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New Build Nearing Completion: How can I speed-up release of openSUSE Leap 15.6 (STABLE)?


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Posted (edited)

Dear openSUSE Folks,


I am now reaching completion of my new desktop build.


But, I am not happy.


I am not happy because I have just learned that openSUSE Leap 15.6 (STABLE) might not be released until June 12th, over one month away from today.





I am wondering what I can do to hasten the public release date of the final Leap15.6 locked version of this latest and greatest OS, known to Man?


aa.  I am not willing to download and install the RC because I know that there will be problems, and I have too many problems in my life, these days, to fool around with the RC release.


bb.  I also do not want to wait one month for the public release of openSUSE Leap 15.6.  AND, I intend to use a Gen 3 CPU, which will be able to benefit from the newer kernel in offered by Leap 15.6.



cc.  Most importantly, after many years, I have finally, once again, seen the light. And, I have decided that, at this late stage, and now that LEAP and KDE are so wonderful, that SUSE will be more than optimal for my needs, both everyday needs, and also for my work, such as it is.


dd.  So, THIS is why I am posting this Topic:  Might it be possible for me to contact the guys, both in Germany, and also the developers around the world, the ones who are breaking their backs to turn out this new and STELLER VERSION of openSUSE, 15.6, to get them to just speed it up, a little?


ee.  I don't really mind, too much, first installing 15.5, and then upgrading.  However, in the past, I have found that upgrading (versus doing a new and clean install), is not quite as good.  I always try to do NEW INSTALLS, whenever possible.


ff.  Here is the link to the newest update from openSUSE showing the RC download button.  But, as I say, I will not chose this option, because I need to always download the STABLE version for my work purposes.




gg.  You see what I mean?  OpenSUSE website provides no option to provide encouragement to the developers, or to push them harder, in order to get the STABLE 15.6 out, SOONER than "on-time".



Thanks, again, for any help, here, you might pass my way.


Best regards,

Gamma (Gamma with a New Computer, now.)



Important Note:  This time around, after moving away from my dependency on MS-DOS, sorry, because I meant Windows 10, I will NOT be doing any DUAL-BOOT SETUP.  It's going to be openSUSE, for the highway, for me, from now into Eternity.


Tks, once more.





1.  I have never felt any animus towards Gates or the Windows product.

2. The only single greatest sorrow in my life occurred when IBM allowed Gates to get the better of them.

3.  So many years ago, I used OS/2, and was happy as a clam.  OS/2, at the time, was just so much fun to use, and superior in every way to that crappola put out by that short-cut-taking cutthroat scoundrel Gates.

4. IF IBM had acted more quickly, and smarter, then I and the world would be far better off today, in this world of computing.  But, alas, some things in life are just to be considered tragedies without rhyme or reason, I guess....maybe....

5. These days, I just hope to pick up the pieces, and try, during the end stages of my life, to make amends, and live a better life through the use of Linux (openSUSE Linux, which I began using 24 years ago, before the twin towers fell to earth.  So many bad things have happened in our lives, and the conniving undermining of OS/2 almost rivals the collapse of iconic buildings in NYC, IMHO.)

6.  Lastly, I would like to say that I love and respect great technology; and I hate cheaters and shoddy software, like Windows, as well as underhanded scheming by NITWIT entrepreneurs who do not feel proper allegiance to the software community, and to end users of operating systems.


I mean, I do not intend to write, here, a book about my thinking concerning the dastardly deeds which led to the demise of OS/2.  I am only saying that, EVEN AFTER ALL THESE YEARS, I feel this great sense of sorrow upwelling from within me, anytime I think of OS/2, IBM, and what might have been, myself being a lover of keypunch cards, and the 




This guy, in the video here, has really NO CLUE how to use this AMAZING MACHINE....

How many hours did I spend, at university, MAKING LOVE to the IBM Keypunch Machines!




I still LOVE the color coordinating of the IBM keypunch machines we used in the 1960s/early-1970s.



I almost get wet, just looking at this machine.

