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A Warning Note From Neighbors


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A few minutes later we heard one shot ring out in the distance.

Then these two guys roll back in and said they were hungry. So we proceed to eat and drink and had a good old time.

I asked the one dude, still with the 45 stuck down his pants, Hey where is he?"

His answer, "food for da crab." We high fived and had another 'Sing.

Reminded me of the "good old days growing up in Newark. No respect, pay the price.

Needless to say I skipped the crab that night.

Talk is cheap... :o

Uh, are you serious or is that just a story?


It does make I good story I agree. It is historically accurate.

Although I wasn't there, and I only heard about this. I was never married and I don't know the names or the locations of anyone that was even remotely involved in this.

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It does make I good story I agree. It is historically accurate.

Although I wasn't there, and I only heard about this. I was never married and I don't know the names or the locations of anyone that was even remotely involved in this.

Oh, I was going to say you should be in jail for accesory to murder. Now I feel somewhat relieved.

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It does make I good story I agree. It is historically accurate.

Although I wasn't there, and I only heard about this. I was never married and I don't know the names or the locations of anyone that was even remotely involved in this.

Oh, I was going to say you should be in jail for accesory to murder. Now I feel somewhat relieved.


I should be in jail but for something else... :o

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I should be in jail but for something else... :D

hmmm. Stupidity comes to mind.


Thank you but it does take one to know one.

"Stupid is as stupid does." -Forest Gump

Don't forget, every time you look in the mirror you will see an ### ####... :o

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Wow, just thought I would do some general forum trawling this morning and now have just read 7 pages of MTW'S saga. Thanks, better than last nights channel 7 soap.

Went to my wife,s family "monk party" last week,( if its noise you want!!) man driving a pick up with numerous dogs in large cage at rear of truck pulls up. Six dogs selected by wife's Mum and thrown in back of truck, brutally and much distress to other dogs!!. Driver of truck gives Mum a wicker basket and black plastic bucket and drives on to next house.

I ask my wife where are the dogs going?

Wife in her lovely English says "kill dog-food"

I was quite fond of some of the family dogs too and found the whole incident bizarre and distasteful. Wife laughs at me and usual remark of "you not understand Thai people"

MTW, your house rented, is that 35k a month or a year!!. I have just rented a decent Thai house for a year, - 2,500 baht per month. Am I doing something wrong here??

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I should be in jail but for something else... :D

hmmm. Stupidity comes to mind.


Thank you but it does take one to know one.

"Stupid is as stupid does." -Forest Gump

Don't forget, every time you look in the mirror you will see an ### ####... :o

I have my disagreements with Jet from time to time but at least she can come up with her own words. :D

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I have never broke the law here, I have never paid money to get ahead here, to get a visa, to get anything here. And I have been treated with disrespect based only on my gender that I wasn't treated with even when I was 12 years old. And this is when I have more education than 99% of the population and have more money than 99% of the population. I don't have this much more education and money in my own country but I am treated lower here. This is hard to deal with. And I am not treated lower by people who have Ph.D.s and 10 million dollars in the bank, but I am treated lower by people who have no college degree at all, who are manual workers, who make what I make in a day, in 5 years, or even if they have a degree, make what I make in a day, in a year or more, and have had the same job for 10 years.

Well, MTW, I think it's safe to say you have lost whatever sympathy might have been felt for you before with this little gem.

With the sort of inherent attitude displayed in this paragraph, one innately understands why your life is one large drama after another. If this is the sort of attitude you walk around Thailand with, your series of misfortunes are not accidental, they are inevitable. And, frankly, deserved.

Please tell us how well educated and rich you are so we know how much respect we are meant to give you.

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Should we add this one to the stories that some of the more cynical members don't believe, then have to admit later they were true.

Kidnappings? Oh no, they never happen in Thailand.

Druggings? No, never, that is just an urban legend.

What's so hard to believe about a Thai guy with a gun going over to a neighbor who he feels threatened him, his GF and their property? And as to waiting to tell the OP, I have had GFs wait for two days to tell me they had to throw out milk because they thought I would be mad. Thais wait to give any kind of bad news – the worse the news, the longer they wait – sometimes until the news is actually old news.

I have seen some pretty nasty neighbor fights in Thailand and heard many people threaten to get influential friends involved. I even saw a Thai guy go to his trunk and get out a pipe because he could not get through an intersection – Thai people overreact and generally grab a weapon.

