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Chinese tourism boost: TAT aims for 5 million visitors despite real estate woes


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54 minutes ago, sambum said:

Only one comment to make about your post above, because you seem to accept all the official data rather than the facts that fly in your face when you walk down the street which is this:-


"And, once again, observations of empty bars, restaurants, hotels, etc., in your 'neck of the woods'---wherever that might be and whether accurate or not .........." implies that I am a liar and consequently I will have no further discussion with you and you are going on my "Ignored" list.

     Given the choice between official data and 'facts flying in my face as I walk down the street', I'll choose official data, because I know what I am observing as I walk down the street is just a snapshot of a particular point in time, at a particular place; and an hour or a day later the snapshot might look entirely different, and certainly could in different areas.   

    Questioning something as being accurate or inaccurate doesn't imply lying, rather it questions whether information is actually correct or not.   It's only human nature that observations will color our thinking.   If someone had asked me sometime ago if I thought there were more Chinese visitors to Thailand in 2019 in tour groups rather than independent travelers, I would have said yes, more in tour groups.  That was based on my observations of seeing a lot of tour buses and a lot of Chinese walking around in tour groups following a guide with a flag on a stick.  In reality, as I have since found out, there were more independent Chinese travelers in 2019--they just weren't 'flying in my face' and not as visible.  I wasn't lying with my answer, I was just inaccurate in my observations, which lead to an incorrect answer.  


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