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Looking for a good endocrinologist in bangkok to help diagnose and treat some hormonal issues


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I've had hormonal issues for 4 years now but the symptom which i am most bothered about is the absent libido. I've done blood tests and can see that a few of my hormones are out of whack but I'm having trouble understanding what my next steps should be. I need a competent endocrinologist who is knowledgeable in this area and knows how different hormones (prolactin, dht, progesterone, SHBG) effect libido and wellbeing as opposed to say an endo who specialises in the treatment of diabetes or weight management. 


Can anyone recommend me a good endo to help me figure this out please?

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This is not a recommendation for an endocrinologist but rather a suggestion for something else to consider.


I had issues last year where my electrolytes were out of sync and I was eventually referred to an endocrinologist and tested for diabetes insipidis (which tends to come about from issues with the pituatary gland), but tested negative. The endocrinologist knew something wasn't right but couldn't determine what it was. In the end, the issue was my gut which was so messed up that it in turn was causing problems with hormones.


So my message here is to ask yourself how your gut health is. Of course, you should still see an endocrinologist, but if you have no luck there and / or you have gut issues, you might want to get those sorted.

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6 hours ago, mstevens said:

This is not a recommendation for an endocrinologist but rather a suggestion for something else to consider.


I had issues last year where my electrolytes were out of sync and I was eventually referred to an endocrinologist and tested for diabetes insipidis (which tends to come about from issues with the pituatary gland), but tested negative. The endocrinologist knew something wasn't right but couldn't determine what it was. In the end, the issue was my gut which was so messed up that it in turn was causing problems with hormones.


So my message here is to ask yourself how your gut health is. Of course, you should still see an endocrinologist, but if you have no luck there and / or you have gut issues, you might want to get those sorted.

It's interesting you say that because I used to have major issues with my gut (loose stools for 4 years) until I went clean keto about 9 months ago. This really saved my life. It cleared up my hormonal acne, my hair regrew, I had energy again, my brain fog decreased considerably and the loose stools got better. 


Basically it gave me my functioning back and i didn't think i was dying anymore. However, I've been on it for 9 months now and still haven't seen a return of my libido and I'm at my wits end with it. I also struggle with my stamina, putting on muscle, facial hair, apathy etc etc so suspect a hormonal problem even though my testosterone values are okay. 


May I ask how you sorted your gut issues?

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16 hours ago, endointhailand said:

May I ask how you sorted your gut issues?

My gut issues are massively improved, but not completely resolved. The issue I had is that I am not in the USA which is where you can get tested for many things and get appropriate treatment. Pretty much everywhere else it becomes a bit of a lottery.


I strongly suspect I had SIBO and I almost definitely had SIFO. I very likely had a leaky gut as well as motility issues.


I cleaned up my diet, although it was pretty clean to begin with, implemented intermittent fasting and went low-carb - but not full-blown keto. I eliminated snacks entirely, reduced sugar intake including fresh fruit and cut out coffee, although I still do have a little caffeine from dark chocolate and one cup daily of green tea. I take digestive enzymes with each of lunch and dinner. All of this helped.


To heal leaky gut, I take 5 grams of L Glutamine powder twice per day. I have bone broth most evenings, after dinner. I also take zinc l carnosine. Healing leaky gut is essential.


Due to malabsorption issues I take a good multivitamin and a bioactive B complex formula. I also take fish oil and supplementary vitamin D. There are a few other supplements I take including choline, milk thistle, turmeric and one or two others not necessarily every day. Some of these are for liver support because if you have gut issues, you can also have liver issues.


I also make FRESH ginger tea and have at least two cups per day. This is a game-changer and I cannot stress enough to anyone with gut issues to get on the ginger tea regimen. It's enormously helpful for so many gut issues! And in Thailand, fresh ginger is cheap as chips!


I have reached a point where my stools are well-formed and I am regular, 3 times most days. I most likely have SIBO and the hard part is not so much treating it, but determining the root cause. It's pointless treating SIBO until you know the root cause, lest you treat it, resolve it, but it comes back because the root cause has never been addressed. The most likely root cause(s) in my case are low stomach acid (easily addressed with lemons or apple cider vinegar), stress (under control), sluggish gallbladder meaning inadequate bile (being addressed with choline) or possible mould toxicity. I have a mould inspector coming to check the house in the next couple of days. (Mould exposure can become mould toxicity and is a big contributor to long-stabnding, difficult-to-treat gut issues.) Once I am sure of the root cause of SIBO, I will deal with that and then target the SIBO with antimicrobials, starting with oil of oregano and berberine.


