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Bargirl Appreciation Thread.

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I would just call them prostitutes trying to make a living without having too much of an education if any at all! Come on get real they are there as prostitutes! Disguise it however you like BUT everybody knows exactly what they are and what they are after!!! MONEY!!! And how do they get it lucratively? SEX!!! :D:D:D

We all know that!

So what are you trying to say? :o

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I would just call them prostitutes trying to make a living without having too much of an education if any at all!  Come on get real they are there as prostitutes! Disguise it however you like BUT everybody knows exactly what they are and what they are after!!! MONEY!!! And how do they get it lucratively? SEX!!! :D  :D  :D

We all know that!

So what are you trying to say? :o

Exactly, who gives a <deleted>! That's what the turn on is for many guys. The excitement of paying a women for sex. I'm not saying it is right, that's just the way it is. You gotta let a ho be a ho.

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These are sleeze bag places! Of this I am positive! Any loser that for a moment thinks these girls are there for the sex or that they are wanting "the man" then really just shows what true losers some people are!!! I guess the only positive thing to say about theses places is that it keeps lifes losers off the street and allows them to get their rocks off!!! :o:D:D

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But I always say, you have to look at what people they are dealing with in everyday life to make them who they are. Just walk in to a go-go bar and have a look at some of their customers.

Very well said Meemiathai, that is possibly the most valid point there is to make on this subject.

Tony0703 I can't help feeling that you're either missing the point or didn't read the full topic title.

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Yes indeed, there are times when I feel like being a sleeze bag loser, and I'll enjoy being a sleeze bag loser when I feel like it, so there! I feel comfortable and relaxed when I am in the company of other losers like myself. When I am at Nana

or Patpong everybody is in the same loser pit and we are all ok with it, so if you're not ok with it, then you shoudn't go to these places.

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To:- The Gentleman Scamp not missing the point at all you said "positive feedback" ...I'm positive they are sleeze bag places, but sadly, a little like condoms, a necessary evil! I'm saying the same thing as meemiathai but maybe in a different way, "look at some of their customers!" :o:D:D

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These are sleeze bag places! Of this I am positive! Any loser that for a moment thinks these girls are there for the sex or that they are wanting "the man" then really just shows what true losers some people are!!! I guess the only positive thing to say about theses places is that it keeps lifes losers off the street and allows them to get their rocks off!!! :D:D:D

I suspect our Tony is from Hua Hin/Chaam. Same old shit :o

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To:- The Gentleman Scamp not missing the point at all you said "positive feedback" ...I'm positive they are sleeze bag places, but sadly, a little like condoms, a necessary evil! I'm saying the same thing as meemiathai but maybe in a different way, "look at some of their customers!" :o  :D  :D

Yes, yes, and yes they are sleeze bag places, so how much more do I have to agree with you on this, Tony. There are times for sleeze and there are times for non-sleeze. If I wanted non-sleeze, I'd go to a wine tasting at the Emporium.

The Scamps posting was to point out that amongst the sleeze there are some really nice, friendly girls who are worth knowing. I don't even think he intended to bring sex, money or prostitution into this at all; it was 'introduced' by 'someone'


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The most dirty, filhy, lying, cheating, self appreciating obnoxious bastards i ever met in my life where the ones i met in the bars i used to frequent and sometimes look after.

Anyway, thats enough about the Customers.

The Girls where ok for the most part, and i used to feel ashamed at some of the ways farangs would treat them.

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I have never been attracted to the idea of paying for sex, and I don't do that, but last night I really enjoyed hanging out with 5 bargirls. We just played pool, went dancing, then I took them out for food and back to my place to sleep. Ya, just sleep. They were all so kind and gracious I was very impressed. They even cleaned up my room and did the dishes. As there was no sex, I didn't pay anyone in the morning, but I will visit their bar again. I like them all.

