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Me and my and my Thai girl are getting married at xmas, nothing special just a visit to the local amphur in her city.

What i realy need is info on the documents we need to take to the amphur office.

Please help.


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Me and my and my Thai girl are getting married at xmas, nothing special just a visit to the local amphur in her city.

What i realy need is info on the documents we need to take to the amphur office.

Please help.


Hi there,

You don't say where you're from, but the British embassy web site gives all the information you'll need:l


Good luck



Thanks geoff,

Yeah im from England.

What is the affirmation??

Can all the relevant documents be obtained in Bangkok ( embassy )? i meen do i only need to bring my passport, birth certificate and then get the rest at the embassy???

Thanks matey...

Thanks geoff,

Yeah im from England.

What is the affirmation??

Can all the relevant documents be obtained in Bangkok ( embassy )? i meen do i only need to bring my passport, birth certificate and then get the rest at the embassy???

Thanks matey...

The procedure is quite simple. Start by downloading the two documents below (from the British embassy) and read all the information on their web site.

The affirmation can be translated into Thai at any any of the translation shops that surround the embassy in Bangkok.




Hi Changdrinker,

you get the affimation of free to marry form from the Embassy in Bangkok. Complete the form and take it to a computer shop and they will redo it on a computer. If you have been married before you will need your decree and absolute, it has to be the original and not a copy, and your passport. Take them back to the embassy, they will check everything and give you a certificate stamped with the embassy seal. When i got to this stage i let a visa translation service handle everything else rather than me having the hassle of doing it. Let me know if you need the address of the translation company, they are very good they handled all of my marriage requirements, and they also did the paper work for my daughters dual nationality.

Good luck.


Hi geoff,

Clicked on the affirmation link but not working pal.

Sorry looks like the links didn't paste correctly - you can find them at the bottom of the web page http://www.britishembassy.gov.uk/servlet/F...d=1068717516870

Here's the 4 steps from the British Embassy web site

1. Obtain the affirmation in person from the British Embassy in Bangkok.

* Please retype the affirmation including your details on one page in the same format as the attached sample and bring it in person to the Embassy to sign before a British Consular official.

We accept affirmations during normal working hours (0800-1100 and 1300-1530 Monday-Thursday and 0800-1200 on Fridays). It is not possible to make a prior appointment for this service. The completed affirmation will be ready for collection from the Embassy between from 09.00 hrs on the following working day. We are not able to arrange a “same day” service for the collection of completed affirmations.

* We charge Baht 3,600 per affirmation and we can provide this service to British nationals only.

* Please bring with you to the Embassy your passport, as proof of identity, and evidence that any previous marriages have been dissolved/terminated (death certificate or divorce certificate(s) as appropriate). Only the original evidence or a certified copy will be accepted - photocopies will not be accepted under any circumstances.

2. Have the affirmation translated into Thai.

* Once the affirmation has been signed, you will need to have it translated into Thai. Please note that Consular Section does not undertake the preparation or translation of documents. Many reputable translation companies advertise on the internet as well as in the Thai local press, and there are a number of companies within a short walk of the Embassy. The Embassy is unable to recommend any particular firms.

3. Have the affirmation authenticated and translation certified.

* All Thai Registrars will require authentication of the British Consular Official’s signature and certification of the Thai translation. This must be obtained from:

The Legalisation Division

Department of Consular Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (www.mfa.go.th)

123 Chaeng Wattana Road, Laksi District, Bangkok 10210

Tel : 0 2575 1056–59, 0 2981 7171 , Fax : 0 2575 1054

Email : [email protected]

(0830 – 1530 hrs)

A fee is payable. The service normally takes 2 working days, although it is possible to pay an express fee for a same day service.

4. Submit the document to the Registrar.

The affirmation and translation are then ready for submission to the registrar, who, if satisfied, will register the marriage and issue a Thai marriage certificate.

NB: The fees may alter without prior notice.


Thanks guys,

So all i need to bring is my passport and i can obtain and sort everything out while in los?

I aint been married before but my girl has but she has the divorce documents.

Thanks alot lads...

Thanks guys,

So all i need to bring is my passport and i can obtain and sort everything out while in los?

I aint been married before but my girl has but she has the divorce documents.

Thanks alot lads...

And lots of money for the party :o:D

Best of luck


Me and my and my Thai girl are getting married at xmas, nothing special just a visit to the local amphur in her city.

What i realy need is info on the documents we need to take to the amphur office.

Please help.


I got married in Bangkok in May this year. and am also a Brit. and never married before.

Day 1

1) In advance I just downloaded the "Freedom to Marry" from the internet and inserted my details, although I think I only signed it in front of the Embassy official.

2) a trip to the Embassy was next to deliver the Freedom to Marry with my passport (took a couple of hours in all, taxis to and fro, queing outside and then waiting inside - but all straightforward and "Painless")

BTW I took the Missus with me, just for company and to show her around a bit, no actual need for her appearance.

Day 2

3) and a return to the Embassy the next day to pick up the Freedom to Marry, duly signed / stamped by the Embassy. In an out in under an hour.

