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Big C Electrical Sales Staff...


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Well today we were in Udon for a flying visit and called into Big C for a wander around, one of the things which we were on the look out for was a Karaoke setup (speaker with combined amp) for the wife to plug into as she loves a good old sing song.

Anyway I spied what looked like the idea setup a pair of AJ speaker with in build amp equaliser and 2 mic sockets. So the annoying sales bastard came over to demonstrate them and after twiddling about he finally discovered the switch to turn the in-built tuner on (even though I had stood there prior to this switching it on and off). I said to the wife. . . do you want them? (Now bear in mind they are only 1990 baht) She decides yes and tells the annoying bastard yes I'll have a pair of them please.

So off he toddles we stood there expecting him return with the box, but no he returned with a flyer and says don't you want this 5:1 theatre system? To which I reply no we have already, we want these.... he then points to a 2:1 theatre system and says well what about them!!!! Again he is told no we want them. At this point he starts to tell me wife that they are for outdoor use not indoor!!!!!! Just because they have the black vinyl coating and plastic protection on the corners and they don't sound very good and the 2:1 sounds better!!!!

At this point I say to the wife lets go we aren't having them - so off we walked. With him left standing without a sale.

I thought Homepro had the market cornered in the annoying bastard sales reps but I was wrong! Anyone else suffered this kind of shit shopping Big C??

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We bought those speakers at BigC in Korat and had no problem with the staff. We just pointed to the big ones and 3 minutes later the guy had 1 in our cart.

The speakers do sound pretty for what they are but the built in radio tuner sucks! Have not tried the Karaoke feature yet even though that was the main reason we brought it.

I guess I've been lucky. Never really had a bad experience with the sale staff at BigC...but let me tell you about the crappy service I've receive at 2 Toyota dealers in Korat.... :o

Ski and Goong

Well today we were in Udon for a flying visit and called into Big C for a wander around, one of the things which we were on the look out for was a Karaoke setup (speaker with combined amp) for the wife to plug into as she loves a good old sing song.

Anyway I spied what looked like the idea setup a pair of AJ speaker with in build amp equaliser and 2 mic sockets. So the annoying sales bastard came over to demonstrate them and after twiddling about he finally discovered the switch to turn the in-built tuner on (even though I had stood there prior to this switching it on and off). I said to the wife. . . do you want them? (Now bear in mind they are only 1990 baht) She decides yes and tells the annoying bastard yes I'll have a pair of them please.

So off he toddles we stood there expecting him return with the box, but no he returned with a flyer and says don't you want this 5:1 theatre system? To which I reply no we have already, we want these.... he then points to a 2:1 theatre system and says well what about them!!!! Again he is told no we want them. At this point he starts to tell me wife that they are for outdoor use not indoor!!!!!! Just because they have the black vinyl coating and plastic protection on the corners and they don't sound very good and the 2:1 sounds better!!!!

At this point I say to the wife lets go we aren't having them - so off we walked. With him left standing without a sale.

I thought Homepro had the market cornered in the annoying bastard sales reps but I was wrong! Anyone else suffered this kind of shit shopping Big C??

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I'm surprised that you didn't get the standard, "No have!"


Well today we were in Udon for a flying visit and called into Big C for a wander around, one of the things which we were on the look out for was a Karaoke setup (speaker with combined amp) for the wife to plug into as she loves a good old sing song.

Anyway I spied what looked like the idea setup a pair of AJ speaker with in build amp equaliser and 2 mic sockets. So the annoying sales bastard came over to demonstrate them and after twiddling about he finally discovered the switch to turn the in-built tuner on (even though I had stood there prior to this switching it on and off). I said to the wife. . . do you want them? (Now bear in mind they are only 1990 baht) She decides yes and tells the annoying bastard yes I'll have a pair of them please.

So off he toddles we stood there expecting him return with the box, but no he returned with a flyer and says don't you want this 5:1 theatre system? To which I reply no we have already, we want these.... he then points to a 2:1 theatre system and says well what about them!!!! Again he is told no we want them. At this point he starts to tell me wife that they are for outdoor use not indoor!!!!!! Just because they have the black vinyl coating and plastic protection on the corners and they don't sound very good and the 2:1 sounds better!!!!

At this point I say to the wife lets go we aren't having them - so off we walked. With him left standing without a sale.

I thought Homepro had the market cornered in the annoying bastard sales reps but I was wrong! Anyone else suffered this kind of shit shopping Big C??

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At this point I say to the wife lets go we aren't having them - so off we walked. With him left standing without a sale.

And now your wife thinks you're an impatient and irritable farang, well done you really proved your point. :o

Edited by Robski
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Well today we were in Udon for a flying visit and called into Big C for a wander around, one of the things which we were on the look out for was a Karaoke setup (speaker with combined amp) for the wife to plug into as she loves a good old sing song.

