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Mirror Mirror On The Wall


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Who's the richest of us all?

I don't know.

I'm sure there must be 1 or 2 richer than me.

Just 3.4 Billion, Euro's :o

LaoPo :D

And to think, in another thread, I said "have you ever know LaoPo to be wrong".

You disappoint me Barrister. :D

(or, I really think we should catch up to discuss this little project I have in mind) :D

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Who's the richest of us all?

I don't know.

I'm sure there must be 1 or 2 richer than me.

Just 3.4 Billion, Euro's :o

LaoPo :D

And to think, in another thread, I said "have you ever know LaoPo to be wrong".

Who is this Euro he's talking about? :D


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doesn't the apostrophe signify possession ? I think LaoPo means the 3.4 billion belongs to Euro.....ie. Euro's 3.4 billion.

When does Euro want it back ?

Mirror , mirror on the wall , who is the quickest of them all? :o


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Nice boat!

how many does she do to the gallon?

Who cares about gallons ?

Oh, and Croc:: I don't do little projects... :o

This topic is FUN !


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doesn't the apostrophe signify possession ? I think LaoPo means the 3.4 billion belongs to Euro.....ie. Euro's 3.4 billion.

When does Euro want it back ?

Mirror , mirror on the wall , who is the quickest of them all? :o


Just thought I'd add some weight to your argument.

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Peasants the lot of you .....

Im so rich my butlers secretary is typing this reply,whilst I dictate it from my private space station.

rain coats on chaps looks like a storm coming over the Indian ocean.

How much to live in Thailand...more like how much will they pay me to attend.

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Completely stupid thread.

It's not about boasting about how much people have. It's about how much people individually feel is enough to live on or retire. And that is a personal choice. When i see people proposing to give up their lives in the UK, for example, for 40,000 a month and they have another 40 years to live, i genuinely worry because for ME (and I;m the only person I can talk about) it's never going to be enough. So to say it is enough would be irresponsible.

What are we supposed to do? Pretend we can / want to live on much less?

No thanks. I could, of course, live on 20,000 a month but - frankly - i wouldnt want to. If others can and do, up to them.

For me, a 100,000 a month is minimum. If I dont have that, i wouldnt even consider living here cos this is no place to be relatively poor.

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For me, a 100,000 a month is minimum. If I dont have that, i wouldnt even consider living here cos this is no place to be relatively poor.

Joking aside, i agree Bendix.

For me when i retire it's for good. I don't want a margin for error, where i might have to return to work at an elderly age because i've run out of money.

This ain't bragging cos i don't have it yet and hence i am still working. But before i retire i want my budget to be 150,000 baht per month. Ridiculous, i hear some of you shout but to me, that should cover every eventuality, including the occasional flight back to the UK and fluctuations in inflation exchange rate etc.

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Completely stupid thread.

I think thats one of its merits :o

For me, a 100,000 a month is minimum. If I dont have that, i wouldnt even consider living here cos this is no place to be relatively poor.

I agree.


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If Bendix and Bojangles need a little luxury in life, who are we to criticise.

That's the trouble with the world today, no bloody standards any more.

We need a few more elegant people to show us how low we've become.

And don't anybody post "speak for yourself", I'm a man of very modest means but I still appreciate a bit of class.

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Who is richest Farang in Thailand?

MINOR CORPs William AKA Bill Heinecke surely did it.

Net Worth $395 million :o

Age 58

Marital Status Married, 2 children

Came to Thailand from U.S. as a child; started Minor Corp. when he was under 18, hence its name. Became Thai citizen 1992. Now markets such brands as Esprit, Timberland, Tumi in Thailand. Controls Minor International, which runs 600 restaurants, 15 hotels, including Four Seasons, Marriott. Wrote book on entrepreneurship


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I'll see Bendix's and Bojangle's 100,000 + 150,000 and call it an even 250,000 need to live here comfortably.

This site should also be a pay site.


hear, hear!

p.s. the truly wealth tend not to brag about it...

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I would say that right now my wife and I are in the bracket which might be called 'comfortabley well off'.

But it wasn't always that way.

When we first met we were broke, living in a rented appartment, both of us working two jobs and only just making ends meet. Evening entertainment was sitting infront of the telly, a splash out was a bottle of cheap wine between two of us.

My wife paid off our (my) debts with her life's savings that she had earned working god knows how many hours a day in a dreary BKK office at an hourly rate that would not nowadays keep me either of us in coffee.

But back then, having each of us found someone special we were the happiest two people on the planet.

We've not forgotten that, and often hark back to those days sitting in a rented one bedroom come kitchen come living room talking of our dreams of what live would be like if we had the money that we now have.

Wealth, ladies and gentlemen, is not about money.

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This thread had taken quite a funny turn...... now Jangles you have gone and spoilt it, gone all serious, 150K Crickey O'Reilly, that will be the day, when I retire on that. 150B maybe. :o

Anyone lend me a Fiver, so me and Mark can go out for a half and a shared bag of crisps.


