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Hi guys, its been a while since i last posted on here as things have been a bit busy.

My gf has since returned to Thailand after spending 1 month here in the UK, and she had a fantastic time meeting my friends and family as well as sightseeing. She had a strange fascination with Londons architecture, especially St Pauls Cathedral. Not sure what thats all about.

Anyway, I will be returning to Thailand in a couple of months time where we will be getting married. 2 years have passed by very quick, but have enjoyed every single minute of it.Now that we have survived the 1st visitors visa process, we are wondering what comes next.

At our next application, we will be husband and wife. I have thought about applying for the spouse visa enabling her to stay here in the UK with me for a period of two years.

She thinks it would be better applying for another tourist visa, this time staying for maybe 3-6 months, then applying for the spouse visa at a later date. We stuck to the terms agreed when we applied for the 1st tourist visa as we dont want to jeapordise any future applications.

Our job situations changed for both of us after we applied for the 1st visa and prior to her visiting. Mine for the better, and hers as a result of her boss falling ill, being hospitalised, and nearly dying around the time we made our first application.

She had the prospect of being promoted upon her return to Thailand, but due to this unforseen event, she found herself relieved of her position. Bit of a shock for us.

Her boss decided to take a step back from work, not go ahead with his original plans, downsize

and she now works with her sister in the family minimart.

So my question is, would it be wise to apply for the spouse visa once married, or go for another

visitors visa....and would her recent change of job make a difference.

We can get her previous employer to back up the above circumstances should this be required by

the embassy.




The call is ultimately yours and your girlfriend's to make. Having complied with the terms of her visit visa, a second should be relatively straightforward to get, although that you will then be married and your girlfriend will have lost her former job will be factors which weigh against her leaving the U.K. at the end of the visit. Why wouldn't you want to go for a spouse settlement visa?



Hi Scouse, the settlement was just another option. Obviously we want to spend more time together, and being husband and wife makes this more important to do so.

It wouldnt be a sensible decision for me to even consider moving out there, based on financial reasons...job etc, so would therefore make more sense for me to take care of my wife back here, at no cost to public services.

Right now, we're just thinking about all the possible avenues, but more importantly, choosing the right one based on our situation.



On what you have said here it looks as if you would have a good chance of either, but if you were to think percentages then you probably have a better chance of getting the settlement visa if only because she wont have to give a reason to return and the fact its what married couples do - live together.

If she is not ready to stay permanantly in UK she doesn't have to, the settlement visa doesn't require that she spends a specific amount of time in UK.

'A fascination with architecture' thats amazing and refreshing from someone who spent her life looking at shophouses that are painted once in their lifetime. Hope it makes your decision easier.


As I say, the choice is yours to jointly make, but if you've been in a relationship for two years, are married, and can maintain and accommodate yourselves, there's no reason to think that your girlfriend wouldn't get a settlement visa.


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