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I tried Xannax last year and it worked a treat, just like valium does.

So why is it frowned apon as a taboo by most chemists here? Is there any sensible and logical, I repeat, sensible and logical reason why it's not available?

I can only think of two reasons why it is banned, because A: It works and B: The government decided to ban it for no reason whatsoever, just for the sake of it, a bit like bars closing at 2am.

Everything I'm offered for lack of sleep is rubbish and a complete waste of money and just makes me feel like I've had a strong cup of coffee instead of a tranquiliser.

I'm really pissed off... Friday is the night for going out and Saturday and Sunday are spent trying to teach myself to sleep again.

I'm going to feel like crap at tonights get together - that said it's in Nana which is rumoured to have places that sell it.

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Valium can be had from many pharmacies and doesn't give the heavy-headed hangover that lead-booted Xanax does.

If a valium 10 and a couple of whiskeys can't gently slide you into dreamland Mr The Gentleman Scamp, then not much else can.

Err...that's what I have heard, anyway.

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My understanding from my tried-and-true pharmacist is that abuse of Xanax as a recreational drug was becoming a big problem among Thai youth. The FDA therefore changed its status into a more controlled category -- hence it is no longer as easy to get as it was previously.

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I have exactly the same problem and was going to post something in Health Body and Medicine about the lack of places to find Valium.

Philmac, may I ask you where you purchase yours?

1 Mg of Xanax is the equivalent of 20Mgs Valium.

These Benzodiazepines are powerful drugs that are highly addictive, if you get stuck on these, you will regret it, believe me. The withdrawal effects from Benzo's are really bad, it is dangerous to take these drugs for any longer than 2 weeks, take care with them.

It took me 2 years to withdraw from Valium, and i would not wish the withdrawal symptoms on anyone.

Drug-addiction experts claim that getting people off the benzodiazepines is more difficult than getting addicts off heroin...

"Benzos are responsible for more pain, unhappiness and damage than anything else in our society." – Phil Woolas MP, Deputy Leader of the House of Commons, Oldham Chronicle, February 12, 2004.


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I've been using valium every day for years and never found it addictive.

No not really. I use to take valium when flying because of fear: Not fear of flying mind you; fear of plummetting 30,000 ft to a horrible death. It worked wonders. I didn't crash even once.

Pvt Dick.

A lot of small shophiuse pharmacies will sell it as long as you are suitably low-key. When I did purchase it, I usually bought something else first and then ask for the valium almost as an afterthought.

Why don't you subscribe to Farang Affairs Pictorial by sending an email to [email protected]

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I think Xanax is way nicer than Valium. Tried both for long flights, and definitley need a longer recovery time after taking Valium! I feel very tired when waking up, unlike on Xanax when I actually feel rested.

Never had too much trouble getting generic Xanax from pretty much any pharmacy that's not a fancy Tesco Lotus outlet or Boots or Watsons and all those. Think 'small mom & pop pharmacy' and you'll have no trouble getting 10 generic Xanax for like 70-80 baht.

Not sure if taking this regularly is a good thing though... But perfect for long flights or busrides.



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You are correct, Zanax, (Xannax), is more effective than Valium for sleep, yes, both are addictive but with common sense you can avoid problems.

True story, one of my chores while vacationing in Thailand is to restock the med kit, I get a variety of things. LAX customs is going thru my bags and neatly separates all my med's, I have about a six bubble packs of Val and Zan, they question why so much and I tell them the truth that I buy in quantity when I can.

What they told me was though they weren't a class C narcotic, (anything in the opiate family), I couldn't be charged with trafficking or possession of a banned substance, but could be charged with prescription abuse and intent to redistribute ...", What did they do ? They threw it all back in my bag, didn't even confiscate anything and told me to have a nice day. So I know how much Customs will tolerate.

I'm sure many Thai Pharms have been stung by Authorities posing as tourist to see how much they could buy.

Where to get .. how much ...

My experience is one out of four Thai Pharms will sell you Xannax, with the preponderance of pharmacies it won't take long to find a few. Stick with Mom and Pops, wait until other customers leave, don't buy in quantity, one or to bubble packs max, buy some other ancillary med(s), aspirin, foot powder, whatever.

Not mentioning names, but within a five minute walk from Soi 3 and Suk you'll do just fine.

I take it only when I really need it, maybe only once every few months, to reset my clock from jet-lag or when I truly can't sleep.

Naturally sleep is always the best, Zan will become less effective use frequent use, will become addictive, will make it more difficult to reestablish normal sleep, :o it's an occasional tool, I wouldn't abuse it but you already know that.

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2-3 xanax dissolved in a bottle of banned cough syrup, mixed 50/50 with Thai whisky should quench your urge to hit the keyboard and enquire about prescription medicines. You may find issues concering bargirls, choice of food and other worries you might have will not be so important for a few days. :o

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A good vigorous sweaty shagging with the missus usually puts me right to sleep.

If I can't sleep after that, which is rare, a few chapters in a book puts me out.

You're all a bunch of junkies!

