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How Much Would You Have To Be Paid...

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A poster asks for advice and the overiding advice seems to be "Do as well as I do", " Have a skill in an industry that needs people" and "Don't come here unless you are as rich/clever/fortunate/skilled as me".

One poster seems unable to understand why anyone would leave their home country to work for less. Have you not heard of adventure, fun, risk taking, making the most of the one shot we get or just living in the sun.

We are not all defined by the jobs we do or the amount of money we earn. If that is your criteria of worth then you might want to think that one through.

For some people the opportunity to live in Thailand on 40K a month is one they would jump at if they could. It is not about the money its about the adventure. Or am I the only hippy left??!!!

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A poster asks for advice and the overiding advice seems to be "Do as well as I do", " Have a skill in an industry that needs people" and "Don't come here unless you are as rich/clever/fortunate/skilled as me".

One poster seems unable to understand why anyone would leave their home country to work for less. Have you not heard of adventure, fun, risk taking, making the most of the one shot we get or just living in the sun.

We are not all defined by the jobs we do or the amount of money we earn. If that is your criteria of worth then you might want to think that one through.

For some people the opportunity to live in Thailand on 40K a month is one they would jump at if they could. It is not about the money its about the adventure. Or am I the only hippy left??!!!

no, but most of us want to be in the position where our pensions are able to afford us the hippy like existence that we so dream of......

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so mr hippy

you saying its ok to spend 75% of yr incum on housing ina job where boss already denied yr requests for pay increases. he does have obligations like his student loans which will not disappear. he sure doesnt sound like he is living an adventure.

even hippies need decent incum. pot aint free so i hear.

Edited by blizzard
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A poster asks for advice and the overiding advice seems to be "Do as well as I do", " Have a skill in an industry that needs people" and "Don't come here unless you are as rich/clever/fortunate/skilled as me".

One poster seems unable to understand why anyone would leave their home country to work for less. Have you not heard of adventure, fun, risk taking, making the most of the one shot we get or just living in the sun.

We are not all defined by the jobs we do or the amount of money we earn. If that is your criteria of worth then you might want to think that one through.

For some people the opportunity to live in Thailand on 40K a month is one they would jump at if they could. It is not about the money its about the adventure. Or am I the only hippy left??!!!

I think you are right here and the very majority of us probably has started with an adventure or the wish to leave the past behind. But this guy so far I am interpreting his post is through his adventure time and has adjusted his mindset to the reality he is facing now and the way he wants his life to proceed is not matching with his current situation. So it needs a change. I dont think he should give up if he really wants to stay but how can you appreciate the country if you are not comfortable or feel secured enough.

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I think you are right here and the very majority of us probably has started with an adventure or the wish to leave the past behind. But this guy so far I am interpreting his post is through his adventure time and has adjusted his mindset to the reality he is facing now and the way he wants his life to proceed is not matching with his current situation. So it needs a change. I dont think he should give up if he really wants to stay but how can you appreciate the country if you are not comfortable or feel secured enough.

PCA, you are exactly right.. I planned everything to allow me to come here at a young age and I've enjoyed every minute of it, but after two years of living on a Thai salary I'm now struggling to find a way to keep moving forwards and upwards (for me it is just as important to be successful as 'adventurous'). I absolutely don't want to leave Thailand now after setting up a life here and learning the language, etc but it has become clear that something has to change if I am to avoid committing financial suicide.

For now I will keep exploring every option that is available to me, however limited they may be.

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I think you are right here and the very majority of us probably has started with an adventure or the wish to leave the past behind. But this guy so far I am interpreting his post is through his adventure time and has adjusted his mindset to the reality he is facing now and the way he wants his life to proceed is not matching with his current situation. So it needs a change. I dont think he should give up if he really wants to stay but how can you appreciate the country if you are not comfortable or feel secured enough.

PCA, you are exactly right.. I planned everything to allow me to come here at a young age and I've enjoyed every minute of it, but after two years of living on a Thai salary I'm now struggling to find a way to keep moving forwards and upwards (for me it is just as important to be successful as 'adventurous'). I absolutely don't want to leave Thailand now after setting up a life here and learning the language, etc but it has become clear that something has to change if I am to avoid committing financial suicide.

