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Online Scams


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Hi to all, I am sure many of you are aware of the mulitude of online scams around today, here in Thailand and abroad.

Here is a scam that was posted on my local Expats forum site in northern Thailand. Within the forum an add was placed for second hand household goods, furniture, electrical and various sundry items. The add was posted by a european couple (fake photo and names) who were working in the area and were re-locating somewhere else and wanted quick sales of their gear. The add had many pictures of the items and prices and were mainly high end brand name items. A bit unusual for expats working here to have expensive items. The add came with a messenger icon to contact them personally to discuss the sale. I asked about one paticular item and was told it was available, so I asked when I could come and look at the item and was told I could view the item after they had finished work at 6pm and they would send a location map for their house. OK, so after awhile I received a message if I wanted to put the item on hold to guarantee the sale, I opted out and said no. From this point on there was no response, after studying the messages I relised something was'nt right, in the conversation, which was in English, the person finished the message with the word (right) eg,( I will see you at 6pm and I will send a location map, right.) This word would not be used like this by Europeans speaking English.

Their next step if you agree to put the item on hold is they ask for a deposit to hold the item, then presto they vanish from the forum page.

Other members from my forum saw the add and had the same experience. The add was reported and removed. 

Luckily nobody was stung, however, be aware that facebook is a scammers paradise to con money from you.


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Scams are everywhere. Unfortunately some companies here openly admit they want you to approve their use of your data. I wont mention the company that does that but it is amazing for any company to admit they want your agreement for them to sell your data. Banks are the same. Just look at the requirements for their apps, it is full of things that scammers would love to have.

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