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Purple Flowers For My Pleasure: Which Purple Flower will Blossom ALL/most of the Year?

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Hi Folks,


a.  A few days ago, the lawn guy came in and weed-whacked my purple flowers into oblivion, thinking they were weeds.


b.  So, now, I need to replace them.


c.  This time, I want to buy and install some purple flowers that will bloom most months of the year (if possible).


d.  Just checking the internet, I saw this photo of Bougainvillea, which I love, and have often read about in books written by authors such as James Michener....



e.  Originally, I had some other type of purple flowers, much smaller, and much more dainty, which I enjoyed very much.  I have no idea what they were, but they have been wiped out, completely, now.


I miss them like I never expected that I would.


f.  I do not have a lot of space in the concrete planter in front of my sliding glass doors.  The space I have in this permanent planter, which is part of the front yard, is about 8 meters by about 0.4 meters.  This area does not receive direct sunlight in most months, I think.  And, I will have no problem watering the plants, but there might not be too much rainfall since the area is overhung by the roof, slightly.


g.  I like the color of lavender. But, Bougainvillea is a bit too bright for my mood, most days.  I like a purple which is less red, if you know what I mean, and more violet, I guess.


h.  Here in Thailand, almost anything grows quite easily if you water it.  And, as far as I know, this planter is just sort of a concrete border to the soil lying underneath.




Well, anyway, what do you guys suggest for me?


Personally, I do love flowers.

And, not surprisingly, I seem to love flowers more, the more I age.


Thank you.



Please NOTE:  When I was younger, anytime I heard the words Purple Flowers, I often thought of this tune....something about purple berries.....



Not saying it is a particularly good song.

Just saying that it is a song full of nostalgia....for some....



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