4) Translation into Thai and Authentication came next, when we left the Embassy I knew where the Translation shops were, but after walking about 10 yards from the Embassy exit a Tout approached us (I guess they have an exclusion Zone of 10 yards!) and after a 2 minute converstation I got sold on using his firm's services - it was just easier to follow him for 5 minutes and it was hot standing outside............

5) When we came to the Translation Shop I got the Freedom to Marry translated into Thai, took under an hour - But I think could have been done in 10 Mins, they were just slow - certainly not busy! BUT I declined their offer to arrange to have it Authenticated as I wanted to learn how it was done. (Note that the Translation Shop DOES stamp the document, so I figure their must be an approved list of translators, so no DIY I think!)

6) Next off to the Thai Legalisation Division to get the translation Authenticated. I recall that it costs 400B for standard service (come back next day) and 800B for same day. We went same day service. and whilst waiting we ate at the downstairs food court. and sat outside smoking. until we guessed our number was around due - took us about 4/5 hours all in.

Note that this place is located in a large building (no sh#t!) that seems to be like a mall, except mostly full of offices, you need to be upstairs (2nd or 3rd Floor?) and to my mind it was a bit confusing as to what needed to be done. I recall photocopies of the documents, as well as a form to be filled in and taking the correct waiting ticket for the service needed. The place was very busy, and I was by no means the only farang - but looked like the only one who wasn't local. Apart from the bloke with a Hooker :D Anyway, making sense of all that stuff is what the Missus is for :D

Also downstairs is a 7-11 type shop (it may even have been a 7-11!........anyway, it certainly sold Malboros and bottled water :o ).

If I was doing the Authentication again I WOULD use the services of a Translation Shop, add in the cost of taxis (it is a fair old trip from the Embassy - I recall around a B100 +/- each way), plus the waiting around AND it is the waste of most of a day.......doing it myself I probably saved only B1000. of course if I was based "local" then I would perservere...........in any event when I got my Thai Marriage certificate translated into English I also got the translation Authenticated and let the the Translation shop arrange everything. (NOTE that you do not need the Marriage Cert translation Authenticated, just that I figured it would do no harm, and cheap enough for me to do when in Thailand).

Day 3 (Actually not Day 3 for me, could have been - but I don't move quite that fast!)

7) Armed with my "Freedom to Marry" and Passport I was now good to go. However the first Amphur would not let us marry........apparently they required an English translator (Thai National with a degree that included English).....even if I was German and spoke no English.........I thought bad thoughts, which were completely unjustifed as not only did they not try and sell me a Translator they did not even have a list of suitably qualified Family and Freinds!).......at this point it would be useful for me to tell folk which Amphur in Bangkok this was, but <deleted> if I know :D I think it was around Klong Thoey (Sp?!) / Rama IV and they were not used to Farang getting married.....................in any event we just went off to Bangrak Amphur (near Silom and well used to Mr Farang and Mrs Thai) and no problems getting married and no Translator mentioned, took about an hour and we filled out various forms and signed stuff, none of which I have any idea what they meant :D

  • 1 month later...

If you were to take the downloaded copy of the affirmation to marry to the British Embassy on say, Monday morning and then having picked it up the next day, Tuesday morning (?), would the translation express service be able to have the whole thing stamped and certified at the Thai Legalisation Division the same day - Tuesday - or the following day Wednesday? If you didn't live in Bangkok, you would need this information to be able to book return flight.

If you were to take the downloaded copy of the affirmation to marry to the British Embassy on say, Monday morning and then having picked it up the next day, Tuesday morning (?), - Yes!, in fact I dropped mine off at the Embassy after Lunch and was surprised to be told that 24 hours / next day meant any time next day, I picked it up mid morning, but only that late, cos I am a late riser!. (of course that is "working day" - and remember that the Embassy has an early closing on a Friday!)
would the translation express service be able to have the whole thing stamped and certified at the Thai Legalisation Division the same day - Tuesday - or the following day Wednesday? If you didn't live in Bangkok, you would need this information to be able to book return flight. - I think it is quite feasible to pick up the docs from the Embassy first thing on a Tuesday morning (see my above comments), get them translated (1/2 hour) and then get the Translation Bureau to go straight off to the Legalisation Division and pay for the same day service ........by close of business on the Tuesday I would say no reason time wise why you should not have the Docs back in your hands.................maybe as a back up plan if the Docs are not back when you fly out get them sent by Fedex / EMF (in any event from my sitting for many hours waiting and watching at the Legalisation Office, I get the impression that the Agents do Q jump so the process is probably quicker for them than for joe public - and I could have done it same day).
would the translation express service be able to have the whole thing stamped and certified at the Thai Legalisation Division the same day - Tuesday - or the following day Wednesday? If you didn't live in Bangkok, you would need this information to be able to book return flight. - I think it is quite feasible to pick up the docs from the Embassy first thing on a Tuesday morning (see my above comments), get them translated (1/2 hour) and then get the Translation Bureau to go straight off to the Legalisation Division and pay for the same day service ........by close of business on the Tuesday I would say no reason time wise why you should not have the Docs back in your hands.................maybe as a back up plan if the Docs are not back when you fly out get them sent by Fedex / EMF (in any event from my sitting for many hours waiting and watching at the Legalisation Office, I get the impression that the Agents do Q jump so the process is probably quicker for them than for joe public - and I DID do it all the same day .

