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Australian Who Escaped From Klong Prem Prison Writes A Book

sriracha john

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If the Thai police are really still looking for this McMillan they might want to start by talking to the author of the blog promoting his book, who wrote in his blog that he interviewed McMillan, apparently recently.



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If the Thai police are really still looking for this McMillan they might want to start by talking to the author of the blog promoting his book, who wrote in his blog that he interviewed McMillan, apparently recently.



My understanding from the blurb on the book cover was that McMillan is 'retired' in London.


/edit add cover //

Edited by A_Traveller
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Bangkok Hilton.........is this term usually used to refer to Bang Kwang or Klong Prem?

I read an article last week from a British newspaper regarding Sean McMahon's arrival and pending trial in the UK. They wrote that he had spent 3 months in Bangkok's notorious "Chiang Mai" prison, aka Bangkok Hilton!

Yeah these hype merchants don't know a thing, the Bangkok Hilton is Bang Kwang, THE most feared and horrible of the thai prisons, its not called the Tiger Prison for nothing. Only one known escape ever took place that I've read of and that was by a thai houdini-type.

This Klong Prem is likely an unpleasant place as far as prisons go but its not the real McCoy as far as other prisons I've read / heard of.

I for one will not be buying the book as I don't see why a former smack dealer should profit from this.

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According to a recent report on the Taksin/Man City deal in the UK's Guardian newspaper, an extradition treaty exists between the UK and Thailand. Are the Thai authorities pressing for his return?

It seems a fair number of British villains are nicked here and returned. Surely, it must be time for Thailand to call in a favour or are they just hoping he'll appear at a book signing in Asia Books?

The euorpean human rights law does not allow anybody to be extridited to a country where they could be exicuted or teated in a inhuman or degrading way.Thailand has a very bad track record on human rights.Amnesty international comdem Thailand on a reg bassis.Untill Thailand bring there prisons up to a level that is fit to keep human beings in then extridition will only go one way.They also have to stop the beatings & murder of prisoners & also give them health care.Euorpean nations will not send people to be starved beaten torctured & be left for dead {when sick}

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In his interview he seems unconcerned about the possibility of extradition, and makes some good points about how other foreign Thai prison books seem to have a certain degree of self absorbency to them and a lot of bitterness to the Thais, which apparently he and his book do not have.

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So a former heroin trafficker and prison escapee can get into the UK just fine when so many TV members have trouble getting their wives in?

Great post. :D Some British Embassy staff can be out right rude. What baring does a Thai girls skin tone have on a visa application?? :o

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Some British Embassy staff can be out right rude. What baring does a Thai girls skin tone have on a visa application?? :o

Surely, you must be kidding. Anyway, the visa applicant is right there, so why would they have to ask? Oh, I see, you mean the application form, not the staff. I would need to see that “skin tone” question on the form before I believe it.



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...drug ssmuggler...

selling drugs for aliving for me is tantamount to murder ,hope his book rots on the self :o

Edited by Maestro
Reduced quoted text. No need to quote the entire, lenghty post.
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Why do all the posters so far hate drug smugglers so much?

And no, the answer isn't obvious.

Eeeeerrrrrmmm, because they smuggle drugs? :D

Actually, I think the dislike of this guy is as much because he escaped justice (and yes, IMO life in the BKK Hilton for smuggling drugs is justice) and is now making money out of this, as it is for the crime he committed. The fact that he is acting like the local hero isn't really helping matters, either... :o

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I will be reading it, never know when or if you might ever need to know that escape route a little more acurately.....then you'll all be sorry.

Personally, I'm not planning on doing anything to end up there, but thank you for warning me I may need the escape route... :o

Actually, no. Even if I did end up there, after doing something suitably wrong, I think I'd buckle down and take the punishment for whatever crime it was I'd done. No matter how horrible it is.

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Mmmmm....That notorious that I cant remember him...not a Mr Trimbole, or half a dozen other crime bosses of that day, was he ???

His mailing address is in London...he is somewhere, where there is not an extradition treaty with Thailand.

