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Baht Stuff Today

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The Fed Chair has told Congress that interest rates could go higher for longer and potentially climb more rapidly, the chances of a half point increase rose to 64% as a result and the Pound fell to USD 1.18. A Fed Funds terminal rate of 6% by the Autumn is not unthinkable any longer and is actually probable, worsening the chances of a US recession that will impact Asia.


The good news for those with USD income is that USD/THB is now over 35, the less good news is that GBP/THB will weaken. This is unlikely to affect export levels but it’s better news for tourists. The even worse news is that equity markets will/are taking the news badly, the herd may have got ahead of itself by ignoring the Fed. Warnings previously.


The future of the Baht seems to hang on export levels during the next couple of months.


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1 minute ago, Celsius said:


All the savings will be futile when tourists will need a lung transplant after visiting Thailand

Think positive, it means the tourists will be better able to afford their hospital bills hence the economy will improve.

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