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Is the Chinese Communist Party the worst scourge on the planet, now?

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Ever since 1949, the CPC has proved its worth.


These days, the CPC remains the last vestige of the most repressive government, besides, maybe, the Hermit Kingdom.


Many of you might not know just how toxic the CPC actually is, unless you live behind the bamboo curtain.


Every year, and every minute, in fact, the CPC is destroying the hopes of many millions of good people.


I ps on the ChiComs, in my thoughts, and in my dreams.


How can we finally, once and for all, rid the world of this scourge?


Can we?


Many people laugh at Gordon Chang.


Yes, perhaps, some of the ideas from this guy from Cornell are a bit naïve.


Yet, Gordon is definitely not mistaken that the CPC needs to be taken down IF repression and hardship are to be banished from the Middle Kingdom.


There are just so many young people in China who are being severely damaged by the Commies....and...

You would not believe it, unless you knew.


FI on the CCP, I say.


Such a dastardly regime.


Is there nothing that can be done, by those outside of China, in order to TAKE DOWN the CCP?


From 1949 to 2024.....

Is this not long enough for us to find some way to put an end to this evil, and to....


Drive a stake through the heart of the Chinese Communist Party?


Best regards,



Note:  Recently, I think, the Party has begun to destroy the hopes of the youth, in China, and this is completely unforgivable.....




Edited by GammaGlobulin
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Note:  I am saying, basically, that....


When all is added up, what is going on in China, as a result of the CPC, just might be worse for both the world, and for the Chinese people, than almost any other government on the face of this planet.


All things considered, and considering the MAGNITUDE and the SCOPE of what the CPC, with its power is capable of, I do believe that the CPC represents the most dangerous group of people the world now faces.



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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, flyingtlger said:

Is the Chinese Communist Party the worst scourge on the planet, now?


Tied with Russia....




But, I think not.


The CPC holds the record for causing more harm to humanity than any other.....


They truly are....the....




Note:  These Red Devils have caused more harm to their own people than to any others, in fact.  They deserve some sort of Nobel, for this....



Edited by GammaGlobulin
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