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How To Stop Thai Girl From Contact My Husband


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Gburns.. its called a woman's intuition. And .. most of the time, when we feel there is something not quite right, we are 99.9% of the time right on target.

Where did womans intuition come in to it....Using womans intuition it was determined that the girl was a BG seeking money from the OP's husband with no facts to support the assumption,

If she felt the need to post, then it was because there was something in the content of the emails, that worried her.

My point exactly in my last paragraph

No, the girl may not be a BG, and if she was a co-worker, the OP would have stated that.

Would not then the OP state that it was a BG also

If everything was on the up and up with her hubby then

a. the girl would never have his email address

b. If it was innocent then he would have said something to his wife about it.. so that should she ever find something he would have the .. " I told you" factor on his side.

c. There would not be enough emails from the girl to warrant the uneasy feelings which the OP obviously is feeling/felt.

If the girl was a co worker she could have got his e mail addy in a number of ways.

Why would he tell his wife if he didnt take it seriously, why create a problem that doesnt exist...his wife has said she is jealous...perhaps he is aware of this and didnt want to make an issue out of it.

How many e mails would it take to make her uneasy...I cant answer that and neither did she.

Again...we dont know what we havent been told...therefore we are making assumptions...everyone here was taking the one line of thought, I just presented a different one which is just as possible.

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I've just recently found out that my husband got to know this thai lady a yr ago from his last trip to Phuket.. since then they have been communicating via email. Althought they have not met since then but this girl had been very initiative expressive in her mails till now, expressing her love for him, Anyone can advise me how can I stop this without having confrontation?

Or if someone happen to know girl by the name of jeab <edit>, please advise her to wake up from her unrealistic dream...

GBurns: the OP not once, ever stated, or made the assumption that the girl in question was a bar girl.

Posters (mainly men) made that assumption. I do not think one single female who responded assumed that she was a bar girl either.

Asking a man for money has nothing to do with being a bar girl either. If I am not mistaken, the whole money issue came up jokingly, and most likely it was started by a man. Because... boys know what boys do.

Woman's intuition is the fact that she thinks there may be a problem, and so she is asking for advice. If she THINKS there is a problem, there most likely is. I think a married woman knows when to shrug off harmless advances, and find them a compliment to her husband, and when the compliments are no longer harmless but bordering on bothersome.

Gburns... may I assume you are a male? If so, if your wife, was the jealous type.. or was feeling insecure living in thailand. Perhaps her age, her body size (not small and fragile, reflecting motherhood (you are aware that quite a few western women tend to look older once they have had a child)). Honestly speaking.. would you... as a married man, do anything, that you thought, would add to those insecurites? By say.. corresponding with a girl obviously much younger than you, for a YEAR who is professing feelings for you?

I should think not. and I will go a step further and assume, that you would be open and upfront with your wife, so that she would never stumble upon this "correspondance" and think it anything more than a girl with a crush on her husband.. You.

But then again, maybe my marital logic is not right.

Edited by LaReina
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If the girl was a co worker she could have got his e mail addy in a number of ways.

Why would he tell his wife if he didnt take it seriously, why create a problem that doesnt exist...his wife has said she is jealous...perhaps he is aware of this and didnt want to make an issue out of it.

How many e mails would it take to make her uneasy...I cant answer that and neither did she.

If she was a co-worker.. they would have met more than once by now. Buisness trips and all... wouldn't you think?

Plus, she would know if it was a co-worker because the email address of the girl would reflect it, and you can rest assured, she would have called up the office in Phuket and spoken to the girl, introducing herself as nothing less than the wife.

And if the email address did not reflect it, and she THOUGHT it was a co-worker (and not just some girl he met), she would have STILL called up the office and asked if such a person worked there. Don't forget, she knows the girls first and last name.

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I've just recently found out that my husband got to know this thai lady a yr ago from his last trip to Phuket.. since then they have been communicating via email. Althought they have not met since then but this girl had been very initiative expressive in her mails till now, expressing her love for him, Anyone can advise me how can I stop this without having confrontation?

Or if someone happen to know girl by the name of jeab <edit>, please advise her to wake up from her unrealistic dream...

There is nothing to suggest what the girl does for a living, so as I said before...anything said here is just an assumption. I could offer up alternatives all day...

The guy could work for a multi national company who sends him there once a year especially at the end of the financial year or he could be an auditor etc....she may have only just started working there last year. He had a bit of a flirt as she is new and impressionable and she took it seriously. He still regards it as a bit of a laugh, probably a bit flattered by it.

