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The WHO says physical inactivity is costing us $27 billion a year


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The idea that exercise alone is going to tackle the society wide obesity problem is patent nonsense, and incidentally is rooted in fast food industry misinformation campaigns.


Exercise does burn calories, but it also makes you hungry, and cannot be sustained without consuming and replenishing calories.


Nobody will lose weight without reducing calorie intake. 

Here’s an example:


A BigMac meal contains 1080 calories.


Searching my cycle trading data, collected from my cycle training computer, I have a result for 1060 calories.


It took me 1hour and 46 minutes at an average heart rate of 138 beats/minute riding 50Kms over 320meters of climbs to burn 1060 calories.


That’s simply not a practical level of exercise for most people.


And of course when I finished I was hungry and needed to eat.


Exercise obviously helps burn calories, but it is not the cure for obesity, that’s cured by reducing calorie intake. 

Exercise does have many other benefits to cardio vascular health, strength, balance, and not least of all well being, but it’s a poor cure for obesity.


The answer to the society wide obesity problem is for Government to regulate the fast food, process food and sugar industries which are the root cause of the problem.

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1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:

Where I am is irrelevant. Apart from your own government initatives together with schools and the food industry, what do you suggest?

Entirely relevant if you want to describe what is actually happening in NZ as compared to what the government is saying is happening ( not the same thing ).


What I suggest would be unacceptable to society in general.

I can only be grateful I don't have to live with the consequences of what is happening ( or not happening ) for too much longer as I suspect it's going to end very badly for all of us.

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12 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Entirely relevant if you want to describe what is actually happening in NZ as compared to what the government is saying is happening ( not the same thing ).


What I suggest would be unacceptable to society in general.

I can only be grateful I don't have to live with the consequences of what is happening ( or not happening ) for too much longer as I suspect it's going to end very badly for all of us.

Whats relevant in one country is relevant in another, its the same initiatives that work or not as the case may be.

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18 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If that's true, it must be as big a failure in your country as IMO in mine.

Its not a resounding success that's for sure but unless you want total government control over what you can and cannot eat then what do you suggest. People at the end of the day have freedom of choice and personal responsibility last time I looked.

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2 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Its not a resounding success that's for sure but unless you want total government control over what you can and cannot eat then what do you suggest. People at the end of the day have freedom of choice and personal responsibility last time I looked.

Bring back fat shaming. Education and being PC about them doesn't work.


Make them pay for two seats on aircraft.


Make them pay extra for hospital treatment for conditions brought about by obesity eg diabetes.

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1 minute ago, Bkk Brian said:

Its not a resounding success that's for sure but unless you want total government control over what you can and cannot eat then what do you suggest. People at the end of the day have freedom of choice and personal responsibility last time I looked.

How about the ‘freedom’ of the fast food and processed food industries to make profit at the cost of public health.  


People don’t simple freely choose what to eat, the choices people make are heavily influenced by advertising, marketing, pricing and availability.


Address the root cause, not the symptoms.

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1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

How about the ‘freedom’ of the fast food and processed food industries to make profit at the cost of public health.  


People don’t simple freely choose what to eat, the choices people make are heavily influenced by advertising, marketing, pricing and availability.


Address the root cause, not the symptoms.

Absolutely, more needs to be done there. I saw a BBC doc the other day on how healthy Japan is, apart from one Island where obesity is rife. The cause of this was the US forces there and the huge amount of Mcdonalds and fast food outlets springing up, yes and plenty of large bill boards advertising fast food outlets


Japanese get a taste for Western food and fall victim to obesity and early death


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