The keypunch machines at my university were open 24/7, an you could walk in anytime, and just start punching away, until you had a very tall stack of cards.


TALK ABOUT.....ZEN....My Friends!!!!!

So much BETTER than almost any Temple in Thailand....

Believe Me!!!!!




Edited by GammaGlobulin
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Posted (edited)
53 minutes ago, bubblegum said:

Could have used just Mac ! Or the real deal Unix instead of the the "DOS" variant Linux. Mr. Stable Genius who uses too many words.


Stability, IMHO, is often overrated.


For example, according to The Theory of Evolution, if there was too much stability in the replication of our DNA, then we might still be worms, like several others on this Forum, worms that I would prefer not to mention here.


It's the instability of the DNA replication mechanism that provides for creativity and GENIUS in some humans.


Have you ever watched DNA replicate?

I have.


It looks like THIS:


And, by the way, when I was very young, I learned that the DNA transcription process requires a very HIGH rate of rotation, something almost unheard of in our daily lives.  Probably, only GOD could think of something rotating at these speeds, is my guess.





And, I guess that YOU can guess why I quoted this from PENN, right?


That's right....!

I was walking around the Moore School Building, at PENN, before you were ever born!



Not to be drawn off-topic here...

Let me show you a truly amazing vid of DNA transcription.

You're gonna just love it....




Some people say there is some sort of great disconnect between computers and biology.

Yes, in some ways.

But, Nature is Nature.


And, after all....

DNA is digital.


I love openSUSE, and always have, and always will.


Here is a video of the openSUSE Gecko, which is sometimes seen lurking around in Thailand, and scaring Farang, to death....(obviously produced by some geeko)....



openSUSE is the best.

Everybody knows this....


But, no one is FORCING YOU to use it....


NOTE:  Does anyone here recall how GREAT Novell once was?


What ever happened to Novell, anyway?





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2 hours ago, Middle Aged Grouch said:

I still run vintage machines on Cobol and Pascal...


My only option now is to install openSUSE 15.5, now...

And then, wait for 15.6, and do a new install in June.


Of course, you know what is often said about a June bride, right?....




And, concerning the saying, MARRIED FOR LIFE?


Once on SUSE....it's almost this bad....!




Don't try the German Suse,

For this reason.


It's only the Germans that make the best sausages and software.

You can't never go back.


For example, have you ever tried SAP?




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Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

I intend to use a Gen 3 CPU, which will be able to benefit from the newer kernel in offered by Leap 15.6.


But you can simply use OpenSUSE Tumbleweed NOW and get an even newer kernel, 6.8.1, duh.


Besides, you've dithered for months buying parts. Spent what--a month?--on the case. Never been in any rush. So think of another part to dither over. Better fan? Add-in card?


22 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

I am not willing to download and install the RC because I know that there will be problems, and I have too many problems in my life, these days, to fool around with the RC release.


Oh, but


19 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Stability, IMHO, is often overrated.


Walk the walk, man. Enough w/ the BS.


22 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

am wondering what I can do to hasten the public release date of the final Leap15.6


Nothing. It's not in development now but in public beta testing. Public. Thereafter there'll be bug fixing.


And you know that. You merely want an excuse for the usual blathering.


22 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

I don't really mind, too much, first installing 15.5, and then upgrading.  However, in the past, I have found that upgrading (versus doing a new and clean install), is not quite as good.  I always try to do NEW INSTALLS, whenever possible.


So after using 15.5 you can install 15.6 from the .iso. No need to upgrade.


Let's see REAL pics of your supposed new computer, not just product images. It's actually just a fantasy, no?


I'll leave it that. Normally I have you blocked, but this was good for a laugh.



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1 hour ago, BigStar said:

I'll leave it that. Normally I have you blocked, but this was good for a laugh.


Thank you.


Concerning Tumbleweed, yes, I had considered it, but have never used Tumbleweed.


Since this is not for casual use, and needed for daily work, I had thought, perhaps mistakenly, that I would be better served using the STABLE version instead of the rolling update version, or whatever they call it.


