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I regard all mass media as pretty much peddling bullshit most of the time. They are either peddling a partisan point of view. or more likely playing to a demographic they've identified that is ripe for commercial explioitation. If one puts forth a supreme effort you can read everything and try to triangulate some truth from it. I used to do that, but now I pretty much pass on all of it. I read Stratfor and the LA Times (which IMO is probably the worlds best newspaper). I haven't seem Aljazeera News, but it's hard to imagine how it could be worse than Fox or the BBC or CNN. I did used to look at their website when they started translating it to english some years ago. The website at that time, IMO, gave a very biased account of events.

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I can't get away from the fact that seeing an English man batting for the other team just seems wrong!!!

While I would not question your patriatism, especially given your son is serving in Afganistan, for which he and all your family have my sincere hopes for his safe return.

I think it is nevertheless necessary to understand that giving the news from a different angle may in truth be doing the nation a service.

The solemn statements, promisses and decisions of our political leaders have too often turned out to be self serving lies.

I'm quite certain that Bush and his cronies would rather you did not see AJ.... we have proof of that in that the US forces bombed AJ's offices in Bagdad at the start of the Iraq war.

guesthouse are you drunk? its not like you to make these kind of spelling mistakes.


I take all news with a grain of salt, including the print media. But I want to stay informed so I watch and read anyway. Aljazeer has its good points, most notably more covereage of developing world issues and much less wasted air time on celebrity news. A few days ago while CNN was devoting a ridiculous amount of time on Paris Hilton, Aljazeera was reporting on dam building in China and SE Asia and its impact on the downstream environments and people; in other words, real news.

But like CNN and BBC they repeat the same news a lot, so I channel surf between the three, primarily when I'm eating (the only time I watch television).

BTW, it's been more than a year since I last checked Fox News, but their news coverage was about the same poor quality as CNN's. It was their "pundits", idiots or evil opportunists that espouse arrogant and simple-minded world views in defiance of all evidence and logic, that gave the channel its bad name.


Thanks, Zaza for that info. Interesting.

I agree with Heybruce and Lanny; all news is biased. I was in the trade. Go to an event and sit on one side and you miss what is going on in the other. Then the editors get hold of the copy and change it around to suit company style guides and punch lines. If you have ever been at a newsworthy event, even an everyday accident, you'll know when you read the next day's papers that their version is always different from what you saw.

I had cable in Thailand and got BBC and Fox.


The best thing about Fox is the amazingly beautiful women they find to read the news, host shows etc.

It dispels the commonly held belief that lovely blondes are all 'Bimbos'.

They are quite brilliant!

BBC readers are mostly plain with bad hair........

Where do you watch Aljazeera in Thailand? And Fox News in Thailand?

Fox News on BTV and Sophon in Banglamung/Pattaya

Watching Al Jazeera most days - but I find it to be biassed too much in favour of the West.

BBC is aiming solely at an Indian market from where I am (Saudi).

Fox is a nonsense, as is Al Hurra. The Americans are so bigotted in their views of the world that no one else can believe them.

CNN is on subscription, so I do not watch. Saudi news is about the Saudi Royal Family so I don't watch.

But none of the above are reporting on Ken Livingston's plan to spend one hundred million sterling on a mega-mosque in east London for the 2012 Olympics. Wouldn't this money be better spent on a hospital or similar?

The best thing about Fox is the amazingly beautiful women they find to read the news, host shows etc.

It dispels the commonly held belief that lovely blondes are all 'Bimbos'.

They are quite brilliant!

BBC readers are mostly plain with bad hair........

I agree. They are amazing stunners, especially Courtney Friel.

You can get Fox in Bangkok on True IPTV. If you have true phone service and their ADSL broadband, you can also get TV on quite cheap deals.


The best thing about Fox is the amazingly beautiful women they find to read the news, host shows etc.

It dispels the commonly held belief that lovely blondes are all 'Bimbos'.

They are quite brilliant!

BBC readers are mostly plain with bad hair........

I love the snarling Asian beauty that appears often, but her name escapes me at the moment. I used to send her love letters via her web-site, but she refused to answer me! :o

The best thing about Fox is the amazingly beautiful women they find to read the news, host shows etc.

