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Cost Of Living


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Hi again all. :D

You'll notice the new name. I guess those who are interested will recognise me. I've only been a member for a day or so.

I realise this is early in the relationship to be thinking of such things but I'm in need of some advice,again. I know that I'm a bit of a control freak & like to cover as much as possible as soon as I can. Would hate to be walking down the aisle knowing jackshit about what I was getting myself into.

The answer to this question will vary from household to household, so a general idea will suffice.

I'm not wealthy by most standards. Still working in my late 50's I have substantial equity in my home & a reasonable superannuation. I will be eligible for the Oz aged pension in about 6 1/2 years. I'm trying to establish what sort of income I'll require if & when I move over to paradise to be with the lady im starting the relationship with. It's possible that we will live here in Oz for a few years until I retire. I earn reasonable money here & am still fit & healtyh enough to keep it coming in. She owns her own home & small shop & runs some cattle as extra income. There's no children or relatives to condider. I realise than on initial arrival there would be some considerable "establishment" costs from me. I'd also most probably invest in some sort of motor vehicle, not a bomb. I'd rather not dispose of all assets here in Oz initially. I think better to set up some form of monthly income as I doubt I'd be able or interested in work except helping with the shop & farm. I don't have an extravagent life style but would like to take the lady & maybe parents away from time to time for a weekend. :D

So ! am I on the right track ? Like I said the sum would vary from person to person but a ball park figure will get me started.

I'm thick skinned, be brutal, tell me the truth. :o I can handle it.

Thanks again...I'm looking forward to buying some of you beers when I come visit next January.


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Hi again all. :D

You'll notice the new name. I guess those who are interested will recognise me. I've only been a member for a day or so.

I realise this is early in the relationship to be thinking of such things but I'm in need of some advice,again. I know that I'm a bit of a control freak & like to cover as much as possible as soon as I can. Would hate to be walking down the aisle knowing jackshit about what I was getting myself into.

The answer to this question will vary from household to household, so a general idea will suffice.

I'm not wealthy by most standards. Still working in my late 50's I have substantial equity in my home & a reasonable superannuation. I will be eligible for the Oz aged pension in about 6 1/2 years. I'm trying to establish what sort of income I'll require if & when I move over to paradise to be with the lady im starting the relationship with. It's possible that we will live here in Oz for a few years until I retire. I earn reasonable money here & am still fit & healtyh enough to keep it coming in. She owns her own home & small shop & runs some cattle as extra income. There's no children or relatives to condider. I realise than on initial arrival there would be some considerable "establishment" costs from me. I'd also most probably invest in some sort of motor vehicle, not a bomb. I'd rather not dispose of all assets here in Oz initially. I think better to set up some form of monthly income as I doubt I'd be able or interested in work except helping with the shop & farm. I don't have an extravagent life style but would like to take the lady & maybe parents away from time to time for a weekend. :D

So ! am I on the right track ? Like I said the sum would vary from person to person but a ball park figure will get me started.

I'm thick skinned, be brutal, tell me the truth. :o I can handle it.

Thanks again...I'm looking forward to buying some of you beers when I come visit next January.



Use the search engine on this forum i saw a thread only last week that had all the answers you were looking for .


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Hi again all. :D

You'll notice the new name. I guess those who are interested will recognise me. I've only been a member for a day or so.

I realise this is early in the relationship to be thinking of such things but I'm in need of some advice,again. I know that I'm a bit of a control freak & like to cover as much as possible as soon as I can. Would hate to be walking down the aisle knowing jackshit about what I was getting myself into.

The answer to this question will vary from household to household, so a general idea will suffice.

I'm not wealthy by most standards. Still working in my late 50's I have substantial equity in my home & a reasonable superannuation. I will be eligible for the Oz aged pension in about 6 1/2 years. I'm trying to establish what sort of income I'll require if & when I move over to paradise to be with the lady im starting the relationship with. It's possible that we will live here in Oz for a few years until I retire. I earn reasonable money here & am still fit & healtyh enough to keep it coming in. She owns her own home & small shop & runs some cattle as extra income. There's no children or relatives to condider. I realise than on initial arrival there would be some considerable "establishment" costs from me. I'd also most probably invest in some sort of motor vehicle, not a bomb. I'd rather not dispose of all assets here in Oz initially. I think better to set up some form of monthly income as I doubt I'd be able or interested in work except helping with the shop & farm. I don't have an extravagent life style but would like to take the lady & maybe parents away from time to time for a weekend. :D

So ! am I on the right track ? Like I said the sum would vary from person to person but a ball park figure will get me started.

I'm thick skinned, be brutal, tell me the truth. :o I can handle it.

Thanks again...I'm looking forward to buying some of you beers when I come visit next January.


Live with the lady in OZ a few years BEFORE investing anything in Thailand is a good idea.

Use your holidays tocome and have a feelof the place and find outthe cost of living.

Most would agree that 20k to 30k baht is a good figure for the 'normal' daily expenses per month

On top of that you will need to consider medical cover, big expenses like holidays/vehicle/housing

Takeit easy do not rush things. Time enough to figure out what you want or need in the village if that is what you want after the few years together

Good luck

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Hi I have just finished building my house in Korat here's a breakdown of the cost including buying the land

LAND (brought in 2006 was 140,000 baht which was about £2000 land size is 300sq metres and is not on a rice field in the middle of nowhere but on a side road which has electric, water & a telephone box about 50 metres up the road)

BUILDERS COST (242,000 baht which is about £3500 this included all electric & plumbing work)

BUILDING STUFF (603,000 baht which is about £8800 this includes all the normal stuff like bricks, cerment, tiles and so on and also includes windows, kitchen cabinets & sink, toilet, basin & shower unit, taps & fans around the house)

SHOP ( 25,000 baht for a 2 door fridge, 7,000 baht for shelves for shop & 33,000 baht for stock for shop so this works out at about £950 the shop is 12.5 sq metres)

WALL AROUND THE HOUSE ( this is still on going but nearly finished so far the cost is 49,000 baht builders cost & 62,000 baht for pillers, bricks and so I still need a metal fence & gate for the front enterance and I have budgeted myself 40,000 baht for this so this should work out to about 151,000 baht about £2200)

GARDEN ( still needs to be done, Lawn, plants & trees I have a budget of 30,000 baht for this about £440 )

so overall you looking at about 1.23 million baht which is about £18,000, remember you will still have to buy beds, tv's and other bits but in the long run this is far cheaper than building in Pattaya/Bangkok you would be looking at about 2 million bahtif not more due to land prices being high and builders cost !

BILLS ( electric bills are 1400 baht a month including shop cost, water is about 95 baht a month so about 1500 baht a month in total, as the shop makes about 3000 baht a month profit this still leaves my GF with 1500 baht a month which she buys food from the market to last her & the family a month)

MONTHLY BUDGET ( 40,000 BAHT, but I only spend about 20 - 25,000 baht a month so I just save the rest for the following month which will give me a budget of about 55 - 60,000 baht enough for me to go to Pattaya for a month :D then I go back to Korat for a month and do the same :o

SCHOOL COST ( My son is only 2 so no cost yet, but when he is 4 I will be sending him to school in the city, the cost for the is about 50,000 baht for the year, this is for an English Program school)

Edited by JASON THAI
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