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Mirror Mirror On The Wall


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I am endlessly fascinated by the threads about how much it costs to live in LOS. Whenever posters ask for advice on how much it costs they tend to be swamped with posters using it as an opportunity to show how wealthy they are.

Instead of keeping to, " I need xxxx to live" they have to add, "I didn't come here until I owned xx houses, I had xxx pensions, xxx summer jobs and a squillion quid in the bank. Don't you dare come here with less or dragons will eat you!!!". Or words to that effect.

So to save everyone the trouble this thread is for you loadsamoney lads to show the world that you are considerably richer than me.

I don't want advice on how to make money (I will save that for another thread), I don't need to be told I don't have enough money (I know that already) and I don't need to be told that my life will be a living hel_l when I move to Los. This is not for me!!

This is the thread some of you have been waiting for. You can keep to the subject matter AND still tell the world about how well you have done.

Enjoy :o

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:o i also do get the feeling sometimes when posters are knocking the people who choose to live cheaply,are actually only really bragging about how well they're doing in a non direct,clever,sort of way. :D
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Anyone remember the Harry Enfield sketch where the appaulingly flashy "I am considerably rich-ar than yeow" guy is on holiday with his wife?

Hes sitting in some plush famous hotel bar having a drink and gets into a conversations with a very casually dressed gentleman sipping his drink. Of course he has to start going on about money. When he says "I am considerably rich-ar than yeow" and receives the reply of "I somehow doubt it", he gets irate. His wife then notices the other man is wearing a rolex and tries to tell her husband. Harry asks "so, tell me, why do you think you are richer than me then!?" and the gent calmly replies "Because, you are sitting in my hotel". :o

Another sketch i remember from wayyy back is one from the Tracy Ulman show: an airplane has 3 sections which obviously represents working class people, middleclass people, and Upper class people. The hostess announces the menu to each section. She says to the working class section "Today we will be serving Chicken and chips" and the passengers shout "YAY!". She says to the middle class section "Today we will be serving Poulet et Pomme de frits" the passengers look at each other, nod and smile happily. She finally announces to the Upper Class section "Today we will be serving Chicken and chips' and the passengers shout "YAY!". I remember finding it a very funny example of how silly people can be. :D

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there was a harry enfield character years ago called 'loadsamoney'.probably never got exported to germany(###### funny if he did) :o .this character always carried large wads of cash & thought he could buy everybody off.loadsamoney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,was his catchphrase.

also had a character who said "i am considerably richer than you are"

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A funny "I'm richer than you" story, only this one's from real life...

Kerry Packer (richest Australian, now deceased) had a penchant for gambling. While in the high rollers room of some casino he was annoyed by the antics of another gambler who kept bragging about how wealthy he was.

Kerry had a bit of a temper and so says something like this to the guy: "Now, how much did you say you're worth ?"

The guy replied "Well, I'm worth US$300 million" (whatever the amount, it might have been more)

Kerry at this time was worth over $US5 billion. His response to the guy..."I'll toss you for it, double or nothing"


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I have £4.23 in my account


Just enough to buy me a pint :o

Are you back yet?


Ah moss!

Wondered where you had been hiding!

Always got enough to buy you a pint mate!

Let me know when your free next and we'll drink beer!!


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You know, I was thinking the exact same thing this morning after reading a couple of the new responses to some threads. Everyone that spends 2 million+ baht to build their houses and tell everyone else that that's the norm in Thailand and if you don't have 50 - 100 000 baht per month income you're a goner and won't survive here. What a crock! Our combined income is dramatically less than the former mentioned and we're surviving comfortably. I just figured it was a form of "my pen1s is bigger than yours" type thing so didn't get involved.

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I propose myself for one of the richest men on this board.

My current status:

I've just reached pensionable age, have had and lost more in my long life than there is room on this board to list and I still have my health, wisdom and a little more in my pocket than I need to survive.

The only people richer than me, IMO, are those who have all this plus somebody to love as a bonus.

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Who's the richest of us all?

I don't know.

I'm sure there must be 1 or 2 richer than me.

Just 3.4 Billion, Euro's :o

LaoPo :D

Lend me a fiver?


Hey Mark,

If we are going for a pint, I think it may be prudent to invite LaoPo :D

Good Luck


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Who's the richest of us all?

I don't know.

I'm sure there must be 1 or 2 richer than me.

Just 3.4 Billion, Euro's :o

LaoPo :D

Lend me a fiver?


If you're talking Baht..no problem... :D


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How do we calculate?

Is it how much you've earned?

How much your earning?

How much you've spent?

How much your spending?

How much you have?

Or how much you will have? (possibly the hardest to calculate)

I thinks its very possible we might have different people for the different categories.


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A funny "I'm richer than you" story, only this one's from real life...

Kerry Packer (richest Australian, now deceased) had a penchant for gambling. While in the high rollers room of some casino he was annoyed by the antics of another gambler who kept bragging about how wealthy he was.

Kerry had a bit of a temper and so says something like this to the guy: "Now, how much did you say you're worth ?"

The guy replied "Well, I'm worth US$300 million" (whatever the amount, it might have been more)

Kerry at this time was worth over $US5 billion. His response to the guy..."I'll toss you for it, double or nothing"



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there was a harry enfield character years ago called 'loadsamoney'.probably never got exported to germany(###### funny if he did) :o .this character always carried large wads of cash & thought he could buy everybody off.loadsamoney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,was his catchphrase.

also had a character who said "i am considerably richer than you are"

<sulking> < :D lifts money into wheelbarrow and trundles away in disgust :D > If only!

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Just 3.4 Billion, Euro's :o

Yeah right. I've seen your nasty little King Air C90B hairdryer with wings, it's not a patch on my Learjet 45 :D

Well, if you're in Jomtien..have a walk to the beach; I might invite you for a drink and a round of golf.... :D

If you're in for a bit of waterski, just let me know:

If you're too far out I'll send my driver, ok?:

LaoPo :D

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