I might share a photo, or two. But, nothing to look at.  Just boxes of components.



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21 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Since this is not for casual use, and needed for daily work, I had thought, perhaps mistakenly, that I would be better served using the STABLE version instead of the rolling update version, or whatever they call it.


But, you see,


21 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Stability, IMHO, is often overrated.


Tumbleweed is in fact quite stable and commonly used as a daily driver. Since, with OpenSUSE, you'd format / as btrfs, you can easily roll back using snapper; or, of course, Timeshift.


Moreover, you can also start now using the new OpenSUSE Slowroll version, ahead of Leap and slightly behind the rolling release Tumbleweed for more assured stability.


Finally, you can just switch to Fedora KDE. Version 40, out RIGHT NOW, includes a later version of the kernel, 6.8, than will Leap 15.6. Fedora's updated twice as often as Leap, so is even more cutting edge, needed to get the most out of your imagined supercomputer. VERY stable & useable. So you use dnf instead of zypper, no big deal, and dnf has a lot of appreciative fans. KDE is KDE. Plasma.


No doubt, for the little you really need, you could use most any Linux distro. MX Linux, one of THE most stable out there, based on Debian LTS, has a KDE spin. Lot of nice extra tools, too. Theme it like OpenSUSE and you'd hardly know the difference, except apt substitutes for zypper.


32 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

I might share a photo, or two. But, nothing to look at.  Just boxes of components.


Oh, for now you can just share a pic of your boxes, trivial, no reason not to. Common practice on computer forums by posters anticipating their builds. Let's see those.


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23 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

NOTE:  Does anyone here recall how GREAT Novell once was?


What ever happened to Novell, anyway?


1. Yes. 


2. AD, Microsoft Active Directory. It was FREE! LMAO


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Posted (edited)
On 5/9/2024 at 6:42 PM, BigStar said:

Oh, for now you can just share a pic of your boxes, trivial, no reason not to. Common practice on computer forums by posters anticipating their builds. Let's see those.


Hey Man....


What do you think?

Do you think I am some sort to TRAINED MONKEY that provides Photos on Demand, at the whim of some TV poster?


Just Joking, Son....


Because, although I may not be smart, I am intelligent enough to recognize that you have provided accurate information about openSUSE....


Therefore, I will just humor you, this one time, and never again, by uploading the photos you requested.


By the way...

As I say, your thoughts of using Tumbleweed vs openSUSE (Stable) are correct.


You are no Linux NITWIT, IMHO, by any means!


And this is the ONLY reason I now bend to your demands to upload two trivial images....


And, YES, you are right that I have  NOT built some sort of SUPER COMPUTER.

I told you from the very beginning that I am building a budget machine, using the i5-13600K, for socket 1700, a socket which, I think, still has several years of use.


I do not know who you are.

But, I know that you know something about SUSE, obviously.

You can take this as flattery from a pig, I guess.

Since, most people here believe I am dimmer than most.





Hopefully, in the attached images, you will not see any serial numbers or bar codes, etc.


IF I had access to unlimited financial means, then I might have chosen the required components to build a semi-SUPER Computer.  But....alas...

I must be satisfied with what I have.....


And, I am sure you know this fact of life, by the way:



LINUX is now my best option.

Windows is beginning to FREAK ME OUT....

So the Bible tells us....



Note:  Most of the components you see here were sent to me from Chicago.....



NOTE2:  My SHOUT OUT to JIB, these days!  JIB is improving.  Such nice people.  And, I really appreciate the NEW JIB, just in case anyone might be listening....!



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Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Therefore, I will just humor you, this one time, and never again, by uploading the photos you requested.


That's a start. The first photo will perhaps need a decryption key. No doubt you'll eventually learn how correctly to upload photos here, amidst blathering and gratuitous youtube links. But lack of such skill also reinforces pre-existing doubt your PC building skills, though it's only LEGO. Better frequent https://reddit.com/r/buildapc/ for useful advice and suggestions.


