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Texas Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Sues Pfiz­er for Mis­rep­re­sent­ing COVID-19 Vac­cine Effi­ca­cy and Con­spir­ing to Cen­sor Pub­lic Discourse

Red Phoenix

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15 hours ago, novacova said:

“Florida surgeon general recommends against mRNA COVID shots, cites discredited theory”





As is typical of most of his misinformation peddling ilk:


The opening paragraph of the above report:


"Florida’s surgeon general on Wednesday officially called for a halt “to the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines,” citing a discredited theory that has been debunked by federal and global health officials."


But then again, Ladapo has been down his vaccine misinformation road before:

Report: Florida officials cut key data from vaccine study

April 8, 2023


"TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — An analysis that was the basis of a highly criticized recommendation from Florida's surgeon general cautioning young men against getting the COVID-19 vaccine omitted information that showed catching the virus could increase the risk of a cardiac-related death much more than getting the mRNA shot, according to drafts of the analysis obtained by the Tampa Bay Times.


The early drafts of the analysis obtained by the Times through a records request showed that catching COVID-19 could increase the chances of a cardiac-related death much more than getting the vaccine, but that information was missing from the final version put out by the Florida Department of Health last October."




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Pfizer wants Texas AG lawsuit over vaccine moved out of Lubbock court


Updated: Dec 29, 2023



LUBBOCK, Texas — A lawsuit filed against Pfizer filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in the 99th Judicial Court for Lubbock County was requested to be moved to the federal district court, according to court documents obtained by EverythingLubbock.com.


Federal court records showed Pfizer filed a notice of removal on December 28, which stated the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas should have jurisdiction.


Pfizer also said it did not misrepresent any product or goods. The response stated Pfizer is “immune” from the claims since it was acting under authorization from the federal government.


The response asked that all claims be dismissed, and that Pfizer recovers legal fees from the lawsuit.





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