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Witness Told Feds She Was Paid for Sex Parties With Matt Gaetz

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A recent revelation regarding Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has intensified scrutiny surrounding the embattled congressman. Amid an ongoing investigation into allegations of sex trafficking, new evidence has emerged, shedding light on Gaetz's alleged involvement in illicit activities.


According to reports, the House Ethics Committee has obtained text messages between Gaetz and a woman implicated in the investigation. This woman, whose identity remains undisclosed, reportedly testified to prosecutors that she engaged in sexual encounters with Gaetz at drug-fueled parties, for which she received payments. Additionally, she provided the Justice Department with text messages, photos, and other evidence related to the inquiry.


The messages obtained by investigators reveal Gaetz's proposition to the woman for a private group flight to the Florida Keys in May 2017. Despite initial agreement, the woman ultimately declined the invitation. However, she received payments from Joel Greenberg, a close associate of Gaetz, around the same time period, as indicated in Venmo transactions.


Furthermore, the woman's attorney alleges that she faced intimidation from a Gaetz associate, who sought to dissuade her from discussing the congressman or the parties under investigation. This pressure, coupled with the heavy use of drugs and alcohol at these gatherings, complicated the investigation.


Despite these developments, Gaetz has denied any knowledge of the woman in question, maintaining his innocence. However, the mounting evidence and renewed interest from the House Ethics Committee underscore the seriousness of the allegations against him.

The reopening of the Ethics Committee's probe, coupled with the conviction of Greenberg on child sex trafficking charges, adds complexity to Gaetz's legal predicament. As the investigation unfolds, Gaetz's future remains uncertain, with potential repercussions for his political career and personal life.






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The House Ethics Committee has very little power to do much more than investigate and report.


They are after Gaetz because he is damaging the Republicans in Congress. The hope is that bad publicity would cost him his seat.


Little chance of that.


What would cost Gaetz would be  the proverbial dead girl or live boy in his bed.

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