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New evidence challenges the Pentagon’s account of US withdrawal from Afganistan

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Exclusive: New evidence challenges the Pentagon’s account of a horrific attack as the US withdrew from Afghanistan

In August 2021, as the United States was winding down its military presence in Afghanistan, a devastating suicide attack outside Kabul's Hamid Karzai International Airport shocked the world. The incident, attributed to ISIS-K, resulted in the deaths of 13 U.S. service members and approximately 170 Afghan civilians. For years, the Pentagon has maintained that the casualties were primarily caused by a single explosion, dismissing reports of extensive gunfire in the aftermath. However, newly uncovered video evidence challenges this narrative, casting doubt on the Pentagon's investigations and raising troubling questions about the events surrounding the attack.


The Gruesome Reality:
On the fateful day of August 26, 2021, amidst the chaotic evacuation efforts at Kabul airport, a suicide bomber struck outside the Abbey Gate, triggering a horrific chain of events. The explosion, followed by a barrage of gunfire, left a scene of carnage and devastation. Desperate Afghans, including men, women, and children, who had gathered in hopes of escaping the Taliban's rule, found themselves caught in the crossfire.


Despite initial claims by the Pentagon attributing all deaths and injuries to the explosive device, eyewitness accounts and newly surfaced video footage tell a different story. The footage captured by a Marine's GoPro camera reveals a sustained exchange of gunfire following the blast, contradicting the Pentagon's assertion of minimal post-explosion shooting.




The Evidence Unveiled:
Analysis of the video footage, conducted by audio forensic experts and digital forensics specialists, paints a vivid picture of the events unfolding outside Kabul airport. The footage captures at least 11 distinct episodes of gunfire over a four-minute period, indicating a far more intense firefight than previously acknowledged.


Moreover, eyewitness testimonies from both U.S. servicemen and Afghan civilians further corroborate the presence of gunfire in the aftermath of the explosion. Afghan doctors recount treating patients with gunshot wounds, adding another layer of complexity to the Pentagon's narrative.




Challenges to the Pentagon's Narrative:
The Pentagon's official investigations into the Kabul airport attack have come under scrutiny in light of the new evidence. Despite claims of thorough reviews, the supplemental investigation conducted in 2023 failed to address the discrepancy between eyewitness testimonies and the Pentagon's findings.


Critics argue that the Pentagon's dismissal of accounts detailing gunfire as symptoms of blast concussion or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) undermines the credibility of its investigations. Surviving Marines, grappling with the trauma of the attack, have voiced dissent, challenging the official narrative and calling for transparency.




Implications and Accountability:
The revelation of extensive gunfire raises critical questions about the circumstances surrounding the Kabul airport attack and the actions of U.S. and coalition forces. The failure to acknowledge and investigate the full extent of the violence perpetuates a narrative that undermines accountability and justice for the victims and their families.


Moreover, the Pentagon's reluctance to address the new evidence highlights broader issues of transparency and accountability within the military establishment. As calls for accountability grow louder, there is an urgent need for a comprehensive and impartial investigation into the Kabul airport attack.




The tragic events that unfolded outside Kabul airport on August 26, 2021, continue to haunt survivors and raise troubling questions about the conduct of U.S. military operations in Afghanistan. The emergence of new evidence challenges the Pentagon's narrative and underscores the importance of uncovering the truth behind the attack. As the world grapples with the aftermath of America's longest war, justice for the victims of the Kabul airport attack remains an elusive yet essential pursuit.


Watch the full five minutes of GoPro footage here:






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