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Anyone Want A Really Nice Soi Dog?


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Can this solution also be applied to Africa. Cut off all aid and create an environment where thay cannot survive 'cause they will be diseased etc. If they fail to breed then they will die out. Any more humane tips, wilko?

Yep, same principle, got a problem with that? :o

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Unfortunately taking in 2 dogs is a drop in the ocean and feeding soi dogs or leaving garbage where they can get it only helps them breed...and they will be diseased etc whether you like it or not. If they fail to breed then they will die out.

There was a fund gathered a few years ago to deal with the dog problem in Pattaya, but unlike the dogs, it went missing.

Unfortunately sentiment will never sort out the dog problem and we will continue to see maimed and prolapsed animals roaming the streets until action is taken. It is unlikely that enough people are prepared to take in the dogs and neuter them, and it is also unlikely that local govt will pay for the neutering of 20.000 dogs .... so we have to try to create an environment where these dos cannot survive. Culling is definitely not the answer as the culled dogs are simply replaced by others. the reason you see so much less of this in the west is partly due to the fact that there is little for stays to live off. that goal may be the simplest and most achievable in Pattaya.

What a load of rubbish! the reason we don't have the same problems in the west is because they are civilized countries and would not put up with these poor animals roaming around in the dreadful condition see them in here. We have the RSPCA, dog rescue centers, animal welfare centers etc. where these animals can been taken and cared for or put out of their misery if necessary. People take responsibility for their animals and do not just look away and ignore the problem. We do not have the same problems in the west because in these countries the issue is addressed well and not left to get worse and worse, it just would not be tolerated in those countries and again it is another thing that makes Thailand a 3rd world country and it will stay a 3rd world country until it starts to deal with these issues (along with many others).

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The West don't take their household pets slightly. Also animal activists are very active here in the US. Keeping a pet or a dog is quite high maintainance.

Starting from taking them to the vets to have annual rabies shots. Don't forget the high priced dog food along with a few drops of medicine to keep them free of other disease and heartworms, make sure they have enough exercise by walking them daily. A lot of people in NYC earn quite a decent wages by working as a 'dog walker'. Once outside in street, make sure they are on leach all the time, law suit is not uncommon for dog owners. Some saloons doing nail cutting and hair groom for these hairly creature.

Pet motels or pet resorts are doing a thriving business to keep up with demand from pet owners who travel often.

Like the above thread, the different between the third world and the West is by how the dogs live their lives.

This popular poster says it all.

"Life begins after the children left home and the dog dies." :o

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Where i live, i noticed there were much fewer soi dogs than in bangkok and the dogs that i did see were mostly healthy. It was more than a month until i found out why. A pick up truck loaded with cages comes around and trades a wicker basket, (or something similar), for an unwanted dog. Once the truck is full it goes off to a restaraunt and sells them all. I'm not sure if they are sold locally or in Laos/Cambodia but it's a fair drive to either of these places so i guess not. The people in my village live hand to mouth and could never afford to pay for any medical tretment for soi dogs. I don't think that makes them uncivilized people, just poor.

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What a load of rubbish! the reason we don't have the same problems in the west is because they are civilized countries and would not put up with these poor animals roaming around in the dreadful condition see them in here. We have the RSPCA, dog rescue centers, animal welfare centers etc. where these animals can been taken and cared for or put out of their misery if necessary. People take responsibility for their animals and do not just look away and ignore the problem. We do not have the same problems in the west because in these countries the issue is addressed well and not left to get worse and worse, it just would not be tolerated in those countries and again it is another thing that makes Thailand a 3rd world country and it will stay a 3rd world country until it starts to deal with these issues (along with many others).

Difficult to know where to start with such a prejudiced and incredibly naive posting.

Dogs need food to live so long as there is food they will survive.

Culling doesn't work over and over again this has been shown to be true.

Not civilised??!?!?!?!third world?!?!?!?!?!?! So you are saying that because you're British you're better than Thailand???

RSPCA kills dogs that it can't get rid of in any other way.

Buddhism does not believe in killing dogs

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