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I went to see my mate George down in BKK. We went to Khaosan Road and were sat having a beer at one of those street vendors who set up a few tables and stools when a police pick up stopped at the vendor a 2 stalls down from us. Without a word the officer picked up 4 or 5 stools from the road, stacked them and put them into the back of the pick-up.

Next he walked to the stall, looked at the lad and lass who were serving and they simply nodded. The policeman picked up several bottles of spirits from the rack in front of him and put them in the truck. He went back and as the 'owners' looked on with dismay on their faces he picked up several more bottles as they nodded silently to his querying looks.

Then officer then drove off.

All this happened in front of the Farangs like us who were there at the time.

Next thing we knew, the stools were replaced, as were the bottles of spirits and trade carried on as normal.

When George's g/f asked about the incident, she was told that it happened all the time and it was a part of life for them.

Seems these traders need a licence but no one was forthcoming about whether or not they had one.

I would not like to say for certain that the drinks were opportuned without payment, but we certainly saw no payment offered or given. (delicately put LOL).

Not sure if others see this happening at all.


Well it was probably a case of give the nice policeman what he needed for his party or he will arrest them for selling alcohol illegally on the street with no liquor license or tax payments. Seems fair enough to me!



You can't just set up a few tables in the street in Banglamphu and NOT expect the police to want their cut of the profit!

Also, if I suspect the "robbery" took place in Soi Ram Butri, then this was the penalty for selling alcohol without a licence next to the temple located there - and for selling alcohol after 1.00 am.

This Is Thailand


Welcome to Thailand. This happens quiet a lot in this country.

Most people here turn their heads the other way when something like this happens. You know, you gotta look after your back first.

I understand TiT but it still rankles that it was all done so blatantly in front of everyone :o

Why not? Noone made a move even if it was all done blatantly in front of everyone.

That's what I'm talking about. :D

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