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Phnom Penh Capital Administration announces timetable for free Khmer New Year buses


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Phnom Penh Capital Administration has announced the timetable of the free bus services to transport people to the provinces for Khmer New Year
The Phnom Penh Capital Administration stated that the transportation of people to these provinces will take place for 5 days from 13 to 17 April 2023.


Phnom Penh Capital Administration added that there are 345 vehicles for transporting people to Kandal, Prey Veng, Svay Rieng, Takeo, Kep, Kampot, Kampong Speu, Preah Sihanouk, Kampong Chhnang, Pursat, Battambang, Banteay Meanchey, Kampong Thom, Siem Reap, Kampong Cham, Tbong Khmum, Kratie and Stung Treng provinces.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501267133/phnom-penh-capital-administration-announces-timetable-for-free-khmer-new-year-buses/



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