Now the wife sees the e mails and thinks it maybe a co worker and calls the office....Hubby gets phone bill and sees a call to the office that he didnt make cos he only calls Thailand from work...bingo game is up and wife is caught out creating a confrontation she didnt want.

Or he could have gone on a trip with his mates or a solo holiday (that would speak volumes now wouldnt it) and met a BG, told a heap of lies and convinced the girl there was a chance of something further...Thai lady bought the BS and wants to continue with it. Meantime he thinks it is a joke and keeps the mails because he is a bit flattered by the attention and has something to show his mates...Wife has accessed his e mails, and rightly so is concerned although looking at the e mails in the first place was looking for trouble... What caused her to do this ?...change in his behaviour, secrecy when using the PC, maybe a tip off from his mates wife who is in the know but wont say too much.

Anyway...he hasnt told his wife either way because he doesnt want to rock the home boat.

My point is that we just dont know, I get cheesed off though when I see people stereotype Thai girls as BG's when there was nothing to support that theory. That is why I offered the alternative.

Oh BTW...It is only womens intuition when it is right....when was the last time you heard this conversation.....

"oh you got that so wrong, how could you have made that mistake"...."it was womans intuition"


Edited by gburns57au
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Wow, you guys make some complicated scenarios here. Since the OP hasn't been back for quite some time now, guess its just for our interest anymore.

And I believe I said she was most likely after money, since, its fairly easy to infer this was not a co-worker he met from the OP.

I've just recently found out that my husband got to know this thai lady a yr ago from his last trip to Phuket.. since then they have been communicating via email. Althought they have not met since then but this girl had been very initiative expressive in her mails till now, expressing her love for him, Anyone can advise me how can I stop this without having confrontation?
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SBK: True, true, true

GBurns: True, true and yes your alternatives are also very true

However, for the sake of argument... women are so much better at covering their tracks. She'd use a friends phone. Or have a friend call. Dating 101.


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SBK: True, true, true

GBurns: True, true and yes your alternatives are also very true

However, for the sake of argument... women are so much better at covering their tracks. She'd use a friends phone. Or have a friend call. Dating 101.


Then the Thai lady e mails him and says....."why did that woman ring me ?? ......BUSTED !!!.......hehehe


Edited by gburns57au
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Wow, you guys make some complicated scenarios here. Since the OP hasn't been back for quite some time now, guess its just for our interest anymore.

And I believe I said she was most likely after money, since, its fairly easy to infer this was not a co-worker he met from the OP.

I've just recently found out that my husband got to know this thai lady a yr ago from his last trip to Phuket.. since then they have been communicating via email. Althought they have not met since then but this girl had been very initiative expressive in her mails till now, expressing her love for him, Anyone can advise me how can I stop this without having confrontation?

The inferences that can be drawn are numerous...co worker, friend of a friend, lady who works in the shop etc...etc...etc... The OP gives no hint as to how or where he met the girl except that it was in Phuket. The OP has not mentioned any monetary requests in the e mails so we must assume that none have been made unless told otherwise.

Some women, and men have been known to pursue someone that they believe, in their mind, they have formed some sort of attachment with, even though no intimacy has occurred.

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If the guy is interested in the girl and the girl in the guy for monetary reasons (or love maybe) there's no way they would be communicating a couple of months or a year solely by email.

Specially if she's a BG she would use sms from her mobile so maybe the OP should check her husbands telephone records.

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If the guy is interested in the girl and the girl in the guy for monetary reasons (or love maybe) there's no way they would be communicating a couple of months or a year solely by email.

Specially if she's a BG she would use sms from her mobile so maybe the OP should check her husbands telephone records.

Here we go with the BG again....

Wouldnt it be logical to assume that a non BG would also use SMS.

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As a woman, you will know if he's telling the truth or merely bul*lsh*itting you.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA This one is really funny. I never used to lie to my wife because i was not doing anything wrong so why should i lie. She would always disbelieve the truth and give me shit for several days after. Sooo i started telling her part of what she was thinking already and she would believe it. I am and always have been a really bad liar but she believes it because it is what she wants to believe or is thinking already.

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I'd kill him if I found him in bed with another woman. Problem solved :o

But lets face it, sex, is, for alot of men, simply physical. And its possible to repair a tattered marriage if the sex was meaningless. But if he was actually infatuated with the other woman, well then, there isn't much to fix, is there?

