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A friend came up with a Thai catalog which includes forms to apply for ownership and insists that we are allowed firearms here if we register.

Does anyone know the real facts of this, as opposed to opinions?

Not that I am the violent type but I have always preferred to have something for protection of myself and my family in our home but of course would want to go the totally legal route if it is available.


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A friend came up with a Thai catalog which includes forms to apply for ownership and insists that we are allowed firearms here if we register.

Does anyone know the real facts of this, as opposed to opinions?

Not that I am the violent type but I have always preferred to have something for protection of myself and my family in our home but of course would want to go the totally legal route if it is available.


No they are not. If you have your own home and your wife is the head of the house hold on the tabian Baan she can hold own a firearm legally. But you can not touch it, its called Pit mur (wrong hand) if you do and you will be prosecuted for it. So if you shoot some one get your wife to shoot him again and you have a bath. Hope thats clear enough for you.

Edited by mpdkorat
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From previous topics on this it seams that a farang can only own one if they have permanent residence. However some people have just used their wife to apply for the permit, which is legal as long as you don’t take the gun anywhere by yourself and it is kept at her house. Does anyone else know what the requirements for a Thai to apply for a permit are?


Edited by madjbs
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Not that I am the violent type but I have always preferred to have something for protection of myself and my family in our home but of course would want to go the totally legal route if it is available.

If you are looking for protection outside the house suggest you consider 'pepper spray' which is easily purchased in LOS. Obviously it's not much protection against a gun but at least it's not illegal and is non lethal and very effective in certain situations which is why many police carry it.

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Are you able to buy the ammunition that riot police sometimes use? They have those shotguns that fire some kind of wadding and normal guns with the rubber bullets. This would be a better solution than shooting them dead with real bullets and more effective than pepper spray if you had a real psycho on your hands.

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'Bean bags' is the ammo you are looking for for your 12 gauge. But as all non-lethal, besides tazer, they assume the target isn't completely non-responding to pain via drugs in their system.

I don't know if Taser's are legal here however.

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Can you post your anti-gun stuff on a pro or anti gun thread please, we are not discussing that here (you will find there has been many in the past). If not then please don’t post at all otherwise you will turn this into the usual flame fest.



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Are you able to buy the ammunition that riot police sometimes use? They have those shotguns that fire some kind of wadding and normal guns with the rubber bullets. This would be a better solution than shooting them dead with real bullets and more effective than pepper spray if you had a real psycho on your hands.

I agree that inside a home, the shotgun is the weapon of choice. I especiallyprefer a pump action shotgun since almost every guy recognizes the sound of the pump action and that sound is usually enough to send anyone scurrying away.

Outside the home is a different story as I previously mentioned, I am a big fan of non lethal pepper spray Even though here in the US I carry a gun because I have a permit to carry a concealed weapon, I also always carry pepper spray because shooting someone here even in self defense usually starts a chain of lawsuits against you that will make you wish you were also dead ! :o

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Can you post your anti-gun stuff on a pro or anti gun thread please, we are not discussing that here (you will find there has been many in the past). If not then please don’t post at all otherwise you will turn this into the usual flame fest.



exactly, these threads have a tendency to turn into a pro vs anti-gun debate within the first two pages, and then into an anti-US flamefest after that.

So a public warning right up front. Keep to topic. Those who don't will find their posting rights curtailed.

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Wow.. These responses are far more than I expected, or asked for, and it becomes easy to understand and appreciate the need for moderators on these forums. I do wish however to thank the above poster for providing BOLD statements of his prejudices since we Americans are too ignorant to understand normal text.

As a veteran of 18 months in full-on combat I am no stranger to the responsibilites and possible consequences of firearm ownership, or of taking another human life, but thank you all for your input. I very much appreciate the concept of a Taser and I should have thought of that myself. Are they available/legal here? Pepper sprays for street situations (not what this thread is about, folks) may be effective at times but, as mentioned, they have no effect on a dedicated/armed or drugged-out thug.

You may as well yell, "You BAD man, you!" :o

While I am not proposing arming the general population of foreigners, there are some of us who have extensive experience with firearms and have always acted responsibly in every way. And there are, whether we recognize it or not, robberies and shootings in private homes here in Thailand and I am simply curious about what personal protections we are allowed to have for ourselves and our families.

I agree that a shotgun is the arm of choice and that the sound of cocking a slide-action Winchester would send even the most unreasonable thug running - which is, after all the best scenario, right? Rock salt has been popular in the US for many decades and while it will alter the intentions of even the most aggressive thief/killer, it does not kill. And the same firearm is also very popular for hunting with loads available for almost any need.