It dispels the commonly held belief that lovely blondes are all 'Bimbos'.

They are quite brilliant!

BBC readers are mostly plain with bad hair........

I love the snarling Asian beauty that appears often, but her name escapes me at the moment. I used to send her love letters via her web-site, but she refused to answer me! :o

That's Michelle Malkin. She's filippina by descent. I think she was born in the US though. She's a rad way out there right wing chick. Yeah, kind of sexy. It's too bad we don't have youtube, but there were some good clips of her on there some months back.

The best thing about Fox is the amazingly beautiful women they find to read the news, host shows etc.

It dispels the commonly held belief that lovely blondes are all 'Bimbos'.

They are quite brilliant!

BBC readers are mostly plain with bad hair........

I love the snarling Asian beauty that appears often, but her name escapes me at the moment. I used to send her love letters via her web-site, but she refused to answer me! :D

That's Michelle Malkin. She's filippina by descent. I think she was born in the US though. She's a rad way out there right wing chick. Yeah, kind of sexy. It's too bad we don't have youtube, but there were some good clips of her on there some months back.

Yes, that's the one.

Too bad, if she would just answer my e-mails, we would make such beautiful music together! :o

The best thing about Fox is the amazingly beautiful women they find to read the news, host shows etc.

It dispels the commonly held belief that lovely blondes are all 'Bimbos'.

They are quite brilliant!

BBC readers are mostly plain with bad hair........

I love the snarling Asian beauty that appears often, but her name escapes me at the moment. I used to send her love letters via her web-site, but she refused to answer me! :D

That's Michelle Malkin. She's filippina by descent. I think she was born in the US though. She's a rad way out there right wing chick. Yeah, kind of sexy. It's too bad we don't have youtube, but there were some good clips of her on there some months back.

Yes, that's the one.

Too bad, if she would just answer my e-mails, we would make such beautiful music together! :o

For all to enjoy:


The best thing about Fox is the amazingly beautiful women they find to read the news, host shows etc.

It dispels the commonly held belief that lovely blondes are all 'Bimbos'.

They are quite brilliant!

BBC readers are mostly plain with bad hair........

Au contraire, I find most of the FOX women (and men) to be absolute bimbos, not to metion that they allow the cadaverous Ann Coulter to spew her contorted venom. But one of the FOX women is the sister of a close friend and ol' high school buddy of mine and every time I give her the benefit of the doubt I begin see how much she resembles her brother and any incipient thoughts of her being attractive are dashed into oblivion.

The best thing about Fox is the amazingly beautiful women they find to read the news, host shows etc.

It dispels the commonly held belief that lovely blondes are all 'Bimbos'.

They are quite brilliant!

BBC readers are mostly plain with bad hair........

Au contraire, I find most of the FOX women (and men) to be absolute bimbos, not to metion that they allow the cadaverous Ann Coulter to spew her contorted venom. But one of the FOX women is the sister of a close friend and ol' high school buddy of mine and every time I give her the benefit of the doubt I begin see how much she resembles her brother and any incipient thoughts of her being attractive are dashed into oblivion.

Au Contraire? Coooooo! Parle voux Francaise and all that Jazz. Jealous are we????

Agree about that Coulter Cow.........

The best thing about Fox is the amazingly beautiful women they find to read the news, host shows etc.

It dispels the commonly held belief that lovely blondes are all 'Bimbos'.

They are quite brilliant!

BBC readers are mostly plain with bad hair........

Au contraire, I find most of the FOX women (and men) to be absolute bimbos, not to metion that they allow the cadaverous Ann Coulter to spew her contorted venom. But one of the FOX women is the sister of a close friend and ol' high school buddy of mine and every time I give her the benefit of the doubt I begin see how much she resembles her brother and any incipient thoughts of her being attractive are dashed into oblivion.

Au Contraire? Coooooo! Parle voux Francaise and all that Jazz. Jealous are we????

Agree about that Coulter Cow.........

Describing Coulter as a venomous cow is being generous. But, she just markets herself that way too, and has gotten filthy rich from it. You could make the same assertion regarding Malkin, but she's just too cute and sexy.


