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Land Office Corruption In Pattaya, Need Advise

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I`m trying to transfer 600TW of my land to a Thai friend before I leave Thailand to return back to the UK.

The land in question, is in Green Zone, outside of Pattaya and not close to a main road but inside land.

Now, we have had the land cut and the surveyor has told us that the land has a value of 1,090THB per TW but the guy in the land office, on the day of transfer, is stating that its value is more than 4,000 THB per TW. and according to him the transfer tax is 176,000THB ... Unless we come to an "arrangement" with him, then he will see what he can do.

So at these figures, he's stating the land is residential, which it's not and he's charging us top transfer tax rate unless we pay him off. So i guess you could say I`m been blackmailed by him.

Trouble is I`m giving the land away, to a friend who I owe for work hes done for me in the past, so don't want to have to pay this extortionate corruption fee. Time is ticking and have to return to the UK very soon.

Is there anything that can be done?

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I`m trying to transfer 600TW of my land to a Thai friend before I leave Thailand to return back to the UK.

The land in question, is in Green Zone, outside of Pattaya and not close to a main road but inside land.

Now, we have had the land cut and the surveyor has told us that the land has a value of 1,090THB per TW but the guy in the land office, on the day of transfer, is stating that its value is more than 4,000 THB per TW. and according to him the transfer tax is 176,000THB ... Unless we come to an "arrangement" with him, then he will see what he can do.

So at these figures, he's stating the land is residential, which it's not and he's charging us top transfer tax rate unless we pay him off. So i guess you could say I`m been blackmailed by him.

Trouble is I`m giving the land away, to a friend who I owe for work hes done for me in the past, so don't want to have to pay this extortionate corruption fee. Time is ticking and have to return to the UK very soon.

Is there anything that can be done?

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Just to update, the land officer in question, is now saying the land is worth 10,000 THB per TW. and charging us 6.7% !! For nothing more than farm land. Maybe I should record this guys conversation and blackmail requests.

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The transfer fee will be based on the governments appraised values or the actual sales price whichever is higher.

You can independently determine the govt.'s appraised price for the site online here

thanks a lot, thats given me an edge, according to that site the land is 900BHT per TW but that was before it was cut, even so it couldn't of increased 10 fold. A friend of mine has the a joining land so surley my land is valued at the same has his, so I`ll find out what his is. I`ll let you know what happens.

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