No doubt he is a clever man, had friends on the inside and the outside to assist him, that would have meant some serious money being paid out. I think he brought a lot of favours that day. But his master plan worries me....catching a flight to Hat Yai for instance...then a taxi and then a ferry to Malaysia and then to Singapore. There were and still are less riskier ways to get out of the country than by that method.

He would be on the wrong end of 50 odd years old by now...probably looking to fund retirement (from what, God only knows)

Buy the book.....up his arrrse.....and his mate Mr Barrow (no relation to Clyde, I hope)....I wouldnt put a dollar in their pockets if they were dying of hunger in front of me.

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Someone should go to prison for life and/or be executed for transporting drugs?

And that is only the kind the government decides are wrong?

Alcohol = good. Nicotine = good. Opiates = good.... depending upon

the year it is and the country you are in.

I know a woman that killed herself drinking drano.

Hey, let's kill the guy that works at the grocery store that sold it to her!

Or, better yet, why not hold individuals responsible for the actions they commit themselves.

And if its to their own body, I say let them. I say you own your body and I own mine.

Radical thought in this thread.

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Someone should go to prison for life and/or be executed for transporting drugs?

And that is only the kind the government decides are wrong?

Alcohol = good. Nicotine = good. Opiates = good.... depending upon

the year it is and the country you are in.

I know a woman that killed herself drinking drano.

Hey, let's kill the guy that works at the grocery store that sold it to her!

Or, better yet, why not hold individuals responsible for the actions they commit themselves.

And if its to their own body, I say let them. I say you own your body and I own mine.

Radical thought in this thread.

Oh, Lordy, here we go again. The old alcohol vs illegal drugs argument. Like that one hasn't been trotted out before on TV... :o But, hey, we got Draino in the mix here, as well. This guy's inventive. :D Oh, the "it's my body" one. Naah, not so inventive...

Let's not waste our time on this argument. I'm anti-drugs. Always have been & always will be. You're obviously not. Whether you are ambivalent about drug use or pro it, I have no idea. We won't change each other's minds, so just leave it at that. But, yes, I do believe drug smuggling deserves life imprisonment.

Edit - BTW, I also believe in individuals being "responsible for the actions they commit themselves". In my book, though that means doing the time when you're caught doing the crime. I'm old-fashioned that way...

Edited by November Rain
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This leaves a bad taste in my mouth. This guy is a self confessed drug smuggler, has done time in several prisons and is now making money on the story of his escape. I certainly wouldn't buy the book and give him my money. This just isn't right.

It is not right either what Thais are doing with their prisoners. Chapeau that he escaped.

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Ooh, this looks like it'll be a great read. Probably something along the lines of 'The Damage Done'.

I'll be keeping my eyes open for this one. I love these kind of books. :D


I'll be reading it anyway.


well if it comes my way, ill read it, or some of it, then make my mind up!

Well said. :o


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Being old-fashioned is no excuse for thinking like a guard dog.

Rain, it's not an argument, It's reality.

It is natural law that you can't control other people's private behavior

and its a waste of time if you bother others for things that don't affect you.

If you're against drugs, you and your dog can be drug free.

I am, too by the way. I'm also against smoking and sitting in a bar

all day half drunk and talking nonsense. When I was young, I experimented,

but now I have only 1 or 2 beers per week.

But I have no right to stop you - and its not my concern - unless you're forcing your

behavior on me.

If we were close friends and I wanted to help you, I might try to talk with you

about your drug/alcohol/cigarette abuse and try to be supportive. That's called

nurturing. Creating non-sensical and arbitrary laws about other poeple's private

lives denotes a sense of arrogance (you know better than others about how they

should behave an have a right to force your way upon them) and ignorance (its

counter-productive and ineffective to try).

The only people I know that are so overbearing as to try to dictate others'

actions are self-righteous delusionists that believe in some imaginary entity

that give them a right to control others, paranoid police types and those that

are afraid of what they would do if all drugs were legalized.

If you really believe in controlling others, go to Baghdad and see how effective it is.