Now, most builders don't leave their precious component boxes out on a walkway exposed to the elements. Rather, they proudly collect them inside over in the corner of a room. So then they won't inadvertently lose a component or forget to install it, the latter with mysterious, possibly unpleasant consequences. For example, this lady, as shown in the bottom left corner:





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42 minutes ago, BigStar said:


That's a start. The first photo will perhaps need a decryption key. No doubt you'll eventually learn how correctly to upload photos here, amidst blathering and gratuitous youtube links. But lack of such skill also reinforces pre-existing doubt your PC building skills, though it's only LEGO. Better frequent https://reddit.com/r/buildapc/ for useful advice and suggestions.


Now, most builders don't leave their precious component boxes out on a walkway exposed to the elements. Rather, they proudly collect them inside over in the corner of a room. So then they won't inadvertently lose a component or forget to install it, the latter with mysterious, possibly unpleasant consequences. For example, this lady, as shown in the bottom left corner:






I can do better.....



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/9/2024 at 6:42 PM, BigStar said:

Oh, for now you can just share a pic of your boxes, trivial, no reason not to. Common practice on computer forums by posters anticipating their builds. Let's see those.


Hey, Man!


I have an actual question for you.

But, I also realize you might not wish to answer me, since, as you know....

You consider me such a NIT....



But, you can deign to answer my question if you will, or not.


a.  Would you consider it better to do a complete reinstall of openSUSE 15.6 (on June 12th)?


b.  Or, would you consider it just as good to upgrade openSUSE 15.5 to 15.6.


c. I am willing to do either one, of course.  But, if there is really no advantage to doing so...then I might not re-install the OS, and just go with the upgrade.


d. Also, at this early stage in my use of/switch over to openSUSE, I really don't think there might be much more effort in doing a new install of openSUSE 15.6.  


There is no doubt, in my pea brain, that you have been using opnenSUSE a lot more than I have during the past 8 years.  And, I am a bit concerned that upgrading instead of re-installing from scratch, might lead to problems in the future.


My intention is to:  Install openSUSE 15.6, and then just use it for the next three or four years......


Still, since I realize that a very few of my comments on the Forum might seem a bit...Far Out....then you might not take me seriously, this time.


It's like the old Fable of....



Francis Barlow's illustration of the fable, 1687


Of course I will appreciate your thinking....IF.....

You choose to answer this question.


And, I guess, there might be different opinions on this, as well.


In closing:


I would caution you about ever crying wolf.

And, I should know better, myself, although....

I know that I will never be able to help myself, or discourage myself, from my inborn facetiousness.


Take care....if you will.....!





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Waste of time to reinstall, rather than simply upgrade, to the latest version of any major Linux distribution. And painful--few noobs can reinstall Linux w/o losing their data and configurations anyway.

"Reinstalling" is either a useless hangover from Windows 98 or a resort for the incompetent, unable to tune/repair a current installation.

Best not to upgrade immediately after a new release, another noob practice. Even the guru behind Nobara waits a month after the latest Fedora before he upgrades.

As with all upgrades, make a backup before the upgrade.

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Posted (edited)

Today is May 30th.


Twelve more days to the release of openSUSE LEAP 15.6.


I cannot wait so long.....


As soon as LEAP 15.6 is released, I will immediately download and install it on all my computers.


And then, I will be able to live a more NORMAL life.....


I can't do NOTHING until I get LEAP 15.6.


After I get this release, I will be good to go for about three more years, assuming I live that long.


I have NOTHING but GOOD to say about SUSE.






The days grow long, while waiting, for me......


What can I do to make this waiting game seem shorter in my own mind?


Play squash, or something?



I love squash.


But, I love SUSE even more!



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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hi Folks!


LEAP 15.6 is now available AROUND THE WORLD, this June 12th, of 2024.


By the way....


I installed the RC (release candidate) for LEAP 15.6 ten days ago...and....

No Problemo.


Runs smooth like BUTTER.....in The Last Tango in Paris.....

Marlon knows!





Take my word for it.


Install Leap 15.6...NOW...and....


Get yourselves FREE of Windows OS....



This is what I have done.


