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Especially For Weho!


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Yes, but what would do if you'd just started to eat your meal when the 2 shirtless twins waltzed in and sat right next to you...even brushed up against you?

What would you do if two naked twins came in and started rubbing themselves all over you while singing the theme song from Rocky?

I will provide a serious answer to this burning question.

It depends on what sex the twins were. :o

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Yes, but what would do if you'd just started to eat your meal when the 2 shirtless twins waltzed in and sat right next to you...even brushed up against you?

What would you do if two naked twins came in and started rubbing themselves all over you while singing the theme song from Rocky?

We're not joking here. This is a real situation that was observed yesterday and could happen to anyone.

Oh, I'm sorry. You didn't mention in your original post that they 'waltzed in' and 'brushed up against' people. Because of that, I assumed you were joking about the waltzing and rubbing, and decided to join in the fun with hyperbole that I assumed you started.

Now that I see you're serious, I'm just very surprised that you are so uptight about a couple of guys without shirts. Why would you choose to come to Pattaya of all the places on the planet? It seems like there are lots of more conservative places on the planet where you would be much more comfortable.

In addition, what is a 'real situation' to you (two shirtless guys brushing against someone), is in fact not serious at all. If such a situation happened, a short apology might be in order and then life would go one with no blood or tears. "Oh, horror! A shirtless man has brushed up against me! I shall need therapy to get over my nightmares!"

Take your stupid jokes to the joke room please.

Wow, the things you say.

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Yes, but what would do if you'd just started to eat your meal when the 2 shirtless twins waltzed in and sat right next to you...even brushed up against you?

If they walked in and disturbed my "space", I would definitely say something to these two slobs. The first sentence would be a polite request to put their shirts on. If this was ignored, I would raise my volume a notch, and ask them if they would walk into a restaurant at home without a shirt. Failing that, the volume would go up to the point that most of the people in the vicinity can hear, and ask them why they have no respect for other customers and the people of Thailand who provide gracious hospitality. My GF would probably say something highly uncomplimentary to the Thai people in their group.

check bin please.

If they did not comply after I have finished creating my little scene, this would be the next step. (Paying the bin in full... not walking out, because it is not the restaurant's fault.)

A few years ago I was taying at a resort in Patong. A european woman ( not sure what nationality- didn't speak English) came down to the pool, and removed her bathing suit to lie topless in the sun. You could see the faces on the Thai pool and pool bar staff... clearly troubled by it, and trying to approach the lady. It was clear to see that the staff were conflicted... trying to get across to the woman, as kindly as possible.

I had no such reservations. I went over to her chair, stood in her sun, and made it perfectly clear (whether she understood English or not) that her appearance was unacceptable. When she looked around and saw all of the disapproving faces looking at her, she put her bathing suit back on. About sixty seconds after I went back to my chair, she left the pool area and went back to her room.

The pool bar staff brought me a tall cool glass of fresh and delicious pineapple juice!

Edited by bino
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A few years ago I was taying at a resort in Patong. A european woman ( not sure what nationality- didn't speak English) came down to the pool, and removed her bathing suit to lie topless in the sun. You could see the faces on the Thai pool and pool bar staff... clearly troubled by it, and trying to approach the lady. It was clear to see that the staff were conflicted... trying to get across to the woman, as kindly as possible.

I had no such reservations. I went over to her chair, stood in her sun, and made it perfectly clear (whether she understood English or not) that her appearance was unacceptable. When she looked around and saw all of the disapproving faces looking at her, she put her bathing suit back on. About sixty seconds after I went back to my chair, she left the pool area and went back to her room.

The pool bar staff brought me a tall cool glass of fresh and delicious pineapple juice!

Frequent occurence in Phuket, esp. Patong and Kata on the beaches.

Occasional good figures, but mostly, as the previous poster said, embarrassing rather than titillating. (Pun not really worth a comment)

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Maybe you could get the ever thankful hotel staff to provide the same fresh pineapple juice for you in the hospital you might end up in, after confronting these two specimens as you state you would.

A quiet request to the twins might get a satisfactory response, however.

I still wanna know what sex the hypothetical twins are that Jimmyd had in mind.

Edited by chuckd
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Oh, I'm sorry. You didn't mention in your original post that they 'waltzed in' and 'brushed up against' people. Because of that, I assumed you were joking about the waltzing and rubbing, and decided to join in the fun with hyperbole that I assumed you started.