So, what is so unusual about this story? Par for the course, problem gotten out of hand because of the ways Thais deal with it. I could see it now. OP has dogs that bark. She can't imagine her little babies would bother anyone. But the mean nasty neighbors running their guest house across the street make all kinds of noise, what with trying to run a business and all. Guesthouse across the way thinks that the dogs across the street are hel_l spawn, as customers are always complaining about them. They are ruining business. Solution, let's put in a mildly threatening letter and make it look like a guest did it – then they will know the dogs are a problem. Thai BF overacts when he thinks the letter says something else, goes and makes threats. Then, he keeps said threats from his GF so as not to upset her. Oh yes, highly unbelievable.

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The following note was put in my mailbox, exactly like this, in English:



I got bored and didn't read the whole thread so my appologies if someone pointed this out already.

This is obviously a farang who wrote this. A Thai isn't likely to even consider the way someone treats their dogs enough to mention it. They would also not threaten to go to the authorities over a noise complaint. This note is from a farang perspective not a Thai world view.

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If you or your Maid ever see the dogs gaging or looking sick. Give them a raw egg asap that will make them sick up any poison if you catch it in time.

I also hear that a spoon of Hydrogen Pyroxide and another in an hour can save a dog from dying from poison.

I wish you luck in a nasty situation.......

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Maybe Thai people respect threats that they feel you can back up, or that they feel are worthy.

Please take it from a Thai, no, we do NOT respect threats. For one who didn't have better connection than your boyfriend does, they feared and if they were mad or humiliated enough, they would probably rectify the problem later. Like pumpuiman's post below...

Your neighbors don't respect you, they fear you. It's not some imaginary cultural difference here.

You better hope your husband doesn't walk alone in any alleys....the opportunity to kill this chest thumping disrespectful gorilla will be very tempting to all the people he has offended. They will relish kicking him when he's down.

Some of the Thais must have better connection than he does. You don't want to <deleted> with the wrong people.

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I've just skimmed through the OP's submissions as, due to the writing style (college dropout?), it makes very tedious reading to the point of mind numbingly boring. Anyhow I just have to say it's the biggest load of utter b*ll*cks I've ever read.

35,000 Baht per month rent for a house down a narrow soi and so close to a scruffy guesthouse you can hear the television etc? Utter bovine scatology, maybe this is what the bf tells her it costs "Oh my dahkling I find good house very good price just for you". Good to hear the Thai men are keeping up with their sisters in the farang rip off stakes. I wonder how much she has paid for a house if she coughs up 35k a month rent?

The OP's bad a55ed attitude screams out of the screen and I'm surprised she still draws breath but there is a time for everything, maybe that time will come soon after the house is paid for.

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If you or your Maid ever see the dogs gaging or looking sick. Give them a raw egg asap that will make them sick up any poison if you catch it in time.

I also hear that a spoon of Hydrogen Pyroxide and another in an hour can save a dog from dying from poison.

I wish you luck in a nasty situation.......

This old wives tale doesn't have 100% success rate.

One of our dogs came back shaking after eating rat poison in an adjacent rice paddy. The staff filled it up with raw eggs endeavouring to make it regurgitate the poison. It promptly had a coronary & died.

Try raw eggs mixed with balah. That makes any living organism regurgitate pronto.


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was just wondering...

In previous postings the OP have talked about being ripped off/scammed/lied to etc. have admited to being fooled by ppl etc. have a low opinions about thais, lying cheating, drinking, fighting etc.

Now she's hooked up with a guy that flashes his gun around, flips out and waves his gun in ppls faces, talked about how big he is and has connection to the local thugs/mafia......whats going to happen next? history repeating itself?

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I'm sorry you feel I have misjudged you, but I'm afraid I can't follow your logic on this one.

I don't hate you, I feel sorry and sad that you feel the way you do.

I bow to you, in recognition of the Buddha that exists within your heart...as it does in all of us. :o

I hope one day you find peace.

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Always looking forward to reading your posts MTW.They are always exciting,and draw a lot of attention, and controversy.Keep them coming,I find them quite entertaining.No meanness intended.

