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The National Committee for Disaster Management has confirmed that 22 provinces have been affected by floods, six of which were badly affected.

More than 70,000 families had to bear with the flood while about 1,700 families were evacuated.


National Committee for Disaster Management spokesman Soth Kim Kolmony said yesterday the worst flooding was in Kampong Thom, Siem Reap, Banteay Meanchey, Oddar Meanchey, Battambang and Pursat provinces. “Some 74,302 families were affected and 1,682 families were evacuated to safety,” he said. He added that the floods inundated about 124,550 hectares of rice fields and more than 11,848 hectares of various crops.


He said 23,060 hectares of paddy fields were destroyed by the inundation. Poipet Governor Keat Hul said more than 200 houses in Poipet and Kbal Koh villages, O’Chrov commune, Poipet City, were flooded, affecting 121 families. He added that about 100 families were evacuated.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501161823/six-provinces-badly-hit-by-floods/



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