I'm sorry too for the misunderstanding.

Just to explain: When I mentioned the "rubbing", I was seriously referring to what might actually happen if a 110-120 kg guy with a decent size belly wanted to sit down next to someone in Took Lae Dee because the seats are very close together and it's often very busy in there with nearly all of the seats occupied. You often have to wriggle in between 2 other diners when it's busy.

The waltzing was referring to the posture of these twins. These guys left only minutes after I snapped the shot and I happened to notice their waltzing type gait (head up, belly out).

They didn't bother me personally because I was not dining there, but I wouldn't want them sitting within 3 or 4 seats of mine if I was, and not within close eyeshot. I dine there quite often, so one day it may happen.

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Who are the twins hurting? The people with the problem would seem to me to be the ones who can't stop staring at the two gentlemen in question, all the while looking down on them and calling them names. How superior they are!

Just because there's some arbitrary no-shirt-no-service rule in the west doesn't mean that it has to be imposed here. Plus one for Thailand as far as I'm concerned.

Every time I go back to the west I'm amazed at how much more restrictive things get. More rules, more things you can't do; it just gets more stifling. Yeah, it's too far the other way in Thailand, but the price you pay is having to look at two interesting twins in that high-class restaurant Took Lae Dee (or not looking if you're too uptight to see how interesting they really are).

that wasn't you on the pic....or... :o

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The one and only time i was in Pattaya i saw a Thai girl walking topless along the beach with a big farang guy. Was taken aback by it. Seemed so against the Thai way.

Imo shirtless guys and bikini clad women are for the beach, or in places where its considered appropriate. A shirtless guy eating in a restuarant may be harmless, but for the vast percentage of us its offensive. The fact is there is a level of flesh exposure that we are not used to viewing on a daily basis(pattaya night life aside guys, ok..), more so in certain environments. Its not prudish, its just normal to have a reaction to excess exposed flesh.

When out eating, the gen purpose is to be able to focus on food and conversation. The sight of those guys will naturally trigger some kind of congnitive response and as we dont normally expect to see so much flesh on display in a eating place, it makes us feel uncomfortable. Wither the sight is titilating or a turn off, depends on the person, place and situation, but its still just way too much visual info when all you want is a bite to eat. :o

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Yes, some people do show more skin than they should... perhaps there is something to be said for the 12th century mid evil outfits some Arab women wear, where you can only see their eyes.

Reminds me of a little story... years and years ago, I happened to have been at a cocktail party, and Cristina Onasis was there... so I walked over to her and I said, "Christina, darling, what a lovely fur coat you have on..."

Turned out she was in a sleeveless sun dress.

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This is why foreigners living in Pattaya have a bad name. It's disgusting and totally uncouth for even the most casual of eateries.

Had I been there, I would have said something - probably to one of the waitresses (sorry, servers) or to the store manager, but not to one of these guys. They look to be the assaulting type.

I feel sorry for that poor lady sitting next to them, and for the rest of us who are constantly being conflated with the likes of people like these in the eyes of the sophisticated Bangkok Thais who influence immigration laws.

No Shirt? No Shoes? No Service!

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Who are the twins hurting? The people with the problem would seem to me to be the ones who can't stop staring at the two gentlemen in question, all the while looking down on them and calling them names. How superior they are!

Just because there's some arbitrary no-shirt-no-service rule in the west doesn't mean that it has to be imposed here. Plus one for Thailand as far as I'm concerned.

Every time I go back to the west I'm amazed at how much more restrictive things get. More rules, more things you can't do; it just gets more stifling. Yeah, it's too far the other way in Thailand, but the price you pay is having to look at two interesting twins in that high-class restaurant Took Lae Dee (or not looking if you're too uptight to see how interesting they really are).

It's a health issue. Unless the restaurant is on the beach or open air, it's incredibly rude to dine without a shirt. If you think Thailand is lacking the standards that dictate whether or not a SHIRT should be worn at public restaurants, then try dressing like that and eating someplace in Bangkok. More than likely, no one will say anything about it, because Thais are very non-confrontational, but you can bet the bank they're thinking it.

Why do you think foreigners living in Pattaya have such a bad reputation? It's because of people like these two horror shows.

