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Info wanted re school giving out information about kids to others


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Had a little issue at school a month or so back, kids all running around playing and my son (6yo) and another girl had a little collision. No one hurt, no big deal just an every day school thing. Anyway at the time the teacher told my girlfriend had a little accident at school that day but no one hurt and she also mentioned she told other parents just in case they hear it from their daughter and worry. Like I said, no big deal, no one hurt and no issue. (My son's mum left when he was a 3 month old baby / girlfriend I am with now raised my son since 1yo and is essentially his mum).


I only found out yesterday through a strange coincidence that the teacher actually gave the other parents my sons name at the time, which disturbs me on many levels. As it turns out, the girls mum was a friend of my ex, and told her daughter that my GF is not my sons real mum, which she in turn came and blurted out to the whole class. My son has a very Farang name, not common in Thailand and the when the girls mum heard his name she would have put 2+2 together instantly. My girlfriend has essentially raised my son as his mum since he was a year old. My son is aware she is not his real mum but one of those things we never talk about too much. To give even a little more background his real mum is particularly unstable (previously treated for mental issues), has had a train wreck of a life and had had 3 other kids that she abandoned to others. She knows where we live (she used to live in the same house) so its not like I am hiding him from her or anything. But the last thing I wanted was for my ex to know where my son goes to school and I am sure the girls mum probably still in contact with her through Facebook etc. So that's one issue. the other issue is the girl came to school and told my son he is not living with his real mum. Like I said he already knows but has confused him somewhat where previously there was never an issue and maybe felt embarrassed, or maybe the girl teased him about it. And last but not least what if a couple of kids did have some altercation or problem and the other child's parents were psycho's or irrational and came looking for retribution or something? Could actually put a child in danger.   


Now I have no intention of creating legal issues etc or even getting the teacher into any sort of trouble, but want her to understand in no uncertain terms she is in the future to give none of my sons name or details to anyone under any circumstances. I would be nearly 100% sure back home a teacher would never give another child's name or details to another parent or anyone and in fact I would imagine it would be illegal. 


Re comments or advice regarding background my sons mum, my relationship etc, not really relevant and would need about 20 paragraphs to explain all that....so please don't jump to any conclusions there. What I am interested in is does anyone know what the legal / moral position of the school / teacher is in regards to naming my son or otherwise giving out information to other people regards my son or family? I am sure anyone with any common sense would realize it was reckless but common sense not always an abundant commodity in the LOS. Just want to know my position before I go and discuss it with the school



Edited by Kenny202
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26 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

I am sure anyone with any common sense would realize it was reckless but common sense not always an abundant commodity in the LOS. Just want to know my position before I go and discuss it with the school

I would approach the Principal and raise your concerns, advise the Principal that you are there for the reasons that concern you and do NOT want your sons privacy invaded again, it is just not on for reasons A, B, C, & D.


Sometimes you just have to educate people, you can also tell the Principal that you are not happy about how the teacher handled the situation and are seeking an apology from that teacher, that should sort it and I am sure this will travel like bushfire at the next teachers meeting.


Your within your rights as far as I am concerned, we have had to confront the Principal on a couple of occasions, even s far as turning to air condition up to 24-26 vs 18 because our kid was getting sick all the time.

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I'd make a big deal of this IF you think it's creating childhood TRAUMA for your son.   Childhood trauma can change a person forever.   It's going to happen, but at least try to minimize it.  This seems like possible trauma and shouldn't be happening.


I don't care about anything else but if your son will be emotionally scarred because of this.   If so, sorry, and I'm not sure what to do....another school might create more trauma.  If not, then no worries and let it be.   Legal stuff, etc....won't really do anything for your son.  Definitely talk with them in a nice away about how this should never happen again.  

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Yeah I don't want to go scorched earth or even get the teacher into trouble. Only young teacher probably didn't even consider the consequences as obvious as they should be. I will be satisfied if she understands our point of view and can guarantee it wont happen again. I think she is lucky it is someone who is reasonable. At a private school like this I am not so sure a Thai parent would be as reasonable as me. 

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