Slight correction - I did it the same day!

How soon after marriage in Thailand does the brides surname change???????????

The short answer is.........I do not know!

But I will try and not let this small technicality stop me :o ..........

When me and da Missus got married at the Amphur she did not change her ID card right away to her new married name, so it is a good question as to whether her "Official" name was still her maiden name or whether a marriage automatically supercedes an ID card. (I would say in the UK in these circumstances, that the ID card would be wrong (notwithstanding that we do not yet have ID cards!) - but this being Thailand and with their attachement at having a Thai ID card, maybe the ID card is the No 1 document of record??.........especially as I do vaguely recall reading that it is not compulsory to change the name on an ID card to the married name.......

Ironically she was very keen to change to her new married name - but the delay of around a week was for technical reasons related to her official address on the ID card being a property she / part of her family last lived at 10 years or so before - so she had to do some paperwork / get a fsmily member to sign something........my understanding is that she could have changed her ID card same day.

Hi Changdrinker,

you get the affimation of free to marry form from the Embassy in Bangkok. Complete the form and take it to a computer shop and they will redo it on a computer. If you have been married before you will need your decree and absolute, it has to be the original and not a copy, and your passport. Take them back to the embassy, they will check everything and give you a certificate stamped with the embassy seal. When i got to this stage i let a visa translation service handle everything else rather than me having the hassle of doing it. Let me know if you need the address of the translation company, they are very good they handled all of my marriage requirements, and they also did the paper work for my daughters dual nationality.

Good luck.


Hi Geordie,

About to get married soon to the mother (thai) of my 3 year old daughter. Would appreciate it if you could let me have address of the service that handled your daughters dual nationality. I still haven't sorted this!! thanks

About to get married soon to the mother (thai) of my 3 year old daughter. Would appreciate it if you could let me have address of the service that handled your daughters dual nationality. I still haven't sorted this!! thanks

If you are talking about dual British nationality, then see also Consular Birth Registration.

If you were to take the downloaded copy of the affirmation to marry to the British Embassy on say, Monday morning and then having picked it up the next day, Tuesday morning (?), - Yes!, in fact I dropped mine off at the Embassy after Lunch and was surprised to be told that 24 hours / next day meant any time next day, I picked it up mid morning, but only that late, cos I am a late riser!. (of course that is "working day" - and remember that the Embassy has an early closing on a Friday!)
would the translation express service be able to have the whole thing stamped and certified at the Thai Legalisation Division the same day - Tuesday - or the following day Wednesday? If you didn't live in Bangkok, you would need this information to be able to book return flight. - I think it is quite feasible to pick up the docs from the Embassy first thing on a Tuesday morning (see my above comments), get them translated (1/2 hour) and then get the Translation Bureau to go straight off to the Legalisation Division and pay for the same day service ........by close of business on the Tuesday I would say no reason time wise why you should not have the Docs back in your hands.................maybe as a back up plan if the Docs are not back when you fly out get them sent by Fedex / EMF (in any event from my sitting for many hours waiting and watching at the Legalisation Office, I get the impression that the Agents do Q jump so the process is probably quicker for them than for joe public - and I could have done it same day).

My 2 friends (UK Nationals) are going to Thailand in a couple of weeks.

It's a spur of the moment thing...could they do the above and get the documents in 2 days and then fly off somewhere else to get married?

Are there any rules about what Amphur's they can be used in??? If they got the documents could they marry in Samui or Phuket???

As I said, this is last minute as they've only asked me 15 mins ago and they're going the 29th Sept...They don't want to spend 3 days in BKK.

Thanks in advance... :o




I went through the process last week on this. The UK Embassy would not issue the affirmation same day for me even though I got there first thing. I went back first thing the following morning and got the affirmation back after waiting all of 10 minutes. Went with one of the touts outside who did the translation in about 30 mins. It was then about 45 mins drive to Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Laksi (near DM Airport). After paying BT.800 for the 'special' service I was helped to fill the form in and had to wait all of 5 minutes to be seen and was told i could collect in 2 hours. I tried my luck after 1 hour and it was done so I was out of there for 1pm.

If your friends want to do this two days should be plently especially since they are only 10 mins from DM Airport if they want to fly straight off elsewhere in Thailand.





Cheers Orac...(Blake's 7 fan? :o ) :D

That's answered that...what about the documents...I take it you could go to any Amphur and get married (as long as they were "farang" friendly)???



Hi Guys,

Does anyone know if there is a max allowed time between; (a) getting the affirmation, having it translated and authenticated and then; (:o actually getting the marriage certificate at the local Amphur?

I ask as I'm in Bangkok for a couple of days soon, so get get the first bit done, with a view to actually getting married in a couple of months time up in Udon Thani.





The translated version of the affirmation (stamped by MFA) is valid for three months.



  • 3 weeks later...

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