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Result With Sunbelt

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I just wanted to say, "Thank You" to Sunbelt. My wife and I have been planning on moving to Thailand when we a financially ready for this endeavor.

But there are a lot of concerns that must be resolved before we take that huge step.

I am currently in the US and my wife is spending time with family in Thailand. I instructed my wife to go visit with Sunbelt. I do not know who she spoke with but she was kind to my wife, gave her the information requested, and gave my wife alot of encouragement....

So thank you Sunbelt

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I just wanted to say, "Thank You" to Sunbelt. My wife and I have been planning on moving to Thailand when we a financially ready for this endeavor.

You're welcome. Thank you very much for your kind comments. Feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] If you need any help or you have a problem that needs solved. Please in fact e-mail me your wife’s name so I can pass on warm comments to the associate.

How much does a 7-line advertisement cost in the Thai visa forum?

What if I insert daily, any discounts?

LOl. Not sure if you are implying something Snapshot :o I can assure you though Dakhar it was a unsolicited post. I for one am happy to see. It does make the day brighter!


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How much does a 7-line advertisement cost in the Thai visa forum?

What if I insert daily, any discounts?

send an email to George. [email protected]

That was a joke Patpong,

I must say though, I've had one issue with Sunbelt and they reacted immediately and offered perfect service afterwards. No bad words from me about Sunbelt, I'm currently involved with another project from another broker and find it difficult to get in touch with the foreign owners. This organization is not active at this board btw.The Thai staff tell me to reply today and I won't hear anything for the next week, even after calling them time after time. Make sure you choose your business broker well.

That'll do for the 5% discount Gregg? :o



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That'll do for the 5% discount Gregg? 

5% discount? Thought it was just 2.5% :D

Every business has problems; it’s how you handle them. Talking about problems, had a customer calling this afternoon my wives mobile and complaining that we don't offer Subway delivery for the buy one get one free Foot long promo with purchase of chips. My wife had made the decision. Not to do delivery of the promo. I didn't necessary agree with her decision but she’s the MD. She hands me the phone though!

This guy started calling my wife names for her view. Told him if he didn't stop, the call would end. He continued and I hung up. He must have called 5-6 times afterwards still screaming about no delivery of the promo. No kidding he wouldn't stop screaming. Finally he agrees to stop calling names and talk civil. He apologizes for the name calling and screaming and I agree with his feelings, she should allow delivery of the promo. We end up talking about doing business in Thailand. Next thing I know, after 20 minutes of talking, he wants to make an appointment with Sunbelt, to get work permits getting his employees work permits using Sunbelt lawyers. This meeting Friday should be fun. :o

But I read it somewhere and its true. Handle the problems and clients will give you an reference. Thanks Dutchy. Glad were now giving "perfect service" !


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Not sure if you are implying something Snapshot  I can assure you though Dakhar it was a unsolicited post.
Dutchy2 - That was a joke (Patpong)

Dutchy 2

Thanks for POINTING OUT the joke for those with (less?) sophisticated sense of humor (humour)


... Wwwwhhhaaaatttt!!!! No delivery for promo "buy one get one free Foot long with purchase of chips"

I am living just past the airport, what do I do now? What do i eat for dinner tonite?


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Hey guys,

I did post a thank you and did so without any regrets. I am also in a business that deals with the public, and the public generally is an ungrateful client. Or maybe it is because I am in the health care industry and most folks feel that health care should be free....

and when someone is kind to a person you love/care about such as your child, wife husband or whomever, you are apreciative.

So I wanted to say thanks to those that helped my wife...

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