way, good sale on ground beef at Foodland today... 95 baht per kilo, pretty good quality... my dogs LOVE it, not much fat at all... the super-low fat ground beef is a whopping 250 baht per kilo, and didn't look that much better than the 95 baht stuff... I got some great fresh shrimp today... they charge too much for celery... puh-leese... celery isn't as difficult to grow/find as truffles...

You deserve my sympathy but not any award!!! Good luck on your future shopping!!! You are better off in sticking to Foodland and don't ever go to Tesco on Saturday because the mother may not say sorry but the dad could give you something that you think you do not deserve.

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Ive seen some of your posts...and I know you are prolly just using the forum to get some sort of writing material...

most times I just ignore your ramblings....well written as you are I have to admit.....and wonder why people bother to reply to you...i guess each have different reasons....and many like me know most of these cr*ap are exactly that

but this story I cannot let go....and perhaps the moderators should have another think about it too...

will not go into the morality of him talkng as if he's some kind of super-power that can pass judgement on who should or shouldnot live....or any other such crazy nonsense he has been sprouting.......or to take pride in making a child cry......distasteful as they are....its afterall still all fiction...:D

BUT despite the fictional ill-taste entertainment hes trying to provide to members of this board....

isnt abortion illegal in thailand? how can you let him suggest it on this board. against forum rules? :o

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Below is a short travelogue of my day in Bangkok... admittedly, it's personal, only about ME, (my favorite topic)... so if that idea/concept offends you, don't bother reading...

I left Pattaya, by public bus, 95 baht, nonstop to Mo Chit (northern) bus station, cause it's sort of in the direction of the IMPACT center, where I was going to the TRAVEL SHOW. Now I posted a mention of this last week, and I'm certain almost no farangs that saw it actually went to the show, because there were virtually NO FARANGS at the travel show. It was YOUR LOSS... the show was great... very large, free entrance, well organized, Thai dancing, lots of entertainment... I took a taxi from the bus station right to Impact, cost me 112 baht...

I got one of those trolleys, (had to give a 500 baht deposit), and I discovered I was really good at something: pushing quickly through crowds. The travel show was VERY CROWDED, and there were over 30 aisles to see, so the ONLY way I could do it in two hours was to just barrel through people, with my trolley... Now the Thai people have to be the friendliest people on the planet, because I must have ran that trolley over at least two or three hundred feet, often just people wearing "flops"... I made up my mind I could do it in two hours, so I just pushed and bumped into ANYONE and EVERYONE, young and old, (but I did allow someone in a wheelchair to go ahead of me)... that's just the kind of person I am... very giving... but some people, I admit I hit pretty hard, and usually didn't even look back... it was that way, or I wouldn't have seen the show... But people didn't seem to mind, I think in part because I'm such a genuine and sincer person... for Pattaya standards, anyway... ....

I really hope that your stories are only daydreaming satire to polarize people...

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Better to have a loss of face, than a loss of a limb, which is what i think I have prevented, by hopefully having someone else NOT be assaulted the way I was.

What? A kid hit you with a shopping cart? And you would loss a limb?

Oh right, there must have been a huge kitchen knife sticking out in the front. Duh!!!

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Weho your posts are usually quite funny and you do have a dry sense of humour.I don't actually believe any of what you write happens I think it's pure fantasy in order to practice your writing skills on here.What I would say though is if that would have been my boy I'd have given you a slap,infact I think the Mrs would have beat me to it.The child was wrong however children are children and this kind of thing happens and a total stranger reacting like that to a child of that age is pathetic.You've let yourself down with this one Weho.


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good grief. If that is your reaction at getting a bump from child with a supermarket trolley, God only knows how much of a temper tantrum you would have if something actually worth making a drama over came along. I also honestly dont see how that would make the mother a 'bad mother'.

In my mind i have a fairy tale characature picture of you as a grumpy old ogre who snarls at every opportunity. You will become quite ugly having such ugly thoughts you know :D

A scolding look would have sufficed, was just an accident, dont be so harsh.

Do your heart a favour and dont let these things get to you so much!. :o

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You deserve my sympathy but not any award!!! Good luck on your future shopping!!! You are better off in sticking to Foodland and don't ever go to Tesco on Saturday because the mother may not say sorry but the dad could give you something that you think you do not deserve.

Maybe daddy has something I might like....