Anyway I spied what looked like the idea setup a pair of AJ speaker with in build amp equaliser and 2 mic sockets. So the annoying sales bastard came over to demonstrate them and after twiddling about he finally discovered the switch to turn the in-built tuner on (even though I had stood there prior to this switching it on and off). I said to the wife. . . do you want them? (Now bear in mind they are only 1990 baht) She decides yes and tells the annoying bastard yes I'll have a pair of them please.

So off he toddles we stood there expecting him return with the box, but no he returned with a flyer and says don't you want this 5:1 theatre system? To which I reply no we have already, we want these.... he then points to a 2:1 theatre system and says well what about them!!!! Again he is told no we want them. At this point he starts to tell me wife that they are for outdoor use not indoor!!!!!! Just because they have the black vinyl coating and plastic protection on the corners and they don't sound very good and the 2:1 sounds better!!!!

At this point I say to the wife lets go we aren't having them - so off we walked. With him left standing without a sale.

I thought Homepro had the market cornered in the annoying bastard sales reps but I was wrong! Anyone else suffered this kind of shit shopping Big C??

Big C Phuket..... Asked the assitant,which of these (many) DVDs play everything, a walk along the line and pointed, this play everthing!! NOT the most exoensive about the middle ish" OK bought the player. This thing plays EVERYTHING even my recorded photo disks :o

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Big C in Pattaya. Sports dept.

"Can I speak to the manager, please?"


"The manager. You have?"

"No speak hehehehe"

I go to three others. Ask and get the same ........

And one of them turns out to actually BE the Manager! (But he doesn't know he is!!!)

Ok OK So I should be able to ask in Thai. But surely the Big C Company can afford to have their staff

taught just a little English?........

Edited by Luckydog
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[/b]Ok OK So I should be able to ask in Thai. But surely the Big C Company can afford to have their staff

taught just a little English?........

Why? ...... the vast majority of their customers are Thai.

(and the very small minority that aren't just put stuff in a trolley or point at things)

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At this point I say to the wife lets go we aren't having them - so off we walked. With him left standing without a sale.

And now your wife thinks you're an impatient and irritable farang, well done you really proved your point. :D

Well no my wife was of exactly the same opinion thanks - she can't stand bullshit from sales people. When you've told someone 3 times that all I want is them nothing else and they basically refuse to get them just stand there telling you they're are essential crap and not what you want - what do you do? Here I was thinking it was a shop and the 'assistants' were there to help!

For all the I must please my wife folks - read the OP as you'll see it says 'we walked off' because 'we' were pissed off at the lack of assistance. The wife equally as much as me - she hates bullshit when she's trying to buy something.

Just to help the mental image here me and my wife have a single figure between our ages she is mid-late twenties and I am early thirties - so don't imagine a pensioner being dragged around Big C with his teen wife. :o

What is a flying visit?

Meaning we were just visiting Udon for an hour or so two - just a figure of speech :D

Ski_goong - good to know someone managed to get a pair of them! We'll just go down to the Morning Market or Chinese Market here in Vientiane and get what we want - without the hassle.

JetsetBkk - Yep exactly the same in Udon

Edited by technocracy
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[/b]Ok OK So I should be able to ask in Thai. But surely the Big C Company can afford to have their staff

taught just a little English?........

Why? ...... the vast majority of their customers are Thai.

(and the very small minority that aren't just put stuff in a trolley or point at things)

Great business mind you have don't you eh?

Any successful business man knows you should never lose a sale.

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A similar problem at Big C (North Pattaya). I wanted to purchase an iPod which was reasonably priced. Sales staff refused to sell it - initially because 'not have box for it - it is only display model' then 'price is wrong.' Asked to speak with the section Manager. BF lost his patience after waiting for 10 minutes. Result: No sale. We ended up purchasing an iPod at MBK Bangkok.


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A similar problem at Big C (North Pattaya). I wanted to purchase an iPod which was reasonably priced. Sales staff refused to sell it - initially because 'not have box for it - it is only display model' then 'price is wrong.' Asked to speak with the section Manager. BF lost his patience after waiting for 10 minutes. Result: No sale. We ended up purchasing an iPod at MBK Bangkok.


Obviously it's not just restricted to one store then . . . I don't quite understand what they are trying to achieve.

Mind you we walked around the corner and went to buy a padlock - I pick up one with 5 year guarantee 200+ baht, I get told 'oh don't buy that buy this buy 1 get one free ... same thing ... 99baht', I take a look and reply 'erm no it's not they are cheap crappy things without any guarantee.'