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Nice to know there are people out there who treat these girls with the respect they deserve, most of my best friends in LOS are bar girls and I would have been lost without them.  Like a few people have said, treat them with respect & they pay you back tenfold.  Act like a w*nker & you'll get everything you deserve!

Right on!

A bargirl may be a prostitute, but she's still a human being with emotions and feelings and pride.

I had a bargirl last year burst into tears when she suddenly started bleeding in the shower, thinking I'd get angry and slap her around and throw her out in the street. (She told me later that some Australian bastard had beaten her up a few months earlier for bleeding on his bedsheets.) Instead I took her to the 7/11 and bought her the items she needed, and let her stay the night.

I took her to her room for a change of clothes the next afternoon, then we went to her bar. Even though sex wasn't on the menu, I tried to pay her bar fine for that night because I enjoyed her company ... but after chatting with her in Thai her mama-san refused to take my money, telling me I was a "good man", and to use the money to buy her dinner ... so we went out for dinner, then spent a couple of hours back in her bar drinking and talking and playing some kind of vertical checkers game at which I was soundly thrashed by all the girls, then back to my hotel. I left for Dubai the next day. She gave me her cellphone number. I threw it away.

This year ... same bar ... early afternoon ... one of the girls recognized me and called out to mama-san, who rushed out from behind the counter and gave me a huge hug and a kiss, gave me a free beer, then phoned "my" girl, who arrived a few minutes later. I've been around long enough to know her tearful "I think about you many time, but I think you forget me. I so happy to see you again. I so happy you come back to see me." wasn't the usual bargirl come-on.

The fact that mama-san and the girls remembered me kinda threw me a bit at first ... but it was an ego boost to learn later that they'd been impressed by my treatment of "my" girl a year earlier, and they considered me more "a friend of the bar" than a potential customer.

Again, mama-san refused the bar fine ... and my girl flatly refused to accept any money next day. I ended up buying a Buddha amulet for her. She was genuinely angry, saying "I no prostitute with you. No <deleted> for present. We friends." and went into the sulks. I finally convinced her that the amulet was a gift from a friend to a friend, not "payment".

When I left for the airport, her tearful parting words were, "I no say "I love you." No bargirl talk. I say true from my heart. I so happy you my friend. I always be your friend." The most honest bargirl I've met in more than forty years ... and I'm glad she's my friend.

Respect. That's what it's all about. You get what you give!

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theres nothing good about prostitution..if there poor or not , down grading yourself it that level is just playing it weak

have sex - get AIDS - then die = nothing "good" about it

Prostitution certainly is not a good thing. Especially for women. Just if everyone on earth is rich enough, prostitution wouldn't even exist. But like war, disease, crimes, exploitations, it is not going to go away. This is life.

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> Just if everyone on earth is rich enough, prostitution wouldn't

> even exist.

I'm not so sure, even given the outrageous hypothesis (i.e. if everyone on earth is rich enough, nobody would do any work whatsoever). If everyone was rich enough, absolutely everything would fall apart: There may not be any prosititutes at this point, but also no oil workers, garbage collectors, police officers, nurses, perhasp even doctors...

In the real world, there are prostitutes who are very well off, and then there are those who are less well off. Same holds true for other professions as well.



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I was 18 and in the P.I. for my first trip to asia. As I walked down the streets of Angeles City the bg's called out hey joe you look like a movie star . You handsome man. (of course all that was true :o ) It was all over but the crying, as I was hooked on bg's.

I always treated them with respect because they made me feel like a king.

They are one of the reasons I like asia so much.

If you don't like don't use them. Just don't slag on them either.

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Nice to know there are people out there who treat these girls with the respect they deserve, most of my best friends in LOS are bar girls and I would have been lost without them.  Like a few people have said, treat them with respect & they pay you back tenfold.  Act like a w*nker & you'll get everything you deserve!

Right on!

A bargirl may be a prostitute, but she's still a human being with emotions and feelings and pride.