Your boyfriend,sounds like quite a piece of work.I only wonder why with all his power,and heavy connections, he can't seem to be able to protect you better, from the many people who are taking advantage of your kind heart,showing you a lack of respect,or demeaning you.This would not happen to a Thai woman,especially in your position.I also wonder why with all this power,he seems unable to provide for you,and that you would have buy a house,which you probably put in his name.I hope everything works out fine with your new home,and that no one opens a motorcycle repair shop next door to you.Tell us more about the boyfriend,he sounds real colorful.

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Some many not agree with her point of view but it doesn't mean she's not telling the truth.

Either she's not telling the truth, or the guy she's boinking is a complete idiot. Either way, it's not good. :o

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Some many not agree with her point of view but it doesn't mean she's not telling the truth.

Either she's not telling the truth, or the guy she's boinking is a complete idiot. Either way, it's not good. :o

i think that people are unwilling to believe she is real largely due to the choices she has made, experiences she has had and opionions has has espoused. simply put, i believe that many would rather call her a troll as the only other option would be to call her an idiot.

MTW how long after you moved in did they put this guesthouse up?

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Some many not agree with her point of view but it doesn't mean she's not telling the truth.

Either she's not telling the truth, or the guy she's boinking is a complete idiot. Either way, it's not good. :o

Or perhaps you are jelous that you wouldn't be able to man up if anyone threatened your family and now have so slagg off the OPs husband since he did?

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Hm. So it's Bendix is it Jet?

Here I sit writing nice things to you and what do I get for an answer - zilch!

Don't mind me, I can cope with rejection. :D

Bloody popcorn, I don't believe this!

Qwertz! I was going to comment on your kindness and sensible posts to MTW but I was um, postulating post material?

OK, how can I make it up? Shall I post a new misery thread? How to make sausages? Do you know where my Isaan boyfriend and my Bt500,000 are (he has black hair, 170cm, 80kgs)? Oh, and my dog is missing. :o

Already made up, my sweet.

A brief missive from your fair hand is enough to light up my life. :D

A misery thread - what is this word misery?

My very first job was in sausage factory, you don't want to know what goes into those things, I quit after 3 weeks.

Who is this cad who deceived you? :D

I will find him, thrash him soundly and drag him back to you by the hair to work off his debt to you by seewping your yard and walking the dogs..

What's your dog missing?

P.S. This is a sincere post, not a dry hump. :D

P.P.S. my sister is the only person I know who never had neighbour problems.

Her husband is a cemetery caretaker and they live inside the grounds.

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I think it's obvious from all of this that having dogs causes a disturbance to whoever is living around them. The dogs may not be constant barkers, but barkers they are, and it is irritating if you have to put up with it. You may not think that the odd bark is offensive to your neighbours, but it is. And then mulitpy that by all the other owners whose dogs only "occasionally" bark, plus the other myriad noises in a large city.... but the reaction of the alleged episode is extrordinary, and little snippets about owning more than the allowed 3 dogs, (8) in LA is perhaps indicative of the fact that the OP is completely oblivious to others' feelings. By the same token, the supposedly noisy guesthouse is no bundle of joy by the sound of it either. Moving would seem to be the best option, but living by the gun usually means dying by it too; but if you're from LA, you'll know that well enough, so you'll feel completely at home!

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I have never broke the law here, I have never paid money to get ahead here, to get a visa, to get anything here. And I have been treated with disrespect based only on my gender that I wasn't treated with even when I was 12 years old. And this is when I have more education than 99% of the population and have more money than 99% of the population. I don't have this much more education and money in my own country but I am treated lower here. This is hard to deal with. And I am not treated lower by people who have Ph.D.s and 10 million dollars in the bank, but I am treated lower by people who have no college degree at all, who are manual workers, who make what I make in a day, in 5 years, or even if they have a degree, make what I make in a day, in a year or more, and have had the same job for 10 years.

Well, MTW, I think it's safe to say you have lost whatever sympathy might have been felt for you before with this little gem.

With the sort of inherent attitude displayed in this paragraph, one innately understands why your life is one large drama after another. If this is the sort of attitude you walk around Thailand with, your series of misfortunes are not accidental, they are inevitable. And, frankly, deserved.

Please tell us how well educated and rich you are so we know how much respect we are meant to give you.

I must agree with Bendix on this one, MTW use some of all that money to take some courses in cognitive psychology, judgment and decision making, and take the gun away from your lunatic BF before he shoots sombody delivering a birthdaycard because he misunderstands what is written on the card, or better yet get rid of him before you die i the crosfire.

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