I just wish you could walk into these store without being decended on by 10+ annoying tossers trying to tell you what to buy. They do it in the morning market here however you can easily ignore them and walk past their shop/stall (however if you say to them you want something - you get it!) but when you're actually in the a large shop and they literally are stand in front of you trolley it's a f*cking pain the butt!

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We have a hardware store in Chiang Mai on the north side of the klong. Owner is Chinese Thai and is is there every day, speaks good English. He handles everything from downhole water pumps to lawn mowers, anything you would expect in a hardware anywhere. He keeps at least 2 staff at the counter who speak English to a point,but if you have problem getting thru to them he comes to help. I have bought from him for 14+ years and still return although Global etc. big companies have opened massive stores here. I would guess most of his business comes from Thai's as no farong housing close by, but he he has enough business sense to want every customer who comes in to leave having spent their money and gotten what they wanted. Doubt the super stores put him out of business. There are places like that here if you can find them

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Big C in Pattaya. Sports dept.

"Can I speak to the manager, please?"


"The manager. You have?"

"No speak hehehehe"

I go to three others. Ask and get the same ........

And one of them turns out to actually BE the Manager! (But he doesn't know he is!!!)

Ok OK So I should be able to ask in Thai. But surely the Big C Company can afford to have their staff

taught just a little English?........

As per usual, there is a general lack of interest in English or anything not Thai. Even the the upper crust department stores in BKK have few staff who speak the foreign tongue. The only exceptions I see are some of the very well educated, who may realize the value of knowing English and ladies who are cultivating Farangs, via a job or other setting, such as internet chat.

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I usually will read a thread until I get to the words "and then I lost my patiance, blah blah blah, walked out, etc." Then I stop reading.

If you sorry lot haven't learned about the concept of face, not losing your cool, etc. by now, your not worth any more of my valuable time. Get a clue people. Walking off in a huff is not the Thai way (when in Thailand dealing with Thai people), and it just makes you look stupid, because you haven't figured out the little cultural idioms yet.

If you asked three times (with a smile) and he won't do it, ask again, and keep asking until you get what you want. If you lose the smile, however, you might as well give up.

Edited by jbowman1993
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I used to like looking round the Hi Fi tv departments while the wife went shopping but not in BigC at Chitlom every time I stop to look at a DVD player I get "DVD plays dvd and vcd" to which I reply yes it tells you on the player, now I can't help myself half laughing smiling when they come out with it, thing is you find yourself walking slowly past something that catches your eye because if you stop I know I'm going to get "dvd plays dvd and vcd".

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[/b]Ok OK So I should be able to ask in Thai. But surely the Big C Company can afford to have their staff

taught just a little English?........

Why? ...... the vast majority of their customers are Thai.

(and the very small minority that aren't just put stuff in a trolley or point at things)

Great business mind you have don't you eh?

Any successful business man knows you should never lose a sale.

Every successful business man I know (myself included) knows that you do a cost/benefit analysis before embarking on any potentially unnecessary expenditure.

Ok, so let's teach the staff how to speak English. These lessons will be free, yes? You also have to calculate the down-time of the labour force, as I seriously doubt the staff would be willing to do something in their own spare time for the benefit of the company.

For everyday shopping I can communicate well enough to go alone, if I can't find what I want, I can ask a shelf-stacker and completely ignore the white-collar pushy sales-people.

If we need a big ticket item, the wife and I go together, and just like the OP's wife, she gets just as annoyed as myself with ineffective staff. Generally speaking, all high-value items have descriptions in English anyway and I can make my own mind up without any help, wifey comes along in case there are any stock problems, you know the sort "no have" "ok, can deliver to this address when have"

The issue here is not one of communication, it's a question of attitude, the staff need to be made to understand that no means no, no twice or three times means that they are potentially going to lose a sale altogether.

Yip, let's spend hundreds of thousands of Baht to get some good basic English language into them, funded by all the 40 Baht profits made on the odd toaster :o

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I usually will read a thread until I get to the words "and then I lost my patiance, blah blah blah, walked out, etc." Then I stop reading.

If you sorry lot haven't learned about the concept of face, not losing your cool, etc. by now, your not worth any more of my valuable time. Get a clue people. Walking off in a huff is not the Thai way (when in Thailand dealing with Thai people), and it just makes you look stupid, because you haven't figured out the little cultural idioms yet.

If you asked three times (with a smile) and he won't do it, ask again, and keep asking until you get what you want. If you lose the smile, however, you might as well give up.

Thats just dumb, play the stupid face game until you get what you want! You must have a lot more time than I do. If you come from a land that has developed service orientated sales, why would you encourage the customers is always wrong approach?

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I have yet to find a modern DVD player that does not play CDs and VCDs.

VCD must be the most pointless and irritating medium ever devised. I used to wonder at how it became so popular in Thailand.