For now I will keep exploring every option that is available to me, however limited they may be.

how easy would it be to take clients with you when you walk out the door? I mean, you are doing all the work anyway, and are probably only seeing 20% of what you are being charged out for!!

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so mr hippy

you saying its ok to spend 75% of yr incum on housing ina job where boss already denied yr requests for pay increases. he does have obligations like his student loans which will not disappear. he sure doesnt sound like he is living an adventure.

even hippies need decent incum. pot aint free so i hear.

I certainly would not advocate spending that much on rent but that was not the tenet of my post. My point was there seems to be a smugness out there from some posters who are more concerned with showing how well they are doing. There is also this notion that one should never break free from their societal constraints without sound financial planning and enough money in the bank.

There are many people who are probably not that happy with their lives in the west who have reached that mid life crisis point. They may not have their share portfolio or jobs paying 10 grand a month but they still want to taste some freedom before the earth falls on their one room studio in a municipal cemetary. Turning up to a factory everyday for the next 20 years does seem daunting but at least its safe and if you stay home you could save up and one day come to Thailand. Or say s*d it and get the flight! It may end in tears but it may not!

To the OP I say. Sort the rent out and decide what you want to do NOW. Then go and do it! Life is not a dress rehearsal and what is the point of having it all when you are least able to use it!

The hippies would take over the world if they could be bothered!

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This is probably about 75% of farangs in Thailand.

Even a similar amout of farangs retiring to Thailand are in the same boat. Small amounts of some type of income

from back home, which surely would not be enough back home but enough to get by in Thailand. They end

up taking on a T-loc and her extended family just getting by until their demise. Must be a miserable bunch to

want to leave home in such order, but then again I guess most of us have a death wish of raising someone elses

family when we get older, as long as it is not our own back home.

LOL ... They MIGHT let you come back to Thailand someday Khun?

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Sir Sanuk

You simply dont have any clue how to budget.

Why do you need to stay in a 13k apartment? I know of a couple of places in downtown, sathorn area, where you can get by in a nice decent room paying no more then half of what you paid before.

I just dont get it.

Get a decent GF taking care of your food etc...and start being enterpreneural. As you can speak Thai and being a Farang, there are thousands of opportunities in BKK. Be pro active and believe in your luck.

BTW How old are you?

So go out there, read news, pronto. and just do it


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Well it's clear the OP is committing finanical suicide living in that kind of apartment on that kind of salary. I can't have much sympathy for that kind of bonehead move. There are plenty of decent apartments to be had even at 10,000K/month.

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Your are paying too much rent! You should move immediately to at maximum a 6k THB per month place. Where do you need to be close to? Even near Sukhumvit (arguably the most pricey apartments around) there are plenty of places at that price. One room with attached bathroom type places. Perfectly nice and clean and all mod cons.. Your salary does not allow you the luxury (and it IS a luxury) of paying 20K+ for rent!

You make me feel lucky to have gotten used to living in a box - I just calculated all the money I saved limiting myself on rent. I am honestly flabbergasted you are paying so much given your salary. Is it keeping up appearances or something like that? I guess it could be understandable. Even for reducing to 16k you can have two large rooms, two balconys, two bathrooms, furniture etc in new apartment buildings directly next to BTS on sukhumvit.

Move apartments!

edit: oops sorry, forgot to answer your question. For me personally I wouldnt enjoy living on less than 70k in bangkok. Ideal is 150k. However I would probably manage on anything down to 25k, anything less and would probably be crushed with pessimism

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Thanks but I'll pass, seen the place for most of 20 years. Flew right over last vacation didn't even warrant a stop.

If I wasn't at work bored I would not be reading this site.

Big world and plenty to see elsewhere for a while. Lucky I am not stuck in a rut and have no choice but be stuck

with one place to go. I wish to live in freedom, not a third rate welfare provider. No place like home the saying goes.

This is probably about 75% of farangs in Thailand.