Frankly, since I don't know you, I don't care if you are a junkie and I'm not going

to waste my time chasing you down or the guy that sold drugs to you. There are

people in this world that truly need help while you stake out the apartment across the way

because somebody smokes pot there.

Do you I know how many children die every day because of the world's neglect?

One child dies every 5 SECONDS because of lack of clean water, basic food and/or

cheap and common medicines.

That's where you should be putting your energy - not condemning and chasing and

imprisoning people that don't want or need your help. There are plenty of people that

really need it. Check out the World Food Program. Do some good.

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There was an Aussie film years ago called "Bangkok Hilton" with Nicole Kidman in it,if the guy makes a movie out of his book (which of course they will) I wonder who will play his part?

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Sorry, but doesn't "Chapeau" mean hat?

This leaves a bad taste in my mouth. This guy is a self confessed drug smuggler, has done time in several prisons and is now making money on the story of his escape. I certainly wouldn't buy the book and give him my money. This just isn't right.

It is not right either what Thais are doing with their prisoners. Chapeau that he escaped.

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May be useful for anyone who plans to break out of the place too...has it been translated into different languages?I haven't read it by the way,I know Nicole's character crawled through the sewerage pipes and ended up in some klong that's how she got out!

Edited by Momo8
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Being old-fashioned is no excuse for thinking like a guard dog.

Rain, it's not an argument, It's reality.

It is natural law that you can't control other people's private behavior

and its a waste of time if you bother others for things that don't affect you.

If you're against drugs, you and your dog can be drug free.

I am, too by the way. I'm also against smoking and sitting in a bar

all day half drunk and talking nonsense. When I was young, I experimented,

but now I have only 1 or 2 beers per week.

But I have no right to stop you - and its not my concern - unless you're forcing your

behavior on me.

If we were close friends and I wanted to help you, I might try to talk with you

about your drug/alcohol/cigarette abuse and try to be supportive. That's called

nurturing. Creating non-sensical and arbitrary laws about other poeple's private

lives denotes a sense of arrogance (you know better than others about how they

should behave an have a right to force your way upon them) and ignorance (its

counter-productive and ineffective to try).

The only people I know that are so overbearing as to try to dictate others'

actions are self-righteous delusionists that believe in some imaginary entity

that give them a right to control others, paranoid police types and those that

are afraid of what they would do if all drugs were legalized.

If you really believe in controlling others, go to Baghdad and see how effective it is.

Frankly, since I don't know you, I don't care if you are a junkie and I'm not going

to waste my time chasing you down or the guy that sold drugs to you. There are

people in this world that truly need help while you stake out the apartment across the way

because somebody smokes pot there.

Do you I know how many children die every day because of the world's neglect?

One child dies every 5 SECONDS because of lack of clean water, basic food and/or

cheap and common medicines.

That's where you should be putting your energy - not condemning and chasing and

imprisoning people that don't want or need your help. There are plenty of people that

really need it. Check out the World Food Program. Do some good.

Pardon? Where did that all come from? Are you saying that I sit in a bar half the day smoking & drinking? Or am a junkie? or abuse substances? Or are you personally using "you" as a general term for everyman?

I spend far too much time on here to be in a bar, half the day, BTW! :D

Yes, sir. I shall try to go out in the world & do some good & stop having opinions of my own. Because I'd hate anyone to think I was a paranoid police type or a guard dog. :D:o

What do I do with my Dog Rescue Center & little boy, while I'm out there trying to do some good, BTW?

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Yeah and like any of you lot would not run out the door if it was left open......'excuse me officer sir, but thanks for the 3 week old rice and drain water, but you left the door open sir'

It would make for a short book though, eh? Not exactly "The Great Escape" or building a glider to fly out of Colditz, but that is perhaps just as well for its intended readership.

I can give you a plot summary in one: "I am a scumbag. I deal drugs. I got caught dealing drugs in one of the worst countries in the world for this offense, because I am a greedy stupid scumbag. I did some all-too-brief time in a hel_l-hole prison, but got lucky and escaped. Now I'm in London and guess what? - I'm still a scumbag. Thanks for buying my book. Please take a pack of coloured pencils to go." You're welcome.

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