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Age limit for ED?

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I read on a website which offers ED visas, that you may apply if you are 49 or under. Does this imply you cannot get an ED visa after 49? I couldn't imagine why not, so thought I'd ask even though that website seems to clearly suggest this is the rule. I'm going top try to get a fight visa (BJJ), but a bit of a bummer if I couldn't continue studies in the next few years just because I hit 50 later this year. Even the first belt, a blue belt, in BJJ can take a couple/three years to earn.

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I don't think there is specific age cutoff for Ed Visa's but look at it from the perspecrtive of the Immigration Officer who will approve or not approve an ED Visa.  I have a 60 year old neighbor who was going to apply for an Ed Visa(to learn the Thai language).  The school advised him to apply for a Non Immigrant O-Retirement Ext of Stay.  The school told him that immigration might be suspicious of someone his age applying for an Ed Visa.  


You might want to ask some of the Self Defense/Muay Thai schools that offer Ed Visa's and see if age is a concern.  

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