It's been a long road but I have made massive progress.


I hope this is helpful. Any questions at all, feel free to ask!

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Assuming you are male, you may be  better off seeing a urologist who specializes in andrology/ male sexual health than an endocrinologist; I don't know any endos who specialize in this.





OR this clinic




by the way are you on any medications or supplements? Some can affect libido

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On 10/2/2022 at 2:37 AM, Sheryl said:

Assuming you are male, you may be  better off seeing a urologist who specializes in andrology/ male sexual health than an endocrinologist; I don't know any endos who specialize in this.





OR this clinic




by the way are you on any medications or supplements? Some can affect libido

I contacted samitivej and gave them a description of my symptoms and they sorted me out an appointment with a urologist. Nah I’m not on any medications or supplements. My libido just disappeared mysteriously 4 years ago and I figure that after this amount of time it ain’t coming back unless I do something about it!

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On 10/2/2022 at 12:55 AM, mstevens said:

My gut issues are massively improved, but not completely resolved. The issue I had is that I am not in the USA which is where you can get tested for many things and get appropriate treatment. Pretty much everywhere else it becomes a bit of a lottery.


I strongly suspect I had SIBO and I almost definitely had SIFO. I very likely had a leaky gut as well as motility issues.


I cleaned up my diet, although it was pretty clean to begin with, implemented intermittent fasting and went low-carb - but not full-blown keto. I eliminated snacks entirely, reduced sugar intake including fresh fruit and cut out coffee, although I still do have a little caffeine from dark chocolate and one cup daily of green tea. I take digestive enzymes with each of lunch and dinner. All of this helped.


To heal leaky gut, I take 5 grams of L Glutamine powder twice per day. I have bone broth most evenings, after dinner. I also take zinc l carnosine. Healing leaky gut is essential.


Due to malabsorption issues I take a good multivitamin and a bioactive B complex formula. I also take fish oil and supplementary vitamin D. There are a few other supplements I take including choline, milk thistle, turmeric and one or two others not necessarily every day. Some of these are for liver support because if you have gut issues, you can also have liver issues.


I also make FRESH ginger tea and have at least two cups per day. This is a game-changer and I cannot stress enough to anyone with gut issues to get on the ginger tea regimen. It's enormously helpful for so many gut issues! And in Thailand, fresh ginger is cheap as chips!


I have reached a point where my stools are well-formed and I am regular, 3 times most days. I most likely have SIBO and the hard part is not so much treating it, but determining the root cause. It's pointless treating SIBO until you know the root cause, lest you treat it, resolve it, but it comes back because the root cause has never been addressed. The most likely root cause(s) in my case are low stomach acid (easily addressed with lemons or apple cider vinegar), stress (under control), sluggish gallbladder meaning inadequate bile (being addressed with choline) or possible mould toxicity. I have a mould inspector coming to check the house in the next couple of days. (Mould exposure can become mould toxicity and is a big contributor to long-stabnding, difficult-to-treat gut issues.) Once I am sure of the root cause of SIBO, I will deal with that and then target the SIBO with antimicrobials, starting with oil of oregano and berberine.


It's been a long road but I have made massive progress.


I hope this is helpful. Any questions at all, feel free to ask!

Wow that’s quite the effort. It’s interesting because I had loose stools for many many years so probably means I had gut issues. I went carnivore and my health got so so so much better. I was a dying zombie who was suffering constantly but now Ive at least got some quality of life. 

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1 hour ago, endointhailand said:

Wow that’s quite the effort. It’s interesting because I had loose stools for many many years so probably means I had gut issues. I went carnivore and my health got so so so much better. I was a dying zombie who was suffering constantly but now Ive at least got some quality of life. 

Going carnivore for a few months is a popular way to clear up many gut issues. But it should only be looked at as a short-term solution. For those with SIBO (and some other gut issues), fibre is a real problem and carnivore essentially gives the guy a rest from fibre. But like I say, not really a long-term solution as it comes with up issues of its own!

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