But wouldn't it be quite crowded with the scamp over there shagging your missus and you trying to sleep? :o

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These drugs are bad news for the people that take them and good news for the Pharmacutical Companies that produce them. They have created Millions upon Millions of addicts worldwide and keep up production to supply them.............you will notice that the Giant Pharmacutical Companies are very generous indeed when they contribute to Political Parties, they make so much money from these drugs they can contribute Millions to protect a Multi Billion dollar industry

I personally went through a taper to come off of Valium, it took me 2 years, my last slither of a 2mg pill was New Years Eve, i still have some way to go before i am 100% right.............

There is a reason that so many older people are on various Benzodiazepines now, and have been for years, it is just too difficult to stop, and for some people they just cannot handle the withdrawal symptoms, which can be unbelievable in severity.

Play around with these drugs at your own risk, whatever you do, don't take them on a regular basis for sleep etc, you Will regret it.

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I don't think these meds are as easy to obtain as you suggest, but please don't post a link to prove me wrong. I don't object to discussing addiction, surely we won't save anyone by not responding to questions about brandnames and sources.

But I'd rather those seriously interested did their own research, what is the point of making it easy for the merely curious?

Ironically I was the one who mentioned xanax in the first place, in the health forum. I now wish I hadn't.

And yes, I am a former addict.

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Xanax, Valium, Restoril et al are all addictive and potentially explosive when combined with alcohol. For long haul flights etc usually safe, but be aware that you get robbed of true REM sleep which is why most people have next-day "hangover."

Xanax is most commonly used for those with anxiety disorders. Valium was called "Mother's Little Helper" (remember the Stones circa 1969) because houswevies were downing them like candy to cope with the "blues" (valium 10mg are blue)

We all have our drugs of choice...

Where's my morning coffee damnit!

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I have never really considered 'downer' addiction, I spent 5 horrible fantastic years taking every form of 'upper' known to man and beast, the day I thought I was a cow and was found wandering the streets in a animal print blanket, on all fours, mooing was the day I realised I needed to tone it down a bit. That was about 5 years ago now and I think I'm better! :o

What kind of symptoms does one go through from a Xannax or suchlike addiction?

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I never made it to a xannax addict, but I guess it's similar to Valium, which acts on the nervous system and also relaxes muscles. I found all my minor and chronic aches come back much amplified when I stopped, a general feeling of not feeling comfortable with oneself in body and spirit, restlessness, inability to sleep or concentrate, periods similar to fever, sweating it out, lack of positive perspectives in life, depression including suicide phantasies, and of course the thought that you could cure all this by just popping another pill. Valium was one drug I didn't indulge in for very long, so it only took about 6 weeks to get over it.

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I have never really considered 'downer' addiction, I spent 5 horrible fantastic years taking every form of 'upper' known to man and beast, the day I thought I was a cow and was found wandering the streets in a animal print blanket, on all fours, mooing was the day I realised I needed to tone it down a bit. That was about 5 years ago now and I think I'm better!  :o

What kind of symptoms does one go through from a Xannax or suchlike addiction?

Harry, its the withdrawal that is so difficult. Some people get agoraphobic and just cannot go out, i knew a woman that never went out for 2 years. Then there are the panic attacks which can hit you at any time, very strange when you are riding a motorcycle with a pillion passenger, ( This happened to me), people can then withdraw into their homes for fear of having a panic attack outside. It's a nightmare mate.

People with these symptoms find it very very difficult to function, hence most people give up and keep upping the dose, in fact most experts will be against people over a certain age trying to stop them, the withdrawal can be too severe, depending on the length of time you have been taking them.

I have done many things in my life, the hardest was the 2 years taper from 15Mgs of valium to 0mgs after maybe 15 years of on and off use with 3 years continuous use before i knew it was time to quit. I could not go out without taking a Valium, i would get to the end of the street and would have to go back to my house cos i was panic stricken

Thats only 15Mgs a Day i started my taper at, 1Mg of Xanax is the equivalent of 20Mgs of Valium, so generally speaking i was taking 3/4 of a xanax a day, i have known people on 8Mgs of Xanax a day, thats the same as 160Mgs of Valium per day. This particular person and 99% of all people addicted to Benzo's are prescribed them by their Doctor's. Please stay away from Them.

If anybody is having problems with Benzo's, PM me, i will give some links and some internet help groups, forums etc.

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I suppose the irony that two of the most addictive drugs around - alcohol and tobacco - are legal and freely available in most places has not escaped most of us.

With the greatest respect to the guys on the forum who fought and won their addiction battles, their stories pale a bit in comparison to the absolute ###### hard-core alcoholics go through when detoxing.

Alcohol, both socially and physically, stands out on its own as the most destructive of all drugs. It ruins more lives, breaks up more families, kills more people (road accidents for example), and causes more irrational and violent behaviour in a day than all other commonly used legal and illegal drugs combined have ever done. Ask any doctor.

Sorry, I just find it a little hypocritical when someone is talking about the evil of drugs and lowlife drug users between gulps and beer and drags on cigarettes .

A distinction should be drawn between use and abuse of drugs (both legal and illegal) as should the distinction between mental addiction and physical addiction to drugs (both legal and illegal).

I find the warning about not taking valium or xanax because you'll surely become an addict trite and insulting. It's like not offering someone a beer because in case they become an alcoholic.

Anyway, I'll shut up now

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