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Advice Re Sick Cat

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Appreciate any advice on what more I can do for my sick cat.

She is a stray I adopted last year, fully vaccinated and spayed and a real sweetheart, full of life and very affectionate.

Unfortunately she was attacked eight days ago in our garden by a neighbours dogs :o Managed to get them off her and straight to vets. Treated for several fairly superficial bite wounds and a hip strain with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory and seemed to be doing well, almost back to her normal self. Suddenly two days ago she vomited twice, undigested food and since then refused to eat. Today listless and miserable and abdomen seemed swollen so took her back to vet. Vet feels she might have feline infectious peritonitis! Is this just an unfortunate coincidence? She hasn't been outside since the dog attack. There was no apparent abdominal bruising or bite marks. I'm also worried whether the anti-inflammatory medicine could cause problems, the vet seems to think not and wants me to give her more but I'm worried.

I want to do everything possible for her and don't want to do the wrong thing.

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If you feel very strongly on this issue, you may wish to discuss the possibility of a biopsy with your attending vet. In humans, its the definitive test because you can't get a culture to bloom.

Sorry, I can't be more helpful as I don't fully understand the coronavirus mechanism in animals. What I do know is that in humans the virus gives us ailments that run from the common cold to the dreaded SARS, so it's best to know what one is dealing with.

If you want a more detailed explanation of the cat situation, you may find this article of use.


All the best.

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i'm very sorry for your loss of your beloved kitty :o may she rest in peace now. thank you for taking her in in the first place and giving her love and care for at least a few months.

as for cat diseases my knowledge is very limited, but could maybe also still have been result of the dog bites, maybe some internal bleedings which got worse as she got better and moved around more.

with fip it would be a big coincidence... also she was vaccinated against that, wasn't she?

if after grieving you consider taking in a new cat i would be happy if you contact me, i got some wonderful kitten, some ready for good homes.

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Thanks for the kind words elfe.

She was vaccinated against FIP but from what I've read it's not 100% effective and some vets overseas don't recommend it. Also she may already have been carrying the corona virus which can mutate under when cat is under stress or immunosuppressed. I guess I'll never know.

Do you know if there is anywhere in Samui for pet cremation?

As for taking in another cat, well maybe, but for now no. Will see how my other cat reponds. (He is 10, imported from overseas and was in single cat household until last year, tolerated the newcomer but was never that friendly with her)

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yes probably never know, there are many possibilities.

for pet cremation i have never heard of here on samui.

maybe best you let your old cat rule and perhaps one day you can give a poor thing which might cross your way a home again, if so :o

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Do the indiginous fauna like song-birds, lizards and skinks a favour. Let it die.

Although, I do understand your distress concerning cats vs wild life, abovementioned remark is inconsidered the least and completely unnecessary. No click and treat for you! :o


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Thanks for the kind words elfe.

She was vaccinated against FIP but from what I've read it's not 100% effective and some vets overseas don't recommend it. Also she may already have been carrying the corona virus which can mutate under when cat is under stress or immunosuppressed. I guess I'll never know.

Do you know if there is anywhere in Samui for pet cremation?

As for taking in another cat, well maybe, but for now no. Will see how my other cat reponds. (He is 10, imported from overseas and was in single cat household until last year, tolerated the newcomer but was never that friendly with her)

I'm very sorry for your loss, Bluebell, also because it went so fast.

As for the effectiviness of vaccines???? Forget about the 100% for any vax, not even close!.

I just have had a distemper outbreak behind me. It was brought in by two of three lab pups, who were ALL fully vaccinated. ALL the dogs (and cats) who enter my kennel are vaccinated against the most infectious diseases, still I had about 15 (FIFTEEN!!!) fully vaccinated dogs showing distemper symptoms.

I managed to pull all but one through the disease on homeoapthic med's, with NO side-effects and NO vet interference! And the one that passed on was not because the homeoapthy didn't work, but because the homeopath who helped me in the beginning wonderfully, turned into a jerk at the end (long miserable story).

The pups developed the symptoms from the vaccine. In Februari I had an 5-6 year old very healthy male dog, who died of kidney and liver failure one week after the annual booster vaccine (this dog received vet's treatment, no homeopathy).

With this, I don't want to say don't vax. But I do want to say

DO NOT vax at too young of an age (interfere's with the maternal immunity, leaving your young animal unprotected)

DO NOT vax combined vaccines (too many risks for your animal's health)

DO NOT vax when the dog receives other med's such as deworm pill, heartworm prevention, antibiotics, anti-itch pills or is getting altered. ONLY vaccinate when the animal is really healthy.

DO NOT vax annually. There is NO prove to back up that this is necessary. On the other hand, there is lots of prove, that most vaccines give more than 3 years of protection, sometimes even life time.


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