Getting up in the middle of the night to investigate sounds in your living room with a flashlight and even your little 9mm Glock is a fast ticket to the loss of not only your own life but your family's.

So far I see no reference to Thai law which is what I asked about in the first place.


Oh, btw, I have also been a hunter since nine years of age and am interested in learning about that as well. Since my wife is a vegetarian, if I have to go along with her and her firearm, we will likely only come home with shredded mangos and the occasional banana... :D

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Just my guess from seeing this question asked about every three months, but there probably is a link in an old thread about 'the law'.

What you are likely to find is that one of the hurdles is to be have your name registered on the Tabieen Baan to be able to apply. The problem for you is that the only people who can get their names on the Tabieen Baan are Thai nationals, or permanent residents of Thailand.

As such, while there may not be an explicit 'no foreigners allowed rule' there will be requirements that you simply are unable to fufil, given your non-PR status.

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I would think pepper spray would be quite good indoors as well but I would be very concerned about having to get close up to the intruder (although you should probably only use force if they come at you) even so you would have to be fairly close which leaves you open to being shot or even stabbed if the guy is quick enough. I have seen some brands claiming they have quite a long range of spray though, but I have never tried one so I’m not sure.

I’m defiantly not a fan of shooting intruders though unless they are going to attack you, and even then it is going to very hard to prove exactly what happened. I would defiantly consider a shotgun with those beanbag cartridges if I didn’t live in BKK, then I wouldn’t have to worry about lawsuits or using excessive force when your in a state of shock or whatever.


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Just to clarify a few points made above

Living on an O visa (retirement basis) would exclude ownership by a farang - on the grounds that he is not a 'permanent resident'?

Living in a rented house would exclude any ownership of a firearm - even by a thai? So if I am renting a house my thai partner cannot legally own and keep a firearm in the house.

Where can one buy pepper spray in Thailand?

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I also remember something about the 5 years on a Tabian Baan rule. I dont know much about how to get on a Tabian Baan but I was under the impression that farangs can actually go on a different Tabian Baan for foreign residents (there is a report of this in the driving license thread.).

Also dont people that own condos have their name on a tabian baan?


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I know of two falangs in Phuket who can carry weapons and a certificate signed off by the police chief. No permanent residence needed. Work permit yes. Married to a Thai yes. But the permit is issued to him, not Thai spouse.

Other provinces I have no idea.

This would fall under the 'special permit' section, as most foreigners won't be able to head down this route.

Normal rutine is:

- Have a PR

- Be in the Tabian Ban

- Look proper

+ additional requirements depending on the weapon class. (I thinkthe above only covers up to .357 revolvers, 9mm semi automatics and 12 gauge shotguns, but it was several years ago a shop owner [and cop as dayjob] tried to explain it in extreamly broken english.)

Money in the bank and have a job (WP) might be wanted to. If it's anything like back home the rules are also up to 'judgement of the issueing officer', so the better you look, are or appear...

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I just stumbled upon this thread after I wanted to ask the almost same question. I have some high-value hunting rifles in my home country which I inherited from my father and would love to bring them to Thailand. But it looks like there are no permits without a permanent residence? I hold an annual visa since almost 2 years based on my marriage to my Thai wife.

What is the regulation on those "air guns" with the rubber/plastic bullets they sell on the streets? Do you need a permit for these in Thailand?

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In Thailand you need to have a permit for air guns as well, however there must be some kind of regulation which states the level of power where the gun is classified as a firearm as the low power toy air guns are available at most markets and toy shops.


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It's nutty to think that a Farang would want a firearm here and even nuttier to think they might want one in the house they share with thier lovely lady. I wouldn't trust most woman (that I might be in a relationship with) to come within a mile of a gun, be she Thai or otherwise.

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It's nutty to think that a Farang would want a firearm here and even nuttier to think they might want one in the house they share with thier lovely lady. I wouldn't trust most woman (that I might be in a relationship with) to come within a mile of a gun, be she Thai or otherwise.

LOL I couldn't agree more. Especially if one has jowshoo tendencies :o

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It's nutty to think that a Farang would want a firearm here and even nuttier to think they might want one in the house they share with thier lovely lady. I wouldn't trust most woman (that I might be in a relationship with) to come within a mile of a gun, be she Thai or otherwise.