I had a bargirl last year burst into tears when she suddenly started bleeding in the shower, thinking I'd get angry and slap her around and throw her out in the street. (She told me later that some Australian bastard had beaten her up a few months earlier for bleeding on his bedsheets.) Instead I took her to the 7/11 and bought her the items she needed, and let her stay the night.

I took her to her room for a change of clothes the next afternoon, then we went to her bar. Even though sex wasn't on the menu, I tried to pay her bar fine for that night because I enjoyed her company ... but after chatting with her in Thai her mama-san refused to take my money, telling me I was a "good man", and to use the money to buy her dinner ... so we went out for dinner, then spent a couple of hours back in her bar drinking and talking and playing some kind of vertical checkers game at which I was soundly thrashed by all the girls, then back to my hotel. I left for Dubai the next day. She gave me her cellphone number. I threw it away.

This year ... same bar ... early afternoon ... one of the girls recognized me and called out to mama-san, who rushed out from behind the counter and gave me a huge hug and a kiss, gave me a free beer, then phoned "my" girl, who arrived a few minutes later. I've been around long enough to know her tearful "I think about you many time, but I think you forget me. I so happy to see you again. I so happy you come back to see me." wasn't the usual bargirl come-on.

The fact that mama-san and the girls remembered me kinda threw me a bit at first ... but it was an ego boost to learn later that they'd been impressed by my treatment of "my" girl a year earlier, and they considered me more "a friend of the bar" than a potential customer.

Again, mama-san refused the bar fine ... and my girl flatly refused to accept any money next day. I ended up buying a Buddha amulet for her. She was genuinely angry, saying "I no prostitute with you. No <deleted> for present. We friends." and went into the sulks. I finally convinced her that the amulet was a gift from a friend to a friend, not "payment".

When I left for the airport, her tearful parting words were, "I no say "I love you." No bargirl talk. I say true from my heart. I so happy you my friend. I always be your friend." The most honest bargirl I've met in more than forty years ... and I'm glad she's my friend.

Respect. That's what it's all about. You get what you give!

*Scampy stands up in the internet cafe and claps - everybody looks at Scampy... Scampy sits down*

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All of these comments are very true and are spoken by decent, non judgemental blokes who respect not only women but Thais/foreign people in general.

I can't possibly quote from all of them, I'd be hogging my own thread and I can't stand up and clap again because I looked like a <deleted> the first time I did it but I will say that prostiution is NOT nescessarily a bad thing - especially if a girl is beautiful and smart, she can make a fortune.

They could work in 7-Eleven or KFC if they wanted, but they would make a potential nights wages in a month.

Some BG's have told me they do it because they're just lazy...

What's wrong with that?

Fair play I say, I know if I was a Thai gal from a poor family who couldn't send them to university then I would be doing it too.

Drinking and playing pool with my best mates and getting paid for shagging men, some of which will be handsome and some of which will be generous.

Would you be doing that or would you rather be flipping burgers in McDonalds for 5,200 a month or whatever pathetic wage they earn?

I do feel sorry for the less attractive girls who can't nesscessarily pick and choose who they go with, those who are fat, have acne or baggy scrotum stomachs.

Finally, there's nothing wrong with having sex with a prostitute just because you're a nice guy... As Rod Kalashnikov stated quite rightly, they are good in bed and hassle free, and though our new guy Falang Pen made a good point - I did get the impression that he may be under the assumption that just because a girl is in the sex trade then sex is an unpleasant experience for them.

I've had sex with lots of my female friends, bargirls or otherwise.

Rubber up if you're a butterfly, be nice to her and if you do get a freebee from a bargirl friend then don't treat it as a discount - treat it as it is, two friends having a good time.

She'll happy to spend the night with a decent bloke who SHE likes and would sleep with if she were a car-park attendant or optician.

Keep them coming, I will show this thread to my friend next time I go to Nana to see her, show her that they have our support. :o:D

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