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Ive seen some of your posts...and I know you are prolly just using the forum to get some sort of writing material...

most times I just ignore your ramblings....well written as you are I have to admit.....and wonder why people bother to reply to you...i guess each have different reasons....and many like me know most of these cr*ap are exactly that

but this story I cannot let go....and perhaps the moderators should have another think about it too...

will not go into the morality of him talkng as if he's some kind of super-power that can pass judgement on who should or shouldnot live....or any other such crazy nonsense he has been sprouting.......or to take pride in making a child cry......distasteful as they are....its afterall still all fiction...:D

BUT despite the fictional ill-taste entertainment hes trying to provide to members of this board....

isnt abortion illegal in thailand? how can you let him suggest it on this board. against forum rules? :o

Yes, you should definately report it to the moderators... I'm certain they would be most interested... I never suggested anyone try to get an illegal abortion INSIDE Thailand... I should, however, for clarity, have added that they should get the abortion in a place where it is legal. And thank you for your kind words about my writing style. Yours was sort of o.k., I would say "within reason". And of course, thank you for giving me attention.

And isn't a "MIG 16" a Russian killing attack aircraft? Let ye cast thy first stone... Yee who live in glass houses...

Edited by Weho
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You deserve my sympathy but not any award!!! Good luck on your future shopping!!! You are better off in sticking to Foodland and don't ever go to Tesco on Saturday because the mother may not say sorry but the dad could give you something that you think you do not deserve.

Maybe daddy has something I might like....

Black eye? Fat lip? :o

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You deserve my sympathy but not any award!!! Good luck on your future shopping!!! You are better off in sticking to Foodland and don't ever go to Tesco on Saturday because the mother may not say sorry but the dad could give you something that you think you do not deserve.

Maybe daddy has something I might like....

Black eye? Fat lip? :o

I think weho is referring to something bigger.

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Better to have a loss of face, than a loss of a limb, which is what i think I have prevented, by hopefully having someone else NOT be assaulted the way I was.

What? A kid hit you with a shopping cart? And you would loss a limb?

Oh right, there must have been a huge kitchen knife sticking out in the front. Duh!!!

Weho is quite fragile.

And that reminds me, last month, while at BIG C (sukumvit road), I observed a bad parent who put TWO children, standing inside their cart. I told the parent to take the kids OUT of the cart... there is a safety issue here... about fifteen years ago, at a Safeway supermarket, over in Amerigay, I saw a shopping cart TIP OVER, while the mother was looking at prices for cans of peas, and a child's head CRACK OPEN, with a pool of blood coming out of it. It is HIGHLY dangerous, and I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often, and I'm also surprised more people don't speak up, and "parent" (verb) to those parents who don't parent (verb).

Do a search on that webnet thing... for something like "child supermarket shopping basket head crack open blood"...

Another public service I did, this time at BIG C.

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No wonder Thais hate Farangs................Idiot

Gee, I don't think thais hate farangs at all... that's not my experience... although I'm sure they make fun of us, behind our back, but "hate"?? are you kidding? And i'm sorry you think my helping prevent future potential assaults is [idiotic]. Maybe one day you will get assaulted, and probably would have been greatful if someone had done something to teach the assaulter that it was wrong to assault people. Regardless, thanks for the attention.

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Weho your posts are usually quite funny and you do have a dry sense of humour.I don't actually believe any of what you write happens I think it's pure fantasy in order to practice your writing skills on here.What I would say though is if that would have been my boy I'd have given you a slap,infact I think the Mrs would have beat me to it.The child was wrong however children are children and this kind of thing happens and a total stranger reacting like that to a child of that age is pathetic.You've let yourself down with this one Weho.


From time to time, I admit I do embellish things, but the basic facts are truthful. I hope you are never assualted, as I was, by a child whose mother was engrossed in the prices of Corn Flakes, rather than monitoring her child.

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Weho, you seem to have a bad karma thing with trolleys.

Anyway I'm sure you feel great reducing this threat to society to a blubbering wreck. Just watch your back next time you are in Foodland, or Carrefours, or Sizzlers, or Big C, or Royal Garden Plaza or anywhere in Pattaya. You'll find what goes around comes around. (lol ... when Papa is present next time ...)

btw didn't you post a thread, about some travel exhib in BKK I think, where you used a trolley as a plough to clear your path?

Don't point out the obvious :o
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good grief. If that is your reaction at getting a bump from child with a supermarket trolley, God only knows how much of a temper tantrum you would have if something actually worth making a drama over came along. I also honestly dont see how that would make the mother a 'bad mother'.

In my mind i have a fairy tale characature picture of you as a grumpy old ogre who snarls at every opportunity. You will become quite ugly having such ugly thoughts you know :D

A scolding look would have sufficed, was just an accident, dont be so harsh.

Do your heart a favour and dont let these things get to you so much!. :o

The joy that I got, in trying to make Pattaya a safer place for people like you, is more than enough to warm my cold, cold heart. Anyone have any thoughts on getting some kind of selfless humanitarian award for helping raise this child for this bad mother, engrossed in Corn Flakes prices?

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