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Dear friends


The eight bedevilments appear on page 52 of the AA Big Book. I was first introduced to them when I joined a Big Book Study. They are presented as symptoms of untreated alcoholism. I was 25 years in the fellowship before I learned about them. They came as a shock because they were as much my reality sober, as they were when I was drinking. Although I am still an enquiring agnostic, I came to believe that recovery from the bedevilments involved a spiritual, not psychological solution. A spiritual way of life has not required a belief in a monotheistic God.       


I hope you enjoy the blog








The opinions expressed in this blog, do not necessarily represent the beliefs, opinions and practices held by AA as a whole. What I have shared with you are my own experiences of recovery from alcoholism. The suggestions that I became willing to take, have led me, an agnostic alcoholic, to a full and meaningful sobriety.

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