LEAP is BETTER than Windows OS.....(Not Joking).....




Still a few hours to go....because....




Not yet June 12th, I guess.....


But.....VERY SOON....


Just a few more minutes to go......and counting....




This is going to be better than any New Year's Celebration I have ever experienced.....


I will keep you posted, Folks!





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Such a FAMOUS city, one must agree.


But, Germany has changed since the 1930s...

Germany was always an amazing country.....

Smart and Intelligent people....

Just ask Noam Chomsky, because he has, actually, much to say about this topic.

Germany was the center of culture before the events leading up to WW2.

And, as for me, I love composers such as JS Bach....who is the best there ever was.


Same goes for openSUSE.....

This distro is still the best there ever was.

I just pray for continued support for SUSE.....


But, this is very strange:


I had thought that the website for Leap 15.6 stable would be available on the stroke of 12, midnight....

But, so far, the website still shows the 15.6 RC....


This is really so unlike the Germans, who are always punctual.....



How much longer?


Not much longer, for sure....


You can get it here, when it finally drops.....



Anyone wishing to get off the Windows bandwagon, and get free.....

This is really the best way.


I should know.....



Well, you should know.







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Posted (edited)



What they meant, it seems....is NOT June 12th, Nuremberg time.


The release party will be ZULU time!!!




So then....


If ZULU, then...

Just under two more hours.....


I can't wait!







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Sorry Guys....


I got my timing mixed up.


Actually, the Leap 15.6 is scheduled for 




And now, as I have just checked, the UTC-12 time zone is still only this:



And, it's June 11th, not the 12th, in the UTC-12 time zone.


Here in Thailand, we are quite a bit ahead of the rest of the world, as we all know.








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This will be my LAST Public Service Announcement on this thread, concerning openSUSE 15.6.


a.  I have just upgraded 4 comps to this latest stable version of openSUSE...(and I have no need for Tumbleweed, so please do not even mention it here, since this is a different discussion, after all).


b. My hope is that some of you old guys will get off Windows, and try openSUSE 15.6, as a very reliable alternative.  openSUSE is one of the easiest distros for newbies to use to switch from Windows to Linux Desktop.


c.  Any monkey, like me, can easily install and use openSUSE 15.6, in place of Windows, and Have a Lot of Fun, in doing so.


d.  So, I suggest that you not be shy:  Download openSUSE, today:  







e.  If this thread has helped any OLD GUYS who have never used Linux Desktop, then my good work will be done.


f.  My good friend, Bob, has called me an idiot.  Coming from Bob, I take this as a compliment.  And, if I, an idiot, can install and LOVE Linux, through using openSUSE 15.6, then, for sure, anyone as old as I on TV can easily do the same.  Believe me!



g.  The more installations of openSUSE the better...for the openSUSE community.

And, I am just trying to do my part, in this small way.


h.  As I have repeatedly stated previously, I have been using SUSE since around the year 2000.  And, I still love it.  I use KDE Plasma desktop with SUSE.  I suggest that KDE might be the best for you, if you are moving from Windows to Linux Desktop.  Even Linux loves it, or loved it, or still loves it.


i.  I am NOT a nutcase.  I am NOT a Troll.  I would never wish to see anyone here spin their wheels in an attempt to move from Windows to Linux Desktop.  And so, I have stated only my very honest perspective on SUSE OS.


j.  Finally, I will just reiterate:   It give me great pleasure to be free of Windows, during the past couple of months, after having left openSUSE a few years ago, after having installed Windows for my work.  I am not so sure why I left SUSE and why I installed Windows, a while ago.  I think it had much to do with my wish to use ADOBE products.


But recently, I have found that I am able to do without ADOBE, in almost all cases.

Maybe I will install Windows 10, once more, on a VM running on one of my Linux Desktops...but....I think there is now no need.  Why clutter up my SUSE OS with a Windows OS, if it's really not that necessary?


k.  Looking toward the future:


The die is now cast, and LEAP 16 will definitely be available, sometime in 2026, or maybe earlier.


