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Hi all, after reading the thread about how we imagine TV members to look, I started thinking about the TV Mods. I imagine them to be sitting in front of rows of huge computers. Their chairs are on rails as they whizz from monitor to monitor, moderating. This is a full time position (can you imagine 6,000 posts!!!) and food is pushed under the door and the mod scoffs while typing. They all wear huge rimmed glasses cos their eyesight is shot away from months of monitor monitoring. They have a bad board where naughty members names are kept (in case they forget) and they don't need sleep. I read once that if you can manage 9 days awake, then your system automatically stays on for the rest of your life!

George seems to be the leader as I see his name just about everywhere!!!

I hope I don't get my name on the bad board (this is just a bit of fun guys!!) It would be nice if a few mods replied to this post to either confirm my fears or tell us mere mortals a typical day in the life of a Mod.


They're a secretive lot and don't like anybody talking about them, hense the strict rules,''talk about me and your castrated sorry I meant barred.

Watch out or you might get one of these.



It's not tooooo far from the truth, but instead of food under the door its Virgins for Slaughter (in my case) we each have 17 screens (Admins get 24) and we monitor each and every click on the system with interest. The Naughty boy corner is the low end 386 PC we have in the corner that runs windows vista (only note pad, to keep track of the names) and has a 5mg hard drive.

Most of us wear glasses, have beards and are around 150kgs (Jaidee has beer stains on his singlet today, mucky bugger!) and i can smell something lovely coming from the Kitchen where Buckwheat went half an hour ago. We usually are allowed 30mins sleep each a day (in rotating shifts) but today i was allowed an hour!!!


Mods are very nice, fair minded, thoughtful people and are there to protect us from ourselves.

I don't care if they're only cyber creations, they're real to me.


Sadly *these* are the reason Thai visa is the mess it is

Not even worth the read any more IMHO.... and you can see i've been here a loooong time


Mods are very nice, fair minded, thoughtful people and are there to protect us from ourselves.

I don't care if they're only cyber creations, they're real to me.

i dont think yhere are any mods just jai dee and george ,both are really figments of are imagination ,we are all really dead and waiting to get into heaven :D bad posters and flamers are waiting to go to hel_l :o


The mods are one of the reasons Thai Visa is a very functional & fun web forum. Take them away & you get this.......

Example from another web forum of the garbage that gets online.

"Oh…………and another thing Nana i know where the #### you live you nasty #### sucking ho #### ass ##### with your wack ### weave.Mother ###### back stabbing ##### #### wad ###### go #### yourself go give my boyfriend you stole a #### job with his two inch ####.You both can #### up the holes you came from.####### #######!" :D:o:D:D

Couldn't deal with that on a daily basis.



If thats a taste of a mod free forum Soundman, then boy am i grateful for the mods!

Thanks for keeping the forum clean and tidy even if you dont keep yourselves clean and tidy. m sure we can overlook the mucky singlets and podgy bellies, well... because we cant actually see them. :o


The simple answer, as it always has been for this question, :o is a member is invited to become a moderator by Admin. I suspect most can figure out the criteria for the invitation to some degree, though I'm still amazed at being asked. :D

There is a VERY HUGE DIFFERENCE between dealing with all out flame wars (like in your quoted example) between boardmembers (the usual reason for degrading threads AND BOARDS) and editing/deleting boardmembers' posts and threads to suit one's own views and agenda...

Sadly, most people can't see it.

And with that remark and an answer given by me, this topic is closed. :o

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