Anyway, the point of the OP's post is that her husband is carrying on a clandestine emotional affair over the internet with a Thai woman whom he presumably has had sex with and she is, considering how these things usually go, just interested in how much money he can send her.

And you know what, if a man is cheating on his wife then he has to take the chance that she will figure out something is up and read his emails. Liars will get caught.

If it were me, I would let the girl know she isn't going to be getting any money and then let him know I knew he was cheater and to get into marriage counselling immediately. After, of course, test for STD's.

Why some men can't learn to think with their big heads, I will never understand.

Haven't you heard what Robin Williams said about the male anotomy we only have enough blood to supply one head when the lower head is full of blood the upper head is brain dead on another note cyber sex can be dangerous to a relationship and in my opinion it also childish to engage in that practice Now on another personal note I would not waste my time on any one who is cheating & lying

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  • 2 weeks later...

To Notthailady

Your situation is a lot better than mine. They are only contact by e-mail. In my case, my husband is talking to the Thai girl in Phuket by phone. I'm Thai, He is Farang. They are talking to each other everyday. I've just found out about a month ago. I caught him. He's been unfaithful to me.

We went to do the Thai wedding in Fabuary this year, I was 3 months pregnant. So, I could not go on the trip with him & his family after the wedding. He went with his family to teh north an dteh South, and the last day he was supposed to come back to the US. He changed his mind, flying by himself to Phuket. He met that lady. She is assumed as a hooker, but he doesn't believe in that.

I told him I'm upset and asked him to stop talking to her. Guess what? He told me that he couldn't control himself. He turns out to be drinking a lot and stay out really late. He wants to move to thailand, saying that life is simple and he can makes money over there by having a small business in Phuket.

He's addicted to alcohol and affair. I can't help him. I have only a few weeks to go for my pregnancy. I'm focusing me and my baby. I can't deal with him anymore. He turns to be an ass to me.

So, it's hard when men is addiacted to those two things especially the affair. I have to be strong raising my baby in the US. Life is tough, but we can make it happy.

Edited by saliSa112
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I don't get it. If he's cheating, get rid of him and stop wasting your energy. No one deserves that.

I get the impression that alot of guys in TV want people to think that cheating is common with men. It justifies their own behaviour. Alot of men don't cheat. And no, I am not naive. If someone doesn't have the balls to look his girl in the eye and say he wants to go play elsewhere, then he's not going to be trustworthy on other issues either. Do you really want to stay with a coward? Is that the type of guy that's going to be dependable? If you told him to stop and he won't, then remaining with him will only prolong your misery. Walk away while you still have your dignity.

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I don't get it. If he's cheating, get rid of him and stop wasting your energy. No one deserves that.

I get the impression that alot of guys in TV want people to think that cheating is common with men. It justifies their own behaviour. Alot of men don't cheat. And no, I am not naive. If someone doesn't have the balls to look his girl in the eye and say he wants to go play elsewhere, then he's not going to be trustworthy on other issues either. Do you really want to stay with a coward? Is that the type of guy that's going to be dependable? If you told him to stop and he won't, then remaining with him will only prolong your misery. Walk away while you still have your dignity.

I agree with this post 100%. Salisa, you owe it to yourself to leave. You've confronted him with his infidelity & he's told you he won't stop - unless you are the kind of woman that can ignore this for the sake of financial security (& it doesn't sound like it from your post), then, hard as it is, you have to leave to save your own sanity. I know, I've been in the same situation, albeit with no child. It took me a year to stop wondering if I'd done the wrong thing, but 7 years on, I know it was absolutely the right choice. I know how difficult it is, particularly with a child (I'm now raising a little boy as a single Mum, but that was nothing to do with my marriage), but how will your life & your child's be, if you stay? What message will your husband be sending to your child? Then there is the very real possibility that somewhere down the line, he will leave you for some floozy he's got involved with, so you'll have put up with all of the misery for nothing.

I'm all for working to save a marriage when there is something there to save. I had nothing left to save, and, from the limited info you've given in your post, it doesn't sound like your husband is willing to put in the work to save your marriage, either. You can't save it on your own. :o

But, you're right, for now, you have to concentrate on yourself, your pregnancy & your baby when he/she comes. After that, maybe you'll be in a better position to think about things. Good luck. :D

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To Notthailady

Your situation is a lot better than mine. They are only contact by e-mail. In my case, my husband is talking to the Thai girl in Phuket by phone. I'm Thai, He is Farang. They are talking to each other everyday. I've just found out about a month ago. I caught him. He's been unfaithful to me.

