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Around The World Air Tickets

Jonny B

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Hi, im looking to go to a few countries on my way back to australia early next year, say america, uk maybe somewhere else in asia, perth and then sydney then back to bkk. Has anybody done similar trip or purchased an around the world ticket as i believe they work out to be alot cheaper? any suggestions where to purchase from in thailand, preferably pattaya or bkk area.


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I've done RTW trips a few times and found out they work out cheaper a lot of the time if you plan to cover a lot of distance, but keep in mind you will most likely need to travel around the world in one dirrection so backtracking will be hard. You will always find RTW tickets that suite you, but the more miles you fly, the more expensive.

I just left BKK and I'm going back to Sydney to live but I am currently in the USA visiting family. I found it cheaper to buy a BKK to USA return ticket followed by a one way ticket from BKK to Australia.

Just do a lot of searching on the net................................ but you will need to have your destinations decided or you will never know what option is best.

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Hi, im looking to go to a few countries on my way back to australia early next year, say america, uk maybe somewhere else in asia, perth and then sydney then back to bkk. Has anybody done similar trip or purchased an around the world ticket as i believe they work out to be alot cheaper? any suggestions where to purchase from in thailand, preferably pattaya or bkk area.


:o I've never actually bought one, but have looked at some pf the packages for sale. If you shop a bit, you can find a package that allows you to travel around the world at a price better thab buying any regualar or discount package. There are things to remember hpwever:

1. You have to travel in one direction only....starting east or west....and continuing that way. Np backtracking allowed. Some packages allow "side-tracking" on your own....in Europe on North America usually, but that may be at your expense.

2. A ticket may be valid for one or two years but once you start travel you many have to complete travel within 90 or 180 days. Depends on the package.

3. Choose your package carefully as to airlines and routes available. You may end up on Trands Andes Airways or such.

4. Remember, most travel is without prior reservations. You need to be flexible if your first choice is fully booked.

But it is still possible to save money and yet travel.....just be flexible and patient.


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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I bought one previous - one of the Star Alliance tickets - the one thing for Star Alliance is that it has far more coverage than most other tickets and they are pretty flexible i.e. you can backtrack once in a destination so you can go through the same place 2 times.

BUT (there is always one of them!) if you have realitively open ended plans I'd just buy tickets as you go as you have to use the RTW tickets in 12 months so you end up putting yourself against the clock. Also although you can freely change the dates it's sometimes a pain in the butt to get to an office to do it.

If I was going to do a RTW hike again I'd just buy tickets as you go - also if you cross over land into other countries and you want to then fly out of that country the miles still are added to you ticket (which is a con in SE Asia considering how easy it is to crossover by land).

One final thing is constantly having to carry or knowing at all times you ticket is safe - a royal pain in the butt.

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It's worth noting that you can get some excellent deals on the business and first class around the world tickets, especially if you are starting off in the USA due to the low value of the dollar. I know someone who does a first class around the world a few times a year using one of these and last time I checked it was running at under $8000 first class all the way, triple miles too !

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