BBC - crap

AJ - arabs can do no wrong station (nothing wrong with it, just keep that in mind when u watch)

CNN - more crap

Fox - not really news per say, more like commentary (biased)

Sky - Rubert owned and far better than Fox IMO. (news reporting rather than commentary)

ITV - most balanced and news worthy.

I like seeing all the western washed up newscasters being gainfully employed with that filthy outfit.

Wonder what JimmyTheMook meant when he euphemistically described the Al Jazeera newscasters as being 'washed up' ?

Also wonder what he is trying to imply when he describes Al Jazeera as 'filthy'?

Personally find Al Jazeera to be first class.

At least Al Jazeera doesn't trumpet that false rubbish that Fox News trumpets.

Here is a comparison of Al Jazeera with Fox News that I had written for a couple of political forums:

"Couple of websites that I find interesting:

- Relevant to Fox News: http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig/steinreich8.html

- Relevant to Al Jazeera : http://www.wsws.org/articles/2004/jul2004/jaze-j05.shtml

The lewrockwell site is obviously not pro Fox News, however, it gives a very accurate description of Fox News reporting in the days just prior to of the Iraq war. Excerpts are :

March 19: Fox anchor Shepard Smith reports that Iraqis are planning to detonate large

stores of napalm buried deep below the earth to scorch coalition forces

March 24: Fox and Friends. Anchor Juliet Huddy asks Colonel David Hunt why

coalition forces don't "blow up" Al Jazeera TV

April 7: Fox, echoing NPR, reports that U.S. forces near Baghdad have discovered a weapons cache of 20 medium-range missiles containing sarin and mustard gas. Initial tests show that the deadly chemicals are not "trace elements."

April 10: Fox "Breaking News" report of weapons-grade plutonium found at Al Tuwaitha.

April 10: To show that France is in bed with Saddam Hussein, Fox begins running old footage of Saddam Hussein's September 1975 trip to Paris to meet with Jacques Chirac and tour a nuclear power plant. [because Fox strives so hard to be "Fair and Balanced," it's all the more curious how it fails to inform its audience about another trip four years later, this one to Baghdad on December 19, 1983 made by Reagan envoy and then former secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld. The network again, because it's so very "Fair and Balanced," also inexplicably forgot to tell its audience about another trip by Rummy to Baghdad, this time on March 24, 1984, the very same day that a U.N. team found that Iraqi forces had used mustard gas laced with a nerve agent on Iranian soldiers].

April 15: Fox analyst Mansoor Ijaz claims that the top 55 Iraqi leaders (along with the whole stash of chemical and biological WMDs they have taken with them) are now living it up in Latakia, Syria. [This is the same 55 that appeared on the deck of cards and is still being captured – far from all living it up in Syria.]

April 18: Bill O'Reilly opens his show calling Iraqis "ungrateful."

The Al Jazeera related site is actually a world socialist website and contains some rather amazing data. Excerpts:

* A voice-over by Bush describing Al-Jazeera as “the mouthpiece of Osama bin Laden.”

* The ravings of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld: “Al-Jazeera lies to the world—it won’t take long for them to be discredited...We know that Al-Jazeera has a pattern of playing propaganda over and over and over again...We’re dealing with people who are perfectly willing to lie to the world to attempt to further their case.”

* A bitterly ironic condemnation in March 2003 by Bush of Al-Jazeera’s interviews with US prisoners: “I expect POWs to be treated humanely, just as we are treating the prisoners we have captured humanely.” (EDIT IN : Abu Gharib might have been an anomaly , but does anyone other than Fox News and the Bushy crowd consider Guantanamo Bay to be humane? Remember all that water boarding and analogous “niceties” being dished out to prisoners there)

I view both Fox News and the English version of Al Jazeera. Personally find Al Jazeera to be informative and accurate, it projects an Arab viewpoint, maybe, but doesn’t voice blatant lies.

At Fox News , I find the ranting of guys like Bill O'Reilly and Neil Cavuto to be bordering on insanity. Can’t think of any media personality that is more detestable than Bill O'Reilly.

If, as Fox News keeps trumpeting, this news channel is really “America’s favorite news channel” then I can understand why the rest of the world considers the USA to be so screwed up.