Until that time, I will use LEAP 15.6, and no need to update the kernel for my computers, and my hardware, of course.


l.  Therefore, since this is the last of my thoughts about openSUSE 15.6, and my move to Linux Desktop, after completely deleting Windows OS from my computers, I would just like to say that I feel.....


Free as a bird.

Free as the White Bird, even!


Hope some of you old guys will take my advice, if you feel up to it, and wish to Have a Lot of Fun!


In closing......and speaking of being free, AND NOT like the White Bird, sitting in her cage, growing old......I will leave you with this simple song.



Or, she will die!

DOWN with Microsoft!

DOWN with non-oss SOFTWARE!

White Bird MUST Fly! :






Get out of your cages!

STOP the Windows Monopoly!


Even GATES would say the same thing, these days, after he has become a bit more logical and sensible, and less a Windows Fanatic!!!!!!!!!






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Posted (edited)





By 2025, we will all be on openSUSE Leap 16.0.


I am really looking forward to this.


But, in the meantime, I will do no more updating/upgrading to my computers.



White Bird....MUST FLY!



Note2:  The girl dressed in blue has such beautiful legs.  I am smitten with her.....!


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Posted (edited)

I would also like to mention something that I find most pleasing:


Concerning the Time of Release of openSUSE 15.6, for the World:


SUSE decided to release 15.6 according to the TIME ZONE of TONGA!


This is just one more reason I love SUSE!



That's right, Folks!


OPENSUSE decided to release Leap 15.6 according to UTC-12 time, which is.....of course....




Just so much to love about the guys at openSUSE!


Wish you.....too.....


"Have a Lot of Fun" !!!!






You just gotta love SUSE guys for so many reasons.


Smarter than heck.

Also, very fun loving.


Don't delay!

Get rid of Windows, and go with SUSE!


My best advice to you Old Guys.....

You will love me for all this advice.





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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I am now fully UP-TO-DATE with Leap 15.6 Stable Version.


Working GREAT.


Love it, in fact.


Windows is Down, Down...DOWN!


Next year, at the end of the year, I might install Leap 16 (one month after it becomes available).



For me, Windows is now a thing of the past.


No use for it.


I encourage any geriatric readers to follow my lead.

Don't be afraid.


The learning curve for newcomers to LEAP is NOT Steep.

Just try KDE, and you will never go back to Windows.


(No need to type in commands if you do not want to.  OpenSUSE using KDE does NOT require this, unless you want to.)




Thank the gods I will never need to install Windows 11, or Windows 12, on my computers!




This is GD Garbage!



Windows has held back Humans by many years.

Windows has cost the Human Race Billions of Lost Man Hours in wasted time and effort.


THIS is the True Legacy of Bill Gates!





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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/10/2024 at 6:48 PM, GammaGlobulin said:

Therefore, I will just humor you, this one time, and never again, by uploading the photos you requested.







So, that's prebuilt. You were lying all along about collecting parts and building it yourself.


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3 hours ago, BigStar said:


So, that's prebuilt. You were lying all along about collecting parts and building it yourself.



What you are looking at is the CASE.

As I already posted, several times, I purchased this case.

And, it's really nice.

Very happy with it.


Maybe you should buy one, too, if you can afford it.










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19 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

What you are looking at is the CASE.


A CASE alone doesn't come with a motherboard I/O backplate already installed, as each motherboard model's is different.


My own case, for which I paid more in yesterday's baht, is now worth B15000 on Ebay. It's wonderful and I love it.


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4 hours ago, BigStar said:


A CASE alone doesn't come with a motherboard I/O backplate already installed, as each motherboard model's is different.


My own case, for which I paid more in yesterday's baht, is now worth B15000 on Ebay. It's wonderful and I love it.





I love to hear success stories.


AND....I am really, honestly, happy that you have found, and obtained, what is obviously a bitter case than I have....with what I allotted for my budget PC.


I like people who like computers, as being computers, and not just being tools to play music, or toys....etc.


Anyone serious about computers, or computing.....I like.


Good luck to you.



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