Even a similar amout of farangs retiring to Thailand are in the same boat. Small amounts of some type of income

from back home, which surely would not be enough back home but enough to get by in Thailand. They end

up taking on a T-loc and her extended family just getting by until their demise. Must be a miserable bunch to

want to leave home in such order, but then again I guess most of us have a death wish of raising someone elses

family when we get older, as long as it is not our own back home.

LOL ... They MIGHT let you come back to Thailand someday Khun?

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.... There is also this notion that one should never break free from their societal constraints without sound financial planning and enough money in the bank.

Great words in your 20-30's. If you are stilling saying them to rationalize your [lack of] financial stability at say, 50, you are F*cked.

Oh, and the original hippies now run Wall Street.


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A poster asks for advice and the overiding advice seems to be "Do as well as I do", " Have a skill in an industry that needs people" and "Don't come here unless you are as rich/clever/fortunate/skilled as me".

One poster seems unable to understand why anyone would leave their home country to work for less. Have you not heard of adventure, fun, risk taking, making the most of the one shot we get or just living in the sun.

We are not all defined by the jobs we do or the amount of money we earn. If that is your criteria of worth then you might want to think that one through.

For some people the opportunity to live in Thailand on 40K a month is one they would jump at if they could. It is not about the money its about the adventure. Or am I the only hippy left??!!!

no, but most of us want to be in the position where our pensions are able to afford us the hippy like existence that we so dream of......

Most of the people i have met in Thailand are here because they enjoy the lifestyle - some do very well in buisness, some just  get by, some have small pensions.  It seems a lot of the posters on this thread wouldnt be here if they had to work for less than in there home countrys - and wouldnt suffer Thailand for less. So, one must ask the question why are they here? Sounds like a lot of sudo middle class wannabe's with the same programing.

It must be nice to work in BKK for the same salary  that they could get at home - but they must be a select group who live in their own little bubble.  

If you are young you have time on your side, and gaining experience overseas is valuable.  Just because it is in BKK doesnt make it any less so.  Any dim wit can work at home (own country)

So showing the ability to be adventerous is a big plus.  These rah rah's are really stating that unless everthing is belt and braces then they woul

nt play.  

The world is changing fast and you should live the life style you feel content with.  One big economic cola

se - and the pensions

that many people have so depended on could easily become worthless or disappear.  

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Sod the student loan, move into somewhere around 6k per month, eat Thai food, get a GF with a job and you will probably be spending around Bt15k per month. Add in a few expenses (luxuries) and you're pushing 25 to 30k.

Can't you get another job ?

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What is the minimum salary you would consider acceptable for living in Bangkok when you have a good degree from a decent university and a couple of years experience in your chosen field that would enable you to get a good job back home?

I've been working in Bangkok for 2 years now on a Thai salary but every day I'm getting more and more worried that by staying here I am screwing up my future financially (no savings and growing debt).

In fact, my salary is no longer even covering my monthly expenses so I my plan is to explain my situation to my boss (an American) and tell him that either I get a payrise or I will have no choice but to go back to the UK... but what kind of salary do you think I should aim for?

I'm just curious to hear what other people here would be happy to live on..

How old are you?

Are you an overseas graduate?

Your 2 years work ex is local or overseas?

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I hate Bkk - I'd have to be paid about 150,000 before I'd work there.

Baht, dollars, escudos or kip Neeneram? A day, week, month or year.

A meaningless figure as it stands i think you'd have to agree?

I hate BKK too, and wouldn't be attracted down there for all the tea in China or dosh in Toxin's numerous accounts. And I seriously mean that........... there is no figure worth the torture of living/working in that cesspool. :o

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How old are you?

Are you an overseas graduate?

Your 2 years work ex is local or overseas?

I'm 24, graduated from university in England and have experience working in England, but for the last two years I have been working in Bangkok.

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there are some positives to living in bangkok...........if you like that kind of thing that residehnts dont want to believe that goes on here. other than that it doesnt have much appeal, just another asian country. myou know the drill nice people, beeches, food, etc.

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