By the way Fox News happens to be George Bush’s favorite news channel. What else can anyone expect from the deranged Dubya? "


Oh, come on grow up here about Fox. Fox basically calls all the other USA networks communists. It's main reason for being seems to be to bash all the other USA media outlets and support everything Bush does. Forget about AJ. Fox speaks for a certain part of America, but not all of it. Once you know the color of its stripes you can watch it and glean whatever you can from it; the same with AJ or any of them.

BBC - crap

AJ - arabs can do no wrong station (nothing wrong with it, just keep that in mind when u watch)

CNN - more crap

Fox - not really news per say, more like commentary (biased)

Sky - Rubert owned and far better than Fox IMO. (news reporting rather than commentary)

ITV - most balanced and news worthy.

BBC ; CRAP ??? Why ? Personally think that the BBC is the single most accurate and non biased news outlet that exists in the world today.

Nowhere have I heard / seen Al Jazeera say that Arabs can't do wrong. Al Jazeera very vehemently condemned the Palestinian infighting between Hamas and Fatah. It also deplores Arab disunity.

CNN is definitely less biased than Fox News, but, can not approach the balance that the BBC has.

Ever seen a PLO, or , pro Arab person being interviewed by Larry King? I haven't. I've certainly seen very many pro Israeli individuals give their opinions on Larry King's interviews. Why does CNN exclude the Arab view point on Larry King?

Fox ?? Now that truly is unadulterated , lying, garbage What else could it be if G W Bush likes it?

Sky ? reasonable, but, concentrates mostly on British news

ITV - Don't watch it.

Fox basically calls all the other USA networks communists. .....

.... Fox speaks for a certain part of America, but not all of it. Once you know the color of its stripes you can watch it and glean whatever you can from it; the same with AJ or any of them.

No, Fox says that every one else is either communist, or, liberal. Fox considers liberals to be worse than communists.

Maybe Fox doesn't speak for all Americans, but, it (Fox) goes around saying that it is America's favorite news channel . What is one to imply from this?

Fox basically calls all the other USA networks communists. .....

.... Fox speaks for a certain part of America, but not all of it. Once you know the color of its stripes you can watch it and glean whatever you can from it; the same with AJ or any of them.

No, Fox says that every one else either communist, or, liberal. Fox considers liberals to be worse than communists.

Maybe Fox doesn't speak for all Americans, but, it (Fox) goes around saying that it is America's favorite news channel . What is one to imply from this?

Simple. Propaganda from Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes. Nothing more or less. As I said, understand the color of the stripes of any tiger and you can glean valuable information from it. I do it and watch everything dispassionately for the most part (sometimes). Most people, who are not right wingers watch Fox and get exasperated with the extreme right views. I say you can learn a lot from any media source. Watch everything! That's what I say.

BBC ; CRAP ??? Why ? Personally think that the BBC is the single most accurate and non biased news outlet that exists in the world today.


Man, oh man. Who are you kidding? The BBC is just FOX in reverse, except with ugly newscasters and it is boring!

FOX has it's own agenda just like all the rest, but, at least FOX is entertaining. :D

BBC ; CRAP ??? Why ? Personally think that the BBC is the single most accurate and non biased news outlet that exists in the world today.


Man, oh man. Who are you kidding? The BBC is just FOX in reverse, except with ugly newscasters and it is boring!

FOX has it's own agenda just like all the rest, but, at least FOX is entertaining. :D

Don't forget the babe factor. :D


I find AJ English very good. Nice to see another perspective on ME news too, but that is not what it is all about. Lots of good coverage and documentaries from all parts of the world. Hard not to be impressive compared to Fox, which is more of a propaganda/entertainment channel than a serious news channel.

I find AJ English very good. Nice to see another perspective on ME news too, but that is not what it is all about. Lots of good coverage and documentaries from all parts of the world. Hard not to be impressive compared to Fox, which is more of a propaganda/entertainment channel than a serious news channel.

Arabic AJ well is completely different and might be considered shocking for those who think its the same as the english counter part. :o


You are all missing the most important point.

Will Al-Jazeera have ESPN/Star Sports ?

If it does, and if it will keep them after July, where do I sign ?

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