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An easy solution to this threat on everyones manhood would be some real odd concepts like loyality, fidelity, honor and respect not only to their wifes, families but to themselves..

Oops what was I thinking, those concepts are "to Fahrang" for place like Thialand?

What planet are you from? Infidelity is rife in all "Fahrang" countries.

No doubt this brother is in la la land. Whether you're an Eskimo living on an ice sheet on Greenland or an English housewife in London, people stray momentarily.

My penis is sacred to me and anybody who tries to hack if off is gonna pay dearly.

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An easy solution to this threat on everyones manhood would be some real odd concepts like loyality, fidelity, honor and respect not only to their wifes, families but to themselves..

Oops what was I thinking, those concepts are "to Fahrang" for place like Thialand?

What planet are you from? Infidelity is rife in all "Fahrang" countries.

He's obviously from the planet USA, and brain-washed by the politically correct (555) - meaning woman-dominated - climate that is destroying that formerly great country.


Whoo! A brainwashed politically correct Yank, dominated by women, oh my!

Not only a yank but also one from a bankrupt country who apparently thinks infidelity is a western thing and not a man or women thing.

:o NOT!

If the right, no the freedom, granted from one human being to another to be treated with respect, honor, dignity and to trust and to be trusted, is the destroyer of nations and human existence, as you so wittingly imply.

Then, Good god man, give me political correctness and female dominance any day over this Taliban inspired macho credo my esteem colleague assumes to be the salvation of all civilization.

As long as we have logical fellows like my dear friend here, fellows who obviously professes adhereance to a culture or society that is predicated on depriving others of their freedom to be whom they want, when they want, with whom they want, then please let me ride that sinking boat to the depths of the deepest ocean! :D

I assure you my witty friend, the Taliban and or those like them will always have a place for you and or those like you to reside.

To live in safety without fear that a lowly women just might have something to contribute to mankind besides spread legs, food on the table and the obligatory yes sir master, I be there for you, spread legs and all, no matter what, cause you be da man, da masta of all the world.

I understand your fear. It must be frightening to think that women may be your equal or better. Oh h*** is upon us, for we, MANkind are doomed! Your particular fear is well justified I assure you.

Heck, odds are, that's probably why you are in Thailand to begin with, assuming your a westerner or even a native and or Asian male. It is such a kin place for users and abusers to flock you know?

It's okay, No problem my friend, you and I will be dust many generations hence before that which is obviously such a threat to your vision of society actually occurs.


Have a nice day! Don't worry be happy! :D

So you are saying this is a rational act of retribution no matter the cicum-stances?

:o , That a negative!

one irrational act and one act of aggressive retribution, no matter the justification one might dream of, is a double negative as a life event.

I'm just goofing on the idea that so many commentaries somehow looked passed why infidelity is even neceassary or most importantly how they seemed to ignore the central fact that it is so so preventible whether by males or females.

A gather honkers down, becomes domestic, lays roots and farms for his existence. He wants stability, steadness and harmy. He would tend to be loyal, trustworth and honorable as to his disposition

On the other hand, A hunter lives for the hunt. He hunts, sometime alone, sometime not, but never never rooted, defined or committed to anything but the hunt. he is the adventurer, a creaure without roots, seeking no stability nor promising loyality and or trustworthyness, he is the user he is the abuser and its no secret.

I am of the opinion that compared to the extent and widespread nature of worldwide Male violence and aggression towards women, these little snippings are but a rain drop in the ocean.

But it is a harbinger, the beginnings of a storm of equality and fairness that will soon be upon all men whether they want it or not.

It is my opinion, please see my credo signture for a bettter understanding, that there soon be no macho havens where women are tools and men are masters. That you can take to the bank.

That is all!


I guess these guys must have treated their wives/gfs really badly apart from cheating to get their penis cut off. I don't think any girl will do such a thing if she still loves the person.

I wonder why there are comments like "if that ever happens to me, I will .....",

well, unless they believe they are potential victims.

And yes,

I am of the opinion that compared to the extent and widespread nature of worldwide Male violence and aggression towards women, these little snippings are but a rain drop in the ocean.

Both my grandmothers were Yorkshire matriarchs; and I thank my lucky stars that they were matriarchs, otherwise both families would have gone under and I wouldn't have even been conceived.

It meant that I was brought up having "Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander" shoved in my ear-hole whenever I protested that all the washing-up should be done by the girls and all the football played by the boys.

Seems to me that equality of fidelity is right, and totality best.


aaaaggh the good old penis hacking... I almost missed it... cause there was a period a few years ago where this was really the new rage in town.

I am of the opinion that compared to the extent and widespread nature of worldwide Male violence and aggression towards women, these little snippings are but a rain drop in the ocean.

All depends if you are the snipee or the snipper, if its all the same to you the ocean will have to do without my "rain drop" thanks.

Ha ! Ha ! Is this a hoot! :o

After reading much of the commentary on this subject it sounds to me like many of our members are here in Thailand for the male dominance thing.

They seem very threatened by the idea that their better halves would dare to be indigniate and hurt by their disloyality and unfaithfulness to such a macho like extent that they would commit such an act of disobedience and disrespect to their manhood and cut off the only rational reason for existence?

Get over it guys, times they are a changing.

I am dumb founded why in Thailand, of all places, men see the need to marry knowing full well they intend to be the P' hounds they were before they got married. Man o man Is that being a user and a scrumb or what!

Man its just not that hard to get laid in Thailand! That is except maybe for those from the lower rings of human existence who have crawled out of some hole to blight the countryside of thailand.

An easy solution to this threat on everyones manhood would be some real odd concepts like loyality, fidelity, honor and respect not only to their wifes, families but to themselves..

