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Buying land and not tell a soul, possible?

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Buying land putting it on my 8-years-old kid's name (from previous marriage with Thai lady), have a plantation on it and sell the fruits locally, possible? or should I put it on my current girlfriend's name and have a document written at some lawyer's ofice so that at the age of 18 my kid (from my previous marriage) will be the legal owner of the land?

Hope this post is clear enough...

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I was thinking of doing this. Can't be any reason why a child can't own land (one assumes they can inherit it should the parents die early). Anyway, a point worth bearing in mind is that the daughter is less likely to do you out of your land than the girlfriend; Thai children have a great responsibility to their parents, and we all know how devious some Thai women can be. Putting the land in your daughters name means you don't have to do the fiddles that foreigners normally need to do to get ownership of their property in Thailand, thus I should fully investigate this. Probably best to talk to a Thai lawyer, and if you progress this, we would love to know whether you can do it. Good luck!
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Mai Chai wrote

"Thai children have a great responsibility to their parents, and we all know how devious some Thai women can be. "

I have heard of a daughter giving the house back to her mother as soon as she reached 18.

The falang husband could do nothing to stop it.

Do not buy, RENT

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Thai children have a great responsibility to their parents,
Although true be aware that it is mostly directed to the birth mother and then to a Thai parent and only last to a foreigner.  It also sounds as if the poster is interested in farming which might be suspect employment for a foreigner so it would be best to consult his lawyer for advise.
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Mai Chai wrote

"Thai children have a great responsibility to their parents, and we all know how devious some Thai women can be. "

I have heard of a daughter giving the house back to her mother as soon as she reached 18.

The falang husband could do nothing to stop it.

Do not buy, RENT

You are making a very valid point here. However in my case I am my daughter's legal guardian and my ex has signed documents at the district office in which it is clearly stated that both parties have no right to claim money or property from one another. Indeed, my daughter could sell the land when she reaches the legal age of 18, but then again how would she do that without the original land deed and other original documents kept safely in her father's safe deposit box at the bank. To which only one person can have access:me! ???

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Thai children have a great responsibility to their parents,
Although true be aware that it is mostly directed to the birth mother and then to a Thai parent and only last to a foreigner.  It also sounds as if the poster is interested in farming which might be suspect employment for a foreigner so it would be best to consult his lawyer for advise.

I appreciate every one's advise including yours, Lob. And of course I will be seeking legal advice from my lawyer!

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QUOTE   "but then again how would she do that without the original land deed and other original documents kept safely in her father's safe deposit box at the bank. "

By going to the land office, saying that the deeds have been lost and getting new ones.

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QUOTE   "but then again how would she do that without the original land deed and other original documents kept safely in her father's safe deposit box at the bank. "

By going to the land office, saying that the deeds have been lost and getting new ones.

Ummm never thought of that one... again a very valid point worth considering. But what would you do if you were me, continue on working as a teacher for peanuts here  in los or risk losing 100,000 to 150,000 in investment money?

Believe me, teaching Thais ain't fun at all and if you want out you gotta do to what you gotta do... and take risks. Won't you agree?

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Believe me, teaching Thais ain't fun at all and if you want out you gotta do to what you gotta do... and take risks. Won't you agree?

Yes, and I'd love to hear more about your experinces as a teacher (and why it's not fun). I should start another topic, I suspect, or George'll get mad.

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Time to justify myself... Thai's are generally very close to their parents; it would be a truely terrible child who would throw her father off her land. Putting it in a girlfriends name would be much more risky, as there isn't the same bond as with a father/daughter. After all most farangs only want a little land, just enough to build a house. Does this make sense?

Farming in Thailand doesn't make a lot of money. Look at all the poor Thai farmers just making enough scratch to get by. Better off being an English teacher; you will earn much more doing this, and will gain much more respect from the Thais around you.

paper, I have done some teaching in Thai schools; what is the problem (I found it quite enjoyable). Maybe we can help?

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paper, I have done some teaching in Thai schools; what is the problem (I found it quite enjoyable). Maybe we can help?

I have been in the teaching business for quite a while now, and quite frankly I am bored with it and need a career change, something very difficult to do in los...Teaching is ok for a year or two but after that you just get sick of the opinionless and effortless Thais. I like Thailand, and the Thais are a great bunch outside the classroom. It's just that I have had enough and NEED A CHANGE NOW!

So, if you can help, please do... do you know of any admin positions somewhere in BKK? Let me know.

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Mai Chai wrote

"Thai children have a great responsibility to their parents, and we all know how devious some Thai women can be. "

I have heard of a daughter giving the house back to her mother as soon as she reached 18.

The falang husband could do nothing to stop it.

Do not buy, RENT

You are making a very valid point here. However in my case I am my daughter's legal guardian and my ex has signed documents at the district office in which it is clearly stated that both parties have no right to claim money or property from one another. Indeed, my daughter could sell the land when she reaches the legal age of 18, but then again how would she do that without the original land deed and other original documents kept safely in her father's safe deposit box at the bank. To which only one person can have access:me! ???

remaking a chanoot is not impossible, just hard work.

However if the value is great enough, sure you can make a

new chanoot to replace a mislaid one....

On the other hand if bought on the kids name and its legal as a load of the chinese do it as well and as farang only requirement is as far as I know that you are legally the father and can sign for the kid.

If you can hide it from anyone, ok, but there are things like land tax and no doubt the girlfriend will dig who is owner of this farm....

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