LOL I couldn't agree more. Especially if one has jowshoo tendencies :o

I confess to being one of the nutty ones ! One of the first things I did when I brought my Thai wife to the US was to take her out to the range to teach her to shoot. My reasoning being that if she ever decided she wanted to kill me, I prefered that she shoot me and get it over quick rather than poison me which is a much more slow and agonizing way to go. :D:D

On a more serious note, I cannot imagine anyone ever marrying a woman that they would not trust with their life however I do understand the reality that quite a few men have misjudged the character of their woman with unfortunately fatal consequences.

On the subject of woman and guns in the home, in my personal experience it has been interesting to find that most women who have never shot a gun are usually much better at hitting the target than men in the same situation when they go out to the range for the first time--must have something to do with having a more steady trigger finger ! If one is going to have guns in the home whether locked up or not, I personally feel safer if everyone in my home has some basic knowledge of gun safety.

Disclaimer: I am not one of those gun nuts or extremist and personally find those type of people to be boring. The fact is that the vast majority of people are safer and better off without guns if they do not think they are absolutely necessary depending on their personal situation.

Edited by jetjock
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It's nutty to think that a Farang would want a firearm here and even nuttier to think they might want one in the house they share with thier lovely lady. I wouldn't trust most woman (that I might be in a relationship with) to come within a mile of a gun, be she Thai or otherwise.

LOL I couldn't agree more. Especially if one has jowshoo tendencies :o

I confess to being one of the nutty ones ! One of the first things I did when I brought my Thai wife to the US was to take her out to the range to teach her to shoot. My reasoning being that if she ever decided she wanted to kill me, I prefered that she shoot me and get it over quick rather than poison me which is a much more slow and agonizing way to go. :D:D

On a more serious note, I cannot imagine anyone ever marrying a woman that they would not trust with their life however I do understand the reality that quite a few men have misjudged the character of their woman with unfortunately fatal consequences.

On the subject of woman and guns in the home, in my personal experience it has been interesting to find that most women who have never shot a gun are usually much better at hitting the target than men in the same situation when they go out to the range for the first time--must have something to do with having a more steady trigger finger ! If one is going to have guns in the home whether locked up or not, I personally feel safer if everyone in my home has some basic knowledge of gun safety.

Disclaimer: I am not one of those gun nuts or extremist and personally find those type of people to be boring. The fact is that the vast majority of people are safer and better off without guns if they do not think they are absolutely necessary depending on their personal situation.

Fortunately, you have found more stable female companionship than I have. My experience with the opposite sex has found them to be volitile, explosive & irrational, particularly when trying to cope with the up's & down's of a relationship. I have never met one in Thailand capable of rational thought process. Aside from that reason, I think you are asking for much potential trouble, if you ever were to shoot a poor unfortunate Thai. Better to secure your house to the max and reduce the likelyhood of unwanted visitors.

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In Thailand you need to have a permit for air guns as well, however there must be some kind of regulation which states the level of power where the gun is classified as a firearm as the low power toy air guns are available at most markets and toy shops.


The plastic bullet ones are known as airsoft guns and are virtually unregulated as long as the bullet does not go fast enough to break the skin. I think they go by the Japanese law that the bullet energy must not exceed 0.98J, or there is not an airsoft gun that can shoot more than 0.98J because the companies try to be responsible. Of course, small legal modifications can be made to increase power to make it more effective for pest control, accuracy, and it is still legal because when they are imported there is no need to have a permit.

The metal pellet airguns are dangerous since they have enough force to break the skin and therefore potentially lethal. You need a permit for that. I think they're around as much trouble as a real gun so it would probably be more worth it to get a real gun.


Guns are crazy expensive here. 100K+ for a Glock that would cost you a fifth of that stateside.

The prices of Glocks are ridiculous but not usually more than 70k but they retain a good resale value. STI's on the other hand are ungodly at more than 130k.

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The prices are definitely going up. Mine were only 43,500 Baht here each for a 19 and 26 when the exact same pieces were $510 stateside.

Wife and I both do regular range time, in fact we met at the shooting range during a couple of firearms courses about 5 years ago. IMO it isn't home protection if one's wife isn't proficient.


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Guns are crazy expensive here. 100K+ for a Glock that would cost you a fifth of that stateside.

The prices of Glocks are ridiculous but not usually more than 70k but they retain a good resale value. STI's on the other hand are ungodly at more than 130k.

WOW ! Having never priced guns in LOS, I had no idea prices of pistols were so high. Here is the US the Glock 19 is around $500. and STI's around $1000-1500 depending on model. Import duty and taxes can really takes a toll there.

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