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Xbox360 Failures


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Last weekend, I was told "Art + Gun" stopped selling xbox 360's due to high failure rate with over-heating issues. The assistant informed me that 30 machines had been returned to them and they can't guarantee a fix.

"G-Corners" offers an extended warranty on 360's as he'll send them to HK to be fixed. The catch is, the extended warranty is good for 6 months only.

I know some TV'ers have the 360 and haven't had any problems yet, so please don't use this post as an invitation to blame, flame, or whatever.

Microsoft are keeping quiet, but in the face of rising evidence, it does appear the 360 is flawed. So be advised that buying a 360 now may not be the wisest thing to do. The reason I'm posting this is because I wouldn't want to see another gamer ripped off for $400, like I was.

Check the link for more info.


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I have 4 now, 2 for over 12 months - never seen a single problem with any of them, use them in non-air conditioned rooms and have 3 or 4 firends with 360's as well, never heard of any problems.

I'm not "unlucky" so maybe this has something to do with it, OP - Have you actually had an xbox die on you or is it hearsay. I find it so strange that I've never met anyone who has had a 360 die, yet I live in one of the hottest countries in the world, don't use air-conand the only 360's available are grey market ones - and I've yet to see a broken xbox.

To be honest I'm pretty sure most of the "my xbox 360 is broken" posts are either direct from paid Sonly bloggers or Sony fanboys - hey I will even offer to buy ANY broken xbox360s that are available (if there are any), for a very serious discount (what else are you going to do - throw it away?)- PM me.

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Your stupidity beggers belief, if there are any fan boys here it seems you to be a Microsoft fan boy. Why else buy 4 360's and do you have 3 or 4 friends with 360's, you don't seem to be sure ?!?!

Why else would Art games in MBK stop selling them ?? cos they have a backlog of 30 machines broken, that's why ... Are Art games Sony fanboys ?!?

Here are 2 stories from today, from one of the webs most popular video game sites !!!



And yes I do own a 360 that has the 3 red lights, mine is getting repaired but after being toldf it would take 2 days, it is now 6 weeks .... and guess why that is Bennie Boy ... cos there are so many beaking down ......

######ing take those Microsoft blinkers off boy ... and no I don't own a Ps3 so am not a Sony fan boy, just a pissed off 360 fan

So you want to put your money where your mouth is .... why not just swap me one of your working 360's for my 360 ??? Cos the 360 breaking down is a myth right, so sutrely mine is in working order ?!?

or how much are you willing to give me for my 360 ?!?!?

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To be honest I'm pretty sure most of the "my xbox 360 is broken" posts are either direct from paid Sonly bloggers or Sony fanboys

Ben, are you being ironic as I cannot believe some who is in AV business is unaware of the xbox360 ring of death problem. <deleted> MS have even changed the cooling system on the console because of it.

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Pete - Where are you getting the machine fixed?

The place I bought it in Seacon Square .... but God knows where they have sent it to get it fixed, supposedly the man who is doing it is doing it alone and there is a back log of about 8, mine is 3rd in the queue ... gonna go in today and see what's up

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Guess i've been lucky with mine, alough it's been more unstable since the spring dash update - most time is crashes on the friends/messenger blades. That and a couple of ingame reboots.

Keep em cool, and turned off when not in use is rule of thumb i guess.

I've seen plenty of threads dedicated to failed 360's, so MS certainly have a thing or two to do.

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Like I said I have 4 with no problems whatsoever. All of mine are Asian 360's, it would be interesting to hear where the defective ones are from.

I didn't say it was a myth, I said I'd never met or know anyone directly who's had a problem, I have 4+ friends with xbox360's here and another 4 or so in the UK, None of us have had problems or know others that have.

I'm aware that MS do have some problems - but how many of these are due to people putting them on carpets, inside confined spaces and TV cabinets?

I also hear that some people have really loud xbox's, but all of mine are quiet.

I'm sure if my xbox360's were loud or broken I would be complaining as well, but I've yet to know anyone or experience those complaints myself.

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Ben H3

Are you serious about buying someones broken 360? My friend's is broken, please Pm with an offer...



P.S I also own and have had zero probs but I am well careful and keep it well ventilated, by the way do you have live? Im thinking of getting it but afraid of getting banned straight away cos my 360 is chipped....

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Theres a new FW out thats 'safe' for now.. But of course mods and live is a cat and mouse.. You have to decide if the risk is worth it..

For me I am currently off live and will wait out until Halo 3 is out for a few weeks.. Then if its still safe be back on then.

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I bought mine from Art & Gun nearly a year and a half ago and have not had any problems either. Generally run it un-airconditioned with a fan on me not the console, it's not chipped though so maybe that has something to with it.

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I got the 3 red lights on mine (about 2 weeks ago). I freaked out for awhile, but then went to the MS site, and it said "Unplug all the cables and plug them in again". I did this and it started right back up... haven't had any trouble since.

I've also heard a lot of stories about people being banned from Xbox live, but i've been playing on it (pretty much an addict) and have not been kicked.

However i am still on the free trial, and i wouldn't put it past MS to wait until i shell out some $$ for a subscription and then ban be right away.

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Ben H3

Are you serious about buying someones broken 360? My friend's is broken, please Pm with an offer...



P.S I also own and have had zero probs but I am well careful and keep it well ventilated, by the way do you have live? Im thinking of getting it but afraid of getting banned straight away cos my 360 is chipped....

Whats wrong with his xbox360? I won't pay a lot of money and might not be interested if its been chipped.

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I bought mine in december and it broke about 4 months later. Air con room, not on the carpet - it was in a "safe" location. Anyway, it broke about 2 months ago. I took it back to art and gun game, they fixed it after about 3 weeks, then everything worked....for about 3 days, then the 3 red lights of death came back. It's back in for more surgery, but i am not expecting anything now. I will get a ps3 when i have the money. It's just been on the bbc news on ubc, there is a recognised problem about overheating, and from now on they will sort it.

It's annoying to hear people say that it's somehow my fault - rediculous. I've had many consoles before, without problems, they just rushed it's release.

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