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I hope someone understands what I'm talking about here without going into specifics.

I have UPnP enabled in the router, the green light shows and everythings going fine, but around every hour the speeds will drop to zero,and the green light turns to orange. The speeds will slowly increase but to around 60% of what they were previously. When I reboot the program and the router everythings back to normal for the next hour or so, when the whole cycle starts again.

I understand I need to set a static IP, but have a headache with so many different numbers everywhere. Not sure what to put on the various boxes in the TCP/IP properties box, and worried I'll screw up the connection. I've run ipconfig/all and got all the details there, Especially not sure what to put in the IP address box - is it the standard and the other values (subnet mask and default gateway) from ipconfig, or do need to get any values from the router ? The guide on portforwading.com mentioned DNS settings in the router ? I'm confused to say the least.

BTW I have the old style TOT 4 ports router and gold cyber package.

Any help greatly appreciated here,




Sounds like you're talking about bittorrent?... Static IP is not going to help speed at all. TOT is your problem.



Why is TOT the problem ? I can download at 100kB/s until the IP changes, then the port shows as not opened, speeds drop to around 70kB/s until I reboot the program and the router.

I thought if i can stop the IP renewing by using a fixed address it might solve this problem ?



Your IP address should only change every 24 hours - have you actually noticed it changing?

The 192.168.x.x is an IP address allocated by your router - sounds like something is wrong with it. Have you downloaded the latest firmware for your router from the manufacturers website?

Might be time to invest in a new router.


Thanks for the replies so far.

Which IP address do I put into the box in Network Connections when configuring the static IP, and how do I find it ? I've already got the address of the defaulf gateway, subnet mask, etc.




Is that the IP address I enter into "enter the computers current IP address", or a different one.

Thats the only one I can find.

Sorry if I appear totally clueless here.


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