I have found that the latest players and recorders are incredibly expensive (still) in Thailand. I was wanting a Blu-Ray player and noticed the price of these is sometimes threefold what you will pay in the UK for antiquated models. The same goes for standalone DVD recorders and HD DVD players.

Suppose it comes down to supply and demand, when I came to live here three years ago a dvd re-writer was around 5000 baht now you can pick one up for 1200, same with TVs my 40 inch projection ( talking about the TV here) cost 39000 baht now you can get a plasma for that price.

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If you sorry lot haven't learned about the concept of face, not losing your cool, etc. by now, your not worth any more of my valuable time. Get a clue people. Walking off in a huff is not the Thai way (when in Thailand dealing with Thai people), and it just makes you look stupid, because you haven't figured out the little cultural idioms yet.

Don't talk utter f*cking <deleted>! The concept of face has absolutely nothing to do in a supermarket when the 'assistant' believe it or not is suppose to be assisting you not p*ssing about with some face saving crap. Why exactly is he trying to save face when I am ask him simply to get me an item? Instead he's trying to sell me something I've told him I already have and something else I don't want.

As for face in general - unfortunately I am from the west and my wife is Lao and let me let you into a little secret Lao folks like me don't do this 'face saving' thing. If my wife doesn't know how do something or know where something is she asks, same for other Lao folks. Also if she recieves poor service or BS from people she tells them. Thai's have taken it to the extreme to cover up there own stupidity.

You see here if you go into a Chinese shop and ask how much something is you basically half it and then work it to the price you want and if they won't do the price, guess what you do . .. . walk off, they'll invariably come running after you offering you a better price. But hey I could save face and pay far more . .. . ho ho ho . . . :o

Kevc - That exactly what my thought was when I went in let have a stroll around the eletrical dept and see what there is and tried to make an impulse buy! I'd already had 3 or 4 people asking me if I wanted as DVD player before this!

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Sporting Dept, Robinsons, Chontaburi: I see a Nike training shoe on sale, 2400 baht. Sticker says they have my size in stock. No sales people in sight. I look around, theyre crowded around a tv showing a soccer game. I go up with shoe in hand. No one looks at me. Finally one glances up and says "Pii, sakrew, nah - doo footbawn, nah krap". I didnt need the shoes that bad. I guess Robinsons didnt need the money.

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VCD must be the most pointless and irritating medium ever devised. I used to wonder at how it became so popular in Thailand.

Probably because VCDs came on the market in Asia about 2 or 3 years before DVDs arrived. I used to be able to buy VCD Chinese copies in Vietnam in 1997.

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VCD must be the most pointless and irritating medium ever devised. I used to wonder at how it became so popular in Thailand.

Probably because VCDs came on the market in Asia about 2 or 3 years before DVDs arrived. I used to be able to buy VCD Chinese copies in Vietnam in 1997.

CVD's are popular because they are cheaper than DVD's. DVD's are capable of mulit language playback. Most Thais are not interested in this feature anyway.

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[/b]Ok OK So I should be able to ask in Thai. But surely the Big C Company can afford to have their staff

taught just a little English?........

Why? ...... the vast majority of their customers are Thai.

(and the very small minority that aren't just put stuff in a trolley or point at things)

Great business mind you have don't you eh?

Any successful business man knows you should never lose a sale.

Every successful business man I know (myself included) knows that you do a cost/benefit analysis before embarking on any potentially unnecessary expenditure.

Ok, so let's teach the staff how to speak English. These lessons will be free, yes? You also have to calculate the down-time of the labour force, as I seriously doubt the staff would be willing to do something in their own spare time for the benefit of the company.

For everyday shopping I can communicate well enough to go alone, if I can't find what I want, I can ask a shelf-stacker and completely ignore the white-collar pushy sales-people.

If we need a big ticket item, the wife and I go together, and just like the OP's wife, she gets just as annoyed as myself with ineffective staff. Generally speaking, all high-value items have descriptions in English anyway and I can make my own mind up without any help, wifey comes along in case there are any stock problems, you know the sort "no have" "ok, can deliver to this address when have"

The issue here is not one of communication, it's a question of attitude, the staff need to be made to understand that no means no, no twice or three times means that they are potentially going to lose a sale altogether.

Yip, let's spend hundreds of thousands of Baht to get some good basic English language into them, funded by all the 40 Baht profits made on the odd toaster :o

I am sure there are a few job applicants, who may have some basic English skills, who could be hired, if the store were so interested. The fact is that they probably pay no attention to this as a plus in an employee. If they had a couple of staff in the store with such language skills, it would improve the shopping quality for foreign customers. Not exactly rocket science marketing & I doubt it would cost hundeds of thousands of bht.

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