Oops what was I thinking, those concepts are "to Fahrang" for place like Thialand?

Ya, I know, if Dat chu ( infidelity) is good enough for Thai men , its surely good enough for Fahrang too!

Just remember, as the article suggested, alway carry an ice chest and know the phone number of a good reattachment doctor. :D

In advance!

Man, dude you are a real loser for thinking such things! :D


What oh what are you on about? No man should EVER have is most important organ chopped off, especially for infidelity. There is a little somehting called divorce. If it was due to abuse, it should be settled in court and the guy should go to jail, NOT have his penis chopped off. For Christ's sake.


Going back to the willy hacking sqad.

Wouldn't it be beneficial to implement a new government awareness add..

'I do something amazing sceme' ?

A bit like giving blood but donating your privates.

I guess it would come down to what willy type are you. Also if you are prepared to walk around with a 3 inch whistler after you new op.

I'm sure the donation sceme would be overwhelming.

forget about giving blood. Give willy, a new dawn has come.

:o Ouch!


He's obviously from the planet USA, and brain-washed by the politically correct (555) - meaning woman-dominated - climate that is destroying that formerly great country.

Huh ... I just figured that he was a she. Probably one with a bad experience or 7 on the subject.

What  oh what are you on about? No man should EVER have is most important organ chopped off, especially for infidelity. There is a little somehting called divorce. If it was due to abuse, it should be settled in court and the guy should go to jail, NOT have his penis chopped off. For Christ's sake.

I dunno ... I personally think some guys deserve it. There are some sick puppies - child molesters / rapists that IMHO, deserve castration with a fine grained belt sander. Of course, for infidelity, I totally agree. It should generally end the relationship, but johnson-lopping is a bit cruel and unusual :o

Going back to the willy hacking sqad.

Wouldn't it be beneficial to implement a new government awareness add..

'I do something amazing sceme' ?

A bit like giving blood but donating your privates.

I guess it would come down to what willy type are you. Also if you are prepared to walk around with a 3 inch whistler after you new op.

I'm sure the donation sceme would be overwhelming.

forget about giving blood. Give willy, a new dawn has come.

:o Ouch!

Yeah, but then you'd start to have a black willy market. (wait, did I say that right?) Imagine seeing a members only table on the street along Sukhimvit...


usatrader ... Let me get this straight. You are saying that if everyone just stops fooling around then we wouldn't have this problem? Don't you think you are being a bit idealistic to suggest that if everyone just start being virtuous that we wouldn't have these problems?

For the sake of discussion, IMHO, men and women are much, much much, much much more alike than they are different. And even the differences, you find all sorts of exceptions to those rules. Do you really think that a female dominated society would really be any better than the Taliban? (for women it most certainly would, of course :o ) But wouldn't that just be trading one injustice for another? You can make the argument that women would not run a Taliban-like government, but then that wouldn't be female dominated.


Buddha might say that the dominated get the dominance they deserve.

I just hope that, where I dominate, I do it decently.

And that, when I am dominated, it is done decently.

So, if (God please forbid) I transgress and provoke penis amputation, how about a bit of anaesthetic?


There was a recent study in the US that stated that 50% of men cheat and 44% of

women cheat.

I was shocked and mortified!!!

The nerve of those women whoring around behind our backs !!!

She bought a whole chicken and started chopping it up with a big knife in front of him, then fed it's neck slowly into a liquidiser and finally drank the contents with blood and guts pouring down her neck. And all he did was stop off for a quiet beer! :o

The g/f probably went down with salmonella or bird flu,

Gives a new meaning to the term 'bird flu', maybe this is why some of them act so crazy?

But, hey guys, the topic article mentions 33 cases of reamputation in thailand since 1978. Do you have reason to believe it is gonna be you next? Why all this worried talk about wives or gfs reaching for the kitchen knife?

A few members on this forum have been hacked off with comments I have made. :D


You're in good company.

Remember the old saying "the truth hurts" well this is more than relative here.

(and now I get the pun. It's a bit too early for me) :o


Well, just to put a slightly different slant on things, and suppose for one minute you were the aggrieved party by your wife's cheating. If you were really mellow, you could go "mai pen rai, now we're all square for my little indiscretions over the years"; or you could be a little more jai ron and sling out her things and file for a divorce; or you could go the whole hog and do the penis hacking in reverse equivalent. :o

This I read is/was the standard treatment/punishment for unfaithful wives on a few Pacific islands (maybe someone else has heard of it and can be more specific geographically?). The offending dallying lady is stripped, hung up in a public place and has scored chillis (hottest variety available) shoved up her wotsit, and left there in the sun til she passes out from the pain. Ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like a good cure for butterflying and I bet it'd clear up any unwanted yeast infections at the same time. :D

(READER'S WARNING: Please don't try this at home on the missus or your local, friendly soi dog either) :D


An old topic. Goes back at least 40 years (for falangs), probably a millenia for Thais.

I'll agree with the fidelity idea. If you want to 'fool around' don't get married or have a 'mia' or 'tealok'. - Just go fool around! As the man said, its easy to get laid in Thailand - I have opportunities nearly every day and I don't look for them because I am faithfully married.

Udon Thani, Thailand

There was a recent study in the US that stated that 50% of men cheat and 44% of

women cheat.

I was shocked and mortified!!!

The nerve of those women whoring around behind our backs !!!

Well, you know what they say about statistics - 67% of them are made up on the spot! Anyways, anyone really intereste in the subject (infidelity - I don't now that he talks about penis reduction surgery at all) might want to check out a book "The Red Queen" by Matt Ridley. It is a very entertaining and accessible read that talking about some of the related scientific issues. Its not the bible, but it is rather interesting.

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