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Civil society organisation officials say responsibility for Kandal tragedy lies with government


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Civil society organisation officials have urged the government to show greater responsibility in the boating tragedy which claimed 11 children’s lives in Kandal’s Loeuk Dek district. Am Sam Ath, spokesman for the Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defence of Human Rights (LICADHO) said the government must be held accountable for the death of the children because the relevant officials did not do their job properly.


“A governmental institution is responsible for licensing and monitoring boating operations in the country, and it should not allow any operation to carry on if they find that the boat has a problem.” “The local authorities must be held responsible because part of their job is to ensure the safety of the people, both on land and water,” he said.


He said he hoped the tragedy will serve as a big lesson for the government and will trigger positive changes. Plan International Cambodia deputy country director Yi Kimthan said what happened to the children in the boat tragedy in Kandal province was a violation of children’s right to living and protection.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501170625/responsibility-for-kandal-tragedy-lies-with-govt/



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