We went to do the Thai wedding in Fabuary this year, I was 3 months pregnant. So, I could not go on the trip with him & his family after the wedding. He went with his family to teh north an dteh South, and the last day he was supposed to come back to the US. He changed his mind, flying by himself to Phuket. He met that lady. She is assumed as a hooker, but he doesn't believe in that.

I told him I'm upset and asked him to stop talking to her. Guess what? He told me that he couldn't control himself. He turns out to be drinking a lot and stay out really late. He wants to move to thailand, saying that life is simple and he can makes money over there by having a small business in Phuket.

He's addicted to alcohol and affair. I can't help him. I have only a few weeks to go for my pregnancy. I'm focusing me and my baby. I can't deal with him anymore. He turns to be an ass to me.

So, it's hard when men is addiacted to those two things especially the affair. I have to be strong raising my baby in the US. Life is tough, but we can make it happy.

IT is hard,

IT is tough,

You are no doubt an emotional wreck. Hormones on the blitz, no doubt your first pregancy, away from your family. Then to discover that you made a mistake. But it can be fixed.

Let him go. Ask him to leave. have your girlfriends come over and pack his bags and set them outisde of the door for him. You are carrying his child, and he can't handle it! That is not your fault. If he can't be a man, then you don't need two children to raise.

Have your mother come and help you. She can stay for 6 months, if I am not mistaken, as you need her help it may be extended to a year (visa wise).

You are not alone. You only feel alone. Talk to your friends. It is embaressing, that you made a bad judgement call when you fell in love with your husband. But you would be surprised at how many people will stand up for you.. and help you through this.

You will be surprised at how many people will rally to your side. DO not think you are alone, because you really are not.

The birth of your child, the miracle of life! this should be and is one of the happiest moments of your life. Do NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES THINK he can take this away from you.

Tell him to leave. You and the baby need only positive things...

pm me.

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This might sound harsh, but if women marry idiots with the emotional maturity of a child, and then let them wander off willy nilly and unaccompanied to Thailand, they're asking for trouble. It's quite simple. Men are fools. You wouldn't catch me marrying one . . oh no, thank you very much.

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I'm so sorry to read this, Salisa. Being pregnant should be a period of happiness for both mom and dad together, growing towards and looking forward to the arrival of the little one.

It sounds your hubby isn't bothered with that whatsoever.

What kind of person does this to the partner and, especially the unborn child? It certainly wouldn't be a person that I want to spend my life with and/or to raise my child. If the person doesn't even show any responsibility while the child isn't even born yet, for sure it would be MY child and NOT our child.

It sounds your hubby is showing his true self to you now, very unfortunately. Better to draw your conclusions from it and concentrate on the arrival of your child and a life alone with your child. The beginning may be hard, and at times it certainly won't be easy, but one thing is for sure it will be a hel_l lot easier and happier then staying with a person who can't control his d***, and has no respect and feelings of responsibility for you and your (and his) child.

(I would, btw, say exactly the same to the father if it was the mother who neglected or abandoned the child).

I wish you good luck, a lot of strenght and a wonderful last part of the pregnancy.

Please, let us know once the little one arrives, so we all can congratulate you and share with you your joy and happiness.


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Bendix: You are usually the voice of reason. At least (from what I have read) 99.9% of the time.

Now your posts, scares me.

Think of men as toddlers (it's an apt analogy, mentally at least). Think of Thailand as an unsupervised unguarded sweetshop.

What do you think the VAST majority of unsupervised toddlers are going to do? Stuff their hands in their pockets, think to themselves that 'mum said I can't eat between meals' and walk out? Mmmmmmmmmmm

The kids may think that gorging on sweets is doing noone any harm. They may think it won't affect their appetite for three square meals a day. They may think it won't lead to rotten teeth.

They're wrong on every account, but who do you blame? The kids or the mum?

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Thank you everybody for the support. I asked him to move out so many times, he's been b.s. to me so many times. So, after my baby arrives ( within 2 weeks), I'll move out. I can't stand in his environment being an alcoholic and a son of the b.... I cried a lot and asked myself ..why? why? and why?