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Completely stupid thread.

It's not about boasting about how much people have. It's about how much people individually feel is enough to live on or retire. And that is a personal choice. When i see people proposing to give up their lives in the UK, for example, for 40,000 a month and they have another 40 years to live, i genuinely worry because for ME (and I;m the only person I can talk about) it's never going to be enough. So to say it is enough would be irresponsible.

What are we supposed to do? Pretend we can / want to live on much less?

No thanks. I could, of course, live on 20,000 a month but - frankly - i wouldnt want to. If others can and do, up to them.

For me, a 100,000 a month is minimum. If I dont have that, i wouldnt even consider living here cos this is no place to be relatively poor.

Would you post the luxurys that you get from your 100,000 plus a month and give a breakdown of where you spend the money , i would like to see what i am missing :o .

For someone like myself that does not go whoring , i dont drink , i cant see if i was full time resident that i would spend 100k a month .

Please dont tell me part of the 100k goes in rent as most poor farangs i know in thailand own there own condos or houses :D .


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Well said GuestHouse.

Life has many unexpected pitfalls.If you can make it to retirement,have a decent pension,own a nice home,have people who love you,and are still in decent health, you will have a rich life.

For those of you still working as hard as you can,I wish you good luck,and I sincerely hope you make it there.

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I would say that right now my wife and I are in the bracket which might be called 'comfortabley well off'.

But it wasn't always that way.

When we first met we were broke, living in a rented appartment, both of us working two jobs and only just making ends meet. Evening entertainment was sitting infront of the telly, a splash out was a bottle of cheap wine between two of us.

My wife paid off our (my) debts with her life's savings that she had earned working god knows how many hours a day in a dreary BKK office at an hourly rate that would not nowadays keep me either of us in coffee.

But back then, having each of us found someone special we were the happiest two people on the planet.

We've not forgotten that, and often hark back to those days sitting in a rented one bedroom come kitchen come living room talking of our dreams of what live would be like if we had the money that we now have.

Wealth, ladies and gentlemen, is not about money.

How true.

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I make about $200/month. I get it from gathering recyclables from the garbage and take them to the plant. Then, I go back to my trailer I share with 10 people and play my banjo.

Edited by Jimjim
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I am not very rich, but I tend to agree with Bendix about a lot of people coming here. People need to be prepared for the unexpected.

I make about 90,000 to 100,000 Baht per month (It varies--but rarely over 100,000) per month. I live rather comfortably on about 60,000 baht per month. I have a chronic health condition that requires a reasonable outlay of money periodically (that was unforseen). I try to keep bank the rest so I have about 400,000 in my bank account. I have about another 60,000 in a second bank account in my name and a very good Thai friend. Should I somehow become very ill, die or whatever, at least someone will have immediate access to some money to take care of things.

Some months, I save a lot. Other months, puff it's all gone. It's nice to have that cushion. I don't worry if friends are coming to visit. Don't worry about fixing the car, things breaking in the house etc. etc.

I used to live paycheck to paycheck and I just found it too unbearable and stressful.

I have a friend who makes more than I do, and I think he lives quite comfortably on about 20,000 baht per month. He's really a nice guy, but quite a cheap charlie when it comes to spending on himself--but he's happy that way.

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Would you post the luxurys that you get from your 100,000 plus a month and give a breakdown of where you spend the money , i would like to see what i am missing :o .

For someone like myself that does not go whoring , i dont drink , i cant see if i was full time resident that i would spend 100k a month .

Please dont tell me part of the 100k goes in rent as most poor farangs i know in thailand own there own condos or houses :D .


You miss the point. I didnt say I had retired on that. I said that that - to me - would be a minimum. In fact, in another thread i said that for me the minimum would be house paid for, car paid for and at least 100k a month on top. It was not descriptive, it is prescriptive.

But, seeing as how you ask, I would imagine you could easily spend it thus:

UBC 1500

Internet 1500

Groceries 8,000

Maid 3,000

car costs 6,000

golf 15,000 (and that would only be a round or two a week)

restaurants 15,000 (eating out 2-3 times a week, sometimes local, sometimes farang)

books / mags 2000

travel / trips 10,000

treats / clothes 5,000

power 3,000

So, there's 70,000 straight up. No health insurance in there yet. No provision for 'big purchases' you will need from time to time.

I reckon you would need to reinvest 20,000 of the 100,000 to maintain the value of those funds year on year.

It doesnt sound like a particularly luxurious lifestyle to me. A fairly typical western retirement, in fact.

Frankly, I don't see why a lifetime of working shouldnt give one something like that.

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I used to own Mayfair and Park Lane, but that was a while ago.


You mean just before the dog are your Scrabble board .

Monopoly :D


P.S. Uncle bendix, i ran out of pocket money!!

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