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Prinn Get 2 Years, 8 Months In Indecency Case

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THE Bangkok South Criminal Court has sentenced former Democrat Party deputy leader Prinn Panichphakdi to two years and eight months in jail without parole on charges of subjecting an 18-year-old student to indecent exposure at a restaurant in 2021, Matichon newspaper said late last night (Aug. 22).


Mr. Kosolwat Intuchanyong, deputy spokesman for the Office of the Attorney General, said he was informed by Ms. Patchara Issaraporn, the prosecutor at Southern Bangkok Criminal Case 3, that this verdict on two counts of indecent acts was passed on Aug. 10.


The plaintiff had told the court that Prinn had tricked her into joining him at a rooftop restaurant in Sukhumvit Soi 11 to talk about work and teach her how to invest in stocks where the indecent acts occurred.


by TNR Staff

Former Democrat Party deputy leader Prinn Panichphakdi. Photo: Matichon


Full story: https://thainewsroom.com/2023/08/23/prinn-get-2-years-8-months-in-indecency-case/


-- THAI NEWSROOM 2023-08-23


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I guess every country has its own issues with MPs or the equivalent lawmakers harassing and making lewd suggestions to young ladies. 


Knew him years ago and he was a creep back then. Just too cocksure his daddy would always get him out of trouble. 


He deserved to go to prison for rape of two Thai school girls in London but daddy apparently got him off the hook by talking to the girls' parents in Thailand who got their daughters to drop charges. Metropolitan Police were appalled that they were unable to prosecute what they said was an open and shut case.  Narrowly escaping an English prison where he would not have got any privileges due to his father should have been a lesson to Prinn to stop molesting young girls.  But he chose to continue. His employer in Bangkok, CLSA, knew what he was up to because everyone in the securities industry in Bangkok knew but chose to ignore it because they saw him as a rainmaker who could make money for them. Young female analysts in his office were terrified to work late when they had company results to report on urgently and other staff had to stay in the office to chaperone them in case Prinn popped in to indulge in himself in yet another sexual assault. CLSA didn't care about these young women.  They only cared about profits. 


The DemocratParty, like CLSA, also knew what he was up to but assumed wrongly he could always get away  with it and his assaults would never reflect badly on the party.  Now there is almost nothing left of the Democrat Party which is about to be gobbled up by its arch enemy Thaksin and Prinn is going to prison,  Poetic justice at last.

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