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House GOP leaders plead with Republicans to stop campaigning against each other

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The House Republican leadership is urging GOP members to refrain from campaigning against each other as internal divisions threaten the party's slim majority in the chamber. Speaker Mike Johnson and House Majority Leader Steve Scalise addressed concerns about the impact of intra-party conflict on the upcoming November elections, warning that such infighting could make it easier for Democrats to seize control of the House.


Despite these warnings, some firebrand conservatives, including Rep. Matt Gaetz and key members of the House Freedom Caucus, are actively campaigning against fellow Republican incumbents who are facing primary challenges. This behavior has sparked tensions within the party and prompted House GOP leaders to emphasize the importance of unity and solidarity ahead of the elections.


The House GOP's campaign arm, the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), typically refrains from intervening in primaries but emphasizes support for incumbent members. NRCC Chair Richard Hudson reiterated this stance, emphasizing the need to focus on defeating Democrats in the general election.


On the other side, those supporting primary challenges to GOP incumbents defend their actions, arguing that they are standing up for their principles and representing their constituents' interests.


The internal discord within the House GOP comes at a critical time, as the party seeks to maintain its majority in the face of growing Democratic momentum. Despite the challenges, senior GOP lawmakers point out that Democrats also face their own internal divisions and primary battles, suggesting that both parties are grappling with internal fractures as they prepare for the upcoming elections.






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