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From a dutch newspaper:


There was a scare in The Hague on Wednesday morning when suddenly gigantic clouds of smoke could be seen from kilometres away.
The fire brigade rushed out with several vehicles, but did not need to take action. As it turned out, a venue on Fruitweg was fed up with a Buddha statue; "it no longer fitted into the interior".
Of course, the owners could have sold the Buddha or perhaps had it collected by the thrift shop, but they decided to set the statue on fire. "It doesn't fit in the car" was the explanation.
They were only fined for an environmental offence.


Scherm­afbeelding 2024-01-18 om 13.28.08.png


I have problems with burning a Buddha or a Koran, Do you?

 Buddha statues are often fake-aged by burning them. Sometimes, they say it was from a temple fire. Has anyone here ever seen a wat ablaze?

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