Now, the sadness turns to be the strength. I talked to friends and his family. They all support me. I know it'll be hard at the very begining, but as a strong person, I'll be fine.

I haven't told my family. I feel like..we went to Thailand to do the wedding in Febuary. Now, it's July, it's too early for my family to accept that especially my parents who are from the old school. I have to shut my mouth up for a while. I have friends who can help me. My husband concerns about paying child support. He even told me to talk to him first before taking him to the court. He said he would quit all the job, so I wouldn't get any money.

Two weeks ago, when he got drunk a little bit, he asked me if I ever thought about putting up the baby for adoption? what a f....question? From, the question, I'm really done with him. He has no human feeling at all. He worries so much about his money. I never thought I'm married with an evil.

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Hormones are talking.

You are not moving out of anywhere unless he has been physically abusive to you.

Move out and go where?

Do you think you will be able to walk and move around after you give birth?

Who will pay the rent?

Who will get your groceries?

Furniture? It is summer.. electricity bills?

If you currently work, you will be on maternity leave, you do not need to drain whatever savings you may have on a new apt. You will need your rainy day money for formula, diapers and such.

No, stay at home, in your bed, with your baby near by. Let your friends come over and take shifts, helping you out.

One bedroom house? or apt? They can sleep on the couch, and being a dog, let him lay on the floor like one.

If he has a drinking problem, then politely ask him not to bother you or fight with you, when he has been drinking, because you do not want to have to 9-1-1 his sorry butt so he needs to grow up.

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Thank you for all support. I'll do my best for myself and the baby. I know that will be tough to be a single mom. With all the love that I have for my baby, it will turn to be a real happiness.

When I was 7 months pregnant, he went back to Thailand again giving me the reasons that he had some companies to talk about the business. I could say anything 'casue he planned out everything already. Eventually, I found that it such a b.s. trip, he flew to sleep with her for almost 3 weeks.

I still can't believe what he's been doing to me. The day that I caught him, I called back to that woman. She told me that she knew he is a married man. He told her, but she likes him. She told me don't worry about anything. It's new, so they are so excited for each other.

I told both of them that it's immoral and sinful. It seems..like there is no use to say that. They are in lust, so whatever I don't think they care.

They are so addicted to daily conversation. I look up his cell phone, that lady basically calls him everyday. Sometimes, 10 times a day. He always returns her call. I don't know how much he spends on her or gives her the money. That's fine, in the near future the government will tell him how much he has to take care of us.

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Hormones are talking.

You are not moving out of anywhere unless he has been physically abusive to you.

Move out and go where?

Do you think you will be able to walk and move around after you give birth?

Who will pay the rent?

Who will get your groceries?

Furniture? It is summer.. electricity bills?

If you currently work, you will be on maternity leave, you do not need to drain whatever savings you may have on a new apt. You will need your rainy day money for formula, diapers and such.

No, stay at home, in your bed, with your baby near by. Let your friends come over and take shifts, helping you out.

One bedroom house? or apt? They can sleep on the couch, and being a dog, let him lay on the floor like one.

If he has a drinking problem, then politely ask him not to bother you or fight with you, when he has been drinking, because you do not want to have to 9-1-1 his sorry butt so he needs to grow up.

I'm afraid I do not agree with you here La Reina. I understand what you are saying, but not under circumstances where the hubby is an alcoholic, has quite clearly told her his concern for supporting his own child, and even asked her to give it away ...???? :D:o Sounds to me that he hardly is a person one can reason with and can trust. I wouldn't wait for things to become worse or challenge him in any way. I think in Salisa's case it's better to avoid any confrontation, keep your dignity, move out (while giving him the finger as a final farewel :D) and start building up freshly a complete new life together with the biggest pride ever in her life, her child :D

From what I understand from her posts, she has friends and even his family (who are the grandparents, aunties and uncles of the child after all) who stand behind her.

Again wish you all the luck in the world, Salisa. Two weeks only... we (I) love to see pic's from your newborn child, though! :D


Edited by Nienke
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I understand what you are saying.. but, I do know that a lot of men freak out when they realise that they are going to be fathers. Some deny paternity. They feel they are growing old, and that their youth is being taken from them.

A lot of men, cheat on their wives when they become pregnant. A lot! For some, a pregnant wife is the biggest turn on, and for others.. it is not.

However, it is not an excuse to cheat in my books.

