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I've read a book or two on body language, and I think it really works.

Some things I've learned.:

If she's lying, she will touch her nose, or scratch her nose quite often.

If you are in a group, the girl who likes you will have at least one foot pointing towards you. (when stood).

If she plays with her hair and a lot she likes you.

Arms crossed, she dont like you.

If you ask her a question, she looks left to recall details facts, but if she looks right she is creating something, making something up. To do with the way the brain stores thinks or creates things.

I'm just touching on this subject, but does anyone have input on this?

Actions speak louder than words.

I will add more later.

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Of course things in Thailand are sometimes a little different.

If she plays with her hair and a lot she likes you.

"If she plays with her hair a lot, SHE is most likely a HE!"

If she's lying, she will touch her nose, or scratch her nose quite often.

If you are in a group, the girl who likes you will have at least one foot pointing towards you. (when stood).

If she plays with her hair and a lot she likes you.

Arms crossed, she dont like you.

If it was that simple,... :o

In Thailand, nobody can and will point one foot at you.

Hairs, they very seldom "play" with them.

She always crosses her arms when she is not happy, like you do.

As for the nose, they never touch it except for removing unwanted elements in it.



Scratching the nose is a sign of awe in the presence of a handsome man, and playing with the hair is what they do while they wait for you having a shower. These are signs of honesty.

Also if she is lying her lips will be moving. :o

KevinN, your a leg end, oops I mean legend (as I scratch my nose and play with my hair) :D

and playing with the hair is what they do while they wait for you having a shower.

Mine don't, but then I go for the 'bald beaver' look :o

You like bald women? Not a lot of people know that....

and playing with the hair is what they do while they wait for you having a shower.

Mine don't, but then I go for the 'bald beaver' look :D

You like bald women? Not a lot of people know that....

Confuses me also.

In quite a few languages, hairs on the head and hairs elsewhere have a different "name".

Not so in english.

So, for you, english speaking people:

When you tell you girlfriend, can you cut you hairs?

They are too long.

What hairs does she cut? :o:D

and playing with the hair is what they do while they wait for you having a shower.

Mine don't, but then I go for the 'bald beaver' look :D

You like bald women? Not a lot of people know that....

Confuses me also.

In quite a few languages, hairs on the head and hairs elsewhere have a different "name".

Not so in english.

So, for you, english speaking people:

When you tell you girlfriend, can you cut you hairs?

They are too long.

What hairs does she cut? :o:D

no telling what hair she might cut.

But in any language "BEAVER" means just one kinda hair. But in Thailand there ain't to much beaver,,not to much grass on the playground..

Not so in english.

So, for you, english speaking people:

When you tell you girlfriend, can you cut you hairs?

They are too long.

What hairs does she cut? :o:D

Well, English speaking ladies "shave" their legs and armpits, and "trim" or "shape" their bikini line/pubic hair (unless they actually shave it, as well, and plenty do) so it would be the hair on the head getting cut...if she gave a rip what you thought of her hair length. We're funny about that.


The trouble with Body Language is that , if you know all about it, you make sure you don't do those things that let the Cat out of the Bag!

Clinton touched his nose, incidentally, when he said " I did not have Sexual Relations with THAT Women...."

and playing with the hair is what they do while they wait for you having a shower.

Mine don't, but then I go for the 'bald beaver' look :D

You like bald women? Not a lot of people know that....

Confuses me also.

In quite a few languages, hairs on the head and hairs elsewhere have a different "name".

Not so in english.

So, for you, english speaking people:

When you tell you girlfriend, can you cut you hairs?

They are too long.

What hairs does she cut? :o:D

I wouldn't let her anywhere near my you-know-what with a pair of scissors in her hand! :D:D


Body Language is fascinating, I used to run bars and work the door back in England and you develop a knack of sizing up people pretty fast. Just by the way someone moves you can tell loads about their character, once you get past the obvious stuff, like facial tattoo's, men in tanks, angry samuari's, etc, the smaller details, like the way a person holds themselves, the way they walk, their facial features, how they move their eyes can all help you in determining what sort of character you have in your bar and which ones to watch out for.

