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Para Nut (Bertholletia excelsa) any plant collector in Thailand who sells them?

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Hi all,


since I have planted my worldwide fruit and nut tree collection on our farm in Isaan I am since more than 5 years desperately looking for some

"Para Nut" trees (Bertholletia excelsa) 

Seeds ordered are no success because of the short viability time and no supplier in Latin America wants to sell closed seed pods due to the packing size and weight.


Does anyone has good contacts to nurseries and plant collectors in LoS who has them up for sale.



Bit of info who wants to know:


The nuts are widely harvested in the wild of the amazonian area and need untouched rainforest, because for the pollination and orchid plays an important role:

A male solitary bee visits the orchid and takes over the scent of this flower, so the female bee can find the male and they can care for the next generation. 

Ergo: Orchid gone no buzz buzz, no buzz buzz no pollination of the brasil nut tree.


In India they found another solitary bee who is strong enough to reach the stamens and the nectar and first pollination attempts were sucessful.


Here comes Thailand in the game:

We have the same bee on steroids. 

That nasty black one which you hit with a flip flop and press it down.

The next moment the flip flop gets lifted and the bee disappears unscratched and little impressed.

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