She never said he was physically violent with her. She has never implied that she fears for her safety. He drinks, and when he drinks, his tongue beomes loose, and he says all that he can not say, without the aid of alcohol. At least, this is how I read it.

Now, depending on where she lives, if she moves out, he can say, that she abandoned their relationship. Which is why I say, let him move out.

But then, maybe you are right and I am wrong.

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I understand what you are saying.. but, I do know that a lot of men freak out when they realise that they are going to be fathers. Some deny paternity. They feel they are growing old, and that their youth is being taken from them.

A lot of men, cheat on their wives when they become pregnant. A lot! For some, a pregnant wife is the biggest turn on, and for others.. it is not.

However, it is not an excuse to cheat in my books.

She never said he was physically violent with her. She has never implied that she fears for her safety. He drinks, and when he drinks, his tongue beomes loose, and he says all that he can not say, without the aid of alcohol. At least, this is how I read it.

Now, depending on where she lives, if she moves out, he can say, that she abandoned their relationship. Which is why I say, let him move out.

But then, maybe you are right and I am wrong.

Yeh, didn't look at it from that side. Maybe you ARE right and I'm too quick in drawing conclusions.

I just hope for Salisa, whatever the outcome, it will be good for her and the baby.


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I still can't believe that my husband is unfaithful to me. It's really shock. On top of that he will choose that lady over me& my baby and has a plan to move to Phuket.

I talked to my friends. We believe that some farangs are very fasinated in that kind of women. They are very good in bed ( from what I heard). I have a few friends working as tour guides in Phuket. When they heard about my story, they didn't surprise at all. They said it happens all the time that stupid farangs got divorced from the wife and moved to stay with that kind of women. They will be fun for the begining after that those farangs will realize that the life over there is full of sh.. not in paradise like they dream. They will become the third class people not the first class like when they are the tourists anymore. Living and visiting will be totally different. It'll be hard for him to get a job or do business in Phuket. He will end up just like a drunk farang at the beach. My Thai freinds told me that's good let him go and stay in Phuket. Once he is unfaithful to me, he will do it again to any girl. Too bad if he does it in Thailand, he would have anything left even his d***. Well, I'll wait for that day. :o

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Hi SaliSa,

I'm sorry to hear about your tragic tale. Your husband is an ######. I hope you've found the strength to leave him. It is not easy because you're pregnant, but it is a big mistake not to leave your cheating husband and an even bigger mistake not to leave him because you're pregnant.

Anyway, I hope things get sorted out for you soon.

To Notthailady

Your situation is a lot better than mine. They are only contact by e-mail. In my case, my husband is talking to the Thai girl in Phuket by phone. I'm Thai, He is Farang. They are talking to each other everyday. I've just found out about a month ago. I caught him. He's been unfaithful to me.

We went to do the Thai wedding in Fabuary this year, I was 3 months pregnant. So, I could not go on the trip with him & his family after the wedding. He went with his family to teh north an dteh South, and the last day he was supposed to come back to the US. He changed his mind, flying by himself to Phuket. He met that lady. She is assumed as a hooker, but he doesn't believe in that.

I told him I'm upset and asked him to stop talking to her. Guess what? He told me that he couldn't control himself. He turns out to be drinking a lot and stay out really late. He wants to move to thailand, saying that life is simple and he can makes money over there by having a small business in Phuket.

He's addicted to alcohol and affair. I can't help him. I have only a few weeks to go for my pregnancy. I'm focusing me and my baby. I can't deal with him anymore. He turns to be an ass to me.

So, it's hard when men is addiacted to those two things especially the affair. I have to be strong raising my baby in the US. Life is tough, but we can make it happy.

Edited by justagirl
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To Justagirl;

Definitely, I'll leave the ass, it's matter of time and resource. Right now, I have only two weeks to go for my pregnancy. WE've been talking about separating. He's been b.s. to me that he would move out so many times. I've packed all my stuff already. I'm waiting for my baby to arrive after that we'll be gone from his environment.

AS a Buddhist, I do believe in the deed of people. Whatever he's been doing to me, it'll get back to him sooner or later. I learn how to forgive and forget in order to be happy in life. He is a sick man, sick in the head, He's pathetic. Anyway, that's his life. I can't do anything with it.

I don't regreat with the past 'cause it's not my fault. I look up for a beautiful future with my baby. I try to be positive in everything. Also, I do believe in myself that I'm a strong person who can do anything and do better for tomorrow.

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