Are you all alseep yet? :o

I'm sure the next time your in a bar or cafe and you looked round the room you could all pretty much tell what the other people in the bar do for a living, that man with the big shoes and the sad make up? He probably works in a circus, the dude with the big sword, wearing the loin cloth and the oil? He's probably a barbarian (or rainman :D ) The old man in the dirty mac and the stethascope? That's probably Dr. PP :D

Anyway, I can't think of a way to end this so I'll wang it into a tree


Body Language is fascinating, I used to run bars and work the door back in England and you develop a knack of sizing up people pretty fast. Just by the way someone moves you can tell loads about their character, once you get past the obvious stuff, like facial tattoo's, men in tanks, angry samuari's, etc, the smaller details, like the way a person holds themselves, the way they walk, their facial features, how they move their eyes can all help you in determining what sort of character you have in your bar and which ones to watch out for.

Are you all alseep yet?  :o

I'm sure the next time your in a bar or cafe and you looked round the room you could all pretty much tell what the other people in the bar do for a living, that man with the big shoes and the sad make up? He probably works in a circus, the dude with the big sword, wearing the loin cloth and the oil? He's probably a barbarian (or rainman :D ) The old man in the dirty mac and the stethascope? That's probably Dr. PP  :D

Anyway, I can't think of a way to end this so I'll wang it into a tree


Thanks FTH, I can log off with a smile :D

Body Language is fascinating, I used to run bars and work the door back in England and you develop a knack of sizing up people pretty fast. Just by the way someone moves you can tell loads about their character, once you get past the obvious stuff, like facial tattoo's, men in tanks, angry samuari's, etc, the smaller details, like the way a person holds themselves, the way they walk, their facial features, how they move their eyes can all help you in determining what sort of character you have in your bar and which ones to watch out for.

Are you all alseep yet? :o

I'm sure the next time your in a bar or cafe and you looked round the room you could all pretty much tell what the other people in the bar do for a living, that man with the big shoes and the sad make up? He probably works in a circus, the dude with the big sword, wearing the loin cloth and the oil? He's probably a barbarian (or rainman :D ) The old man in the dirty mac and the stethascope? That's probably Dr. PP :D

Anyway, I can't think of a way to end this so I'll wang it into a tree


The original question was...how to spot a lair. I am looking forward to the docs reply FTH.

You do realise that he is the man yeah?

Doc, your the man...(am I lying?).

It is a lair of liars, like those who promise to attend meetings. :o

who promised that did not attend? :D

Look in the mirror?

Kevin I thought that was reservered for attorneys? :D

Naw them bastids can lie even without movin their lips.


Which lips?

And do you mean the girls or the attorneys.

Oh now I'm all confused :o

Clinton touched his nose, incidentally, when he said " I did not have Sexual Relations with THAT Women...."

... he also said he tried pot but didn't inhale .... yeah .... right .....

... sort of like boys and chokin' the chicken ... 95% of have done it and the other 5% are liars ... I would assume the girls aren't too far behind ....

Body Language is fascinating, I used to run bars and work the door back in England and you develop a knack of sizing up people pretty fast. Just by the way someone moves you can tell loads about their character, once you get past the obvious stuff, like facial tattoo's, men in tanks, angry samuari's, etc, the smaller details, like the way a person holds themselves, the way they walk, their facial features, how they move their eyes can all help you in determining what sort of character you have in your bar and which ones to watch out for.

Are you all alseep yet?  :o

I'm sure the next time your in a bar or cafe and you looked round the room you could all pretty much tell what the other people in the bar do for a living, that man with the big shoes and the sad make up? He probably works in a circus, the dude with the big sword, wearing the loin cloth and the oil? He's probably a barbarian (or rainman :D ) The old man in the dirty mac and the stethascope? That's probably Dr. PP  :D

Anyway, I can't think of a way to end this so I'll wang it into a tree


The original question was...how to spot a lair. I am looking forward to the docs reply FTH.

You do realise that he is the man yeah?

Doc, your the man...(am I lying?).

I think that you might be telling a little porky Leith. Are you scratching hidden bits ?


Accomplished Liars, like Lawyers and Politicians, are well versed in the subtleties of body language,

How many times have we been surprised to have so misread someone ...

Alcohol is the ultimate truth serum, hard to be subtle when your operating from just your brain stem ...


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