Do I think I'm superior to these guys? In general? No. In attire - most definitely. In respecting the cultural taboos of the country in which I choose to live as a GUEST? Absolutely.

Edited by Hobgoblin
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It's a health issue. Unless the restaurant is on the beach or open air, it's incredibly rude to dine without a shirt. If you think Thailand is lacking the standards that dictate whether or not a SHIRT should be worn at public restaurants, then try dressing like that and eating someplace in Bangkok. More than likely, no one will say anything about it, because Thais are very non-confrontational, but you can bet the bank they're thinking it.

Why do you think foreigners living in Pattaya have such a bad reputation? It's because of people like these two horror shows.

Do I think I'm superior to these guys? In general? No. In attire - most definitely. In respecting the cultural taboos of the country in which I choose to live as a GUEST? Absolutely.

Excuse me, a HEALTH issue? In what way? Cooks and other kitchen staff picking their noses might be considered a health issue but a diner without a shirt?

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Even in Patters there has to be a reasonable standard kept by and acceptable to all. If we do not live at least in semi-decency, where does it end ?

Beach front, open air ? Reasonable for a " resort " destination to allow people a little relaxation. Inland, family dinning,,,,,,keep your sweat to yourself.

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My first wife was Spanish - came from the very South, on the Portuguese border.

The beach goes on for miles, with few people. There is one restaurant - concrete pillars and roof, open on all sides. Only used by the people on the beach.

Superb fresh seafood, grilled sardines, almejas, all sorts of things in season. Plenty of cheap wine.

From the beach it is five metres to the restaurant. From the village maybe five kilometres.

Coming from the beach everyone is expected to shower and dress before entering the restaurant.

Now this is a little fishing village with little or no tourist trade because it is (was) virtually inaccessible unless you knew about it.

Why should such customs not be expected in centres of population and tourism such as Pattaya? After all, we're supposed to be civilised.

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I was doing some shopping at Foodland when a perfect photo opportunity arose.

Fortunately I had my new Canon Ixus 75 in my pocket which I bought last week at the 'Big Camera' shop at Big C.

On my way through check-out I happened to glance over toward Took Lae Dee and noticed there were two shirtless gentlemen dining there. As it turned out, they were identical twins with identical tattoos even.

Weho came to mind so I whipped out my camera to snap a candid photo.


I've been thinking about different scenarios here at the lunch counter encounter --- I would much rather share the dining experience with these two neanderthals than with two noisy children! On the other hand, this doesn't seem to be the kind of place I would patronize in the first place..........

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I've been thinking about different scenarios here at the lunch counter encounter --- I would much rather share the dining experience with these two neanderthals than with two noisy children! On the other hand, this doesn't seem to be the kind of place I would patronize in the first place..........

Interesting logic: Try to make one scernario acceptable by imagining a worse one. I'd take the children over the neanderthals.

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Well i think its disgusting. Especialy in a food area. Its bad enough brushing past these swetty wet old flabby guys when out and about around markets ect.. but in a restaurant, its disgusting. Probably thinks he looks like Mr Universe. Some Thai lady has shouted "sexy man" and its gone to his head probably. as the saying goes. "good guys go to heaven, bag guys go to Pattaya" Disgusting, its made me feel sick.

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Who are the twins hurting? The people with the problem would seem to me to be the ones who can't stop staring at the two gentlemen in question, all the while looking down on them and calling them names. How superior they are!

Just because there's some arbitrary no-shirt-no-service rule in the west doesn't mean that it has to be imposed here. Plus one for Thailand as far as I'm concerned.

Every time I go back to the west I'm amazed at how much more restrictive things get. More rules, more things you can't do; it just gets more stifling. Yeah, it's too far the other way in Thailand, but the price you pay is having to look at two interesting twins in that high-class restaurant Took Lae Dee (or not looking if you're too uptight to see how interesting they really are).

Good post. Anyway, these guys look like 95% of western men in Pattaya. There's a hel_l of a lot worse things going on in pattaya than no wearing a shirt.

It's a tropical beach brothel, what do you expect?

Edited by Neeranam
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  • 2 weeks later...

im from england, dont know if the guys are english but in my visits to patts sadly the the only idiots ive seen being badly mannered, loud and generally disrespectful to thais and thailand have been my fellow